Premium Essay

Organisation Culture


Submitted By adarshathni
Words 1019
Pages 5
Organizational culture
Many researchers and practitioners have been interested in organization culture. Although much confusion and discussion about the concept still exists, organization culture has not disappeared from literature and practice. De Witte, Van Muijen. (1999). To shed light on the basic idea of culture and culture being widely used in the context of organizations, Culture is relatively stable set of beliefs and values that are generally held by a society (Lim, 2008). Considering this view of culture, Organization culture can be defined as “a pattern of basic assumptions – that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel.” (Schein, 1985). The basic assumptions guide decision makers in dealing with problems of the external environment and integrating the behaviours of organizational members.
Considering the relationship of culture with performance

Considering what makes culture strong, According to Chatman and Eunyoung (2003) “strong cultures are based on two characteristics which are high levels of agreement about what is been valued and high intensity about these values”. If both are high a strong culture exists and if both are low the culture is not that strong at all. Though strong organizational cultures have been considered as critical to bottom-line performance of larger organizations (Collins, Porras,2002)., newer evidence suggests that developing a strong and strategically relevant culture may be better accomplished when the organization is young. According to a study of 173 young high technology companies, founders of initial model of employment relation dramatically influenced their firm’s later success. Firms that tried altering their cultures were found to be less successful.k h h l j

De Witte, Van Muijen. (1999). European

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