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Orang Asli


Submitted By ahyeap525
Words 946
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Orang Asli Children’s Rights to Education

“With education, you can open many doors”, Hasmah Abd Manaf, the Assistant Secretary of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (‘SUHAKAM”), began her presentation. She pleaded with the Orang Asli “to treat education as important as [their] lands”. She pointed out that although the government recognised its immense value in nation building, the system of education in the country was “too rigid”. Students had to be at school by 7:00am and if they turned up late, they would be fined or punished. This system did not help the Orang Asli students at all.

Dr Hasmah noted from Department of Orang Asli Affairs (“JHEOA”) 2009 statistics that there had been high drop-out rates amongst Orang Asli students, particularly those in Standard 6 and Form 1. The possible causes, according to her, were the imbalance in the delivery of infrastructure, for example, in the facilities and allocation of teachers, especially to Under enrolled schools, Orang Asli schools and remote schools; the digital gap due to lack of accessibility to ICT infrastructure due to locality; low achievement in students’ performance; lack of capable teachers to attend the teaching and learning style of OA children, (infrastructure and facilities gap); socio-economic gap; bullying and harassment; lack of educational understanding of Orang Asli parents; unsuitable teachers who were not trained to teach in harsh environment; teachers’ attitudinal problems particularly Muslims teachers who were unwilling to sacrifice certain religious traditions and values; and communication and language problems.

She proposed that the main measures to bridge the gap would be to develop infrastructure; to improve student participation involving socio-emotion, character building and

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