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Our Stolen Future


Submitted By ctsiatsi
Words 8090
Pages 33
Name: C.T.B.
Assignment: “Our Stolen Future”
Date: 12/03/2012

The Book
“Our Stolen Future” is considered to be a sequel of “Silent Spring“, a Rachel’s Carson classic work, a clarion call to protect the American public from manmade synthetic pesticides that cause genetic mutations and cancer. Carson not only described how persistent chemicals were contaminating the natural world, she documented how those chemicals where accumulated into our bodies. Since then, studies of human breast milk and body fat have confirmed the extent of our exposure. Human beings in such remote locations as Canada’s far northern Baffin Island now carry traces of persistent chemicals in their bodies, including notorious compounds as PCBs, DDT and dioxin. Even worse, in the womb and through breast milk, mothers pass this chemical legacy on to the next generation.
“Our Stolen Future”, the scientific discovery of Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers, takes up where Carson left off and reviews a large and growing body of scientific evidence, linking synthetic chemicals to aberrant sexual development and behavioral and reproductive problems, such as low sperm counts, infertility, genital deformities, hormonally triggered human cancers, like those of breast and prostate gland, neurological disorders in children such as hyperactivity and deficits in attention.
The quality of men's sperm declined steadily in the early years of the 21st century until hardly anyone could reproduce in the normal way. Meanwhile, the countryside was virtually emptied of animals as natural populations crashed. The first signs of the impending catastrophe were noted in the 1990's, but few people then believed that a cocktail of pollutants that mimic human hormones could have such profound effects. So nothing was done until it was too late.
Over the last few years, an increasing number of

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