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Paper on God's Word


Submitted By minkie17
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평화를 위한 비용부담
본문 :삼상25:2-38

아비가일은 [내 아버지가 기뻐하신다]는 뜻이다.
마온사람으로 양 3천과 염소 1천마리를 소유한 나발의 아내였다.
나발은 불량하고 미련한 사람인 반면에 아비가일은 지혜롭고 현명한 여자였으며 미모의 여자였다.
다윗이 사울에게 쫓겨 광야에 있을 때 소년들을 보내며 나발의 도움을 구하자 다윗을 비난하고 멸시하는 태도로 단숨에 거절하였다.
이 보고를 들은 다윗은 자기를 추종하는 사람중에 4백명을 뽑아 나발과 그 재산과 가족을 도륙하려 하였다.
이 사실을 알게 된 아비가일은 급히 서둘러 떡 2백덩이와 포도주 두 가죽부대와 볶은 곡식 다섯 세아와 건포도 1백송이와 무화과 2백뭉치와 양 다섯마리를 잡아 다윗에게 나아갔다.
이때에 아비가일이 취한 처세에서 그의 뛰어난 구변과 지혜를 배우게 된다.그는우선 다윗을 만나자 엎드려 경배했고 얼굴을 땅에 댄채 죄를 빌었다.그뿐 아니라 불량하고 미련하고 행사가 악하고 완고한 남편을 용서해줄 것을 간구하였다. 이때에 다윗에게 "내주여"라는 표현을 27회나 사용하였고 다윗에게 피흘려 보수함이 있어서는 안된다는 말과 왕위에 오를 때에 마음에 걸림이 있어서도 안된다는 감화력있는 표현으로 호소하였다.
이 말을 들은 다윗은 크게 감동되어 즉시 그의요청을허락하게된다.아비가일의지기로 가정은 구했으나 나발은 이 충격으로 세상을 떠났다.별것도 아닌 것이 뭐요새 제주인을 버리고 방황하는 방랑자가 있다던데 하면서 무슨 네가 우리를 지켜 야 너 줄것있으면 내 양이나 더 먹이겠다 하면서 나불 거립니다.
나발거릴 때 별것도 아닌것이 한번 하나님이 치시니까 죽은 것 보세요.
여러분 아비가일은 지혜로운 여자였다.지혜는 하나님이 주시는 은사이다.-지혜란 하나님의 관점에서 삶을 바라보는 눈 .지혜를 구하자(약1:5).
지혜로운 자는 나의 행복은 누군가 담이 되어주었다는 것을 아는 자이다.
1. 아버지가 기뻐하시는 자는 평화가 절대로 공짜가 아니라는 사실을 아는 자이다.
2. 평화에는 비용이 든다는 사실입니다.
오늘 말씀을 묵상하면서 제일 먼저 생각할 것은 평화가 절대로 공짜가 아니라는 사실입니다. (창 14:4) 이들이 십이 년 동안 그돌라오멜을 섬기다가 제 십삼 년에 배반한지라
(창 14:5) 제 십사 년에 그돌라오멜과 그와 동맹한 왕들이 나와서 아스드롯 가르나임에서 르바 족속을, 함에서 수스 족속을, 사웨 기랴다임에서 엠 족속을 치고
소.고.가 평화를 누릴수 있었던 것은 바로 조공을 바치는 평화를 위한 대가 지불이 있었기 때문입니다. 조공을 바치는 동안 12년동안 그들은 평화를 맛볼수 있었습니다.
그런데 이들은 평화에 익숙해 지기 시작했습니다. 평화가 공짜라고 생각하기 시작했습니다. ‘우리는 매년 그돌라오멜에게 조공을 바치지만 그돌라오멜이 우리에게 주는 것이 무엇인가? 우리는 엘람으로 받은 것이 아무것도 없어 양탄자, 램프도 없어 우리는 손해를 보고있어. 이 평화는 그냥 주어지는 것이야’
그래서 그들은 더 이상 조공을 바치지 않기로 결정했습니다.
여러분 소.고 사람들이 생각하지 못한 것이 무엇입니까?
평화는 절대로 공짜가 아니라는 것입니다. 그들은 막대한 비용을 주고 평화를 누리고 있었는데 이 비용이 아까 와서 이 비용을 절약하기로 했을 때 1년후 바로 전쟁이 터지기 시작했습니다.
여러분! 꼭 내가 장사해서 돈버는 것만이 버는 것이 아닙니다. 무사한 것 자체가 돈버는 것이죠. 애들이 꼭 뭐 껌팔고 사탕파는 것이 벌어오는 것만이 아닙니다. 얘가 잘 있어주는 것, 잘 커주는 것만 해도 돈버는 것입니다. 그래서 부모는 이럽니다. ‘너가 돈벌어다 주는거야 잘 크니까’ 여러분 평화는 그냥 주어지지 않습니다. 아주 비싼 대가를 지불하고 주어지는 것입니다.
‘집안에서 내가 잘컸다’ 하는 것은 누군가 엄청난 희생을 치른 것입니다. 누군가 살신성인 한 것이죠. 얘가 잘 컸다 그만큼 엄마가 죽은 것입니다. 누군가 집에 희생이 없으면 희생할 사람이 없으면 집은 풍지박산 나는 것입니다.
여러분! 평화롭다면 집에 기쁨이 있다면 누군가 희생이 있었던 것입니다.
그런 희생을 지불하기를 싫어할 때 아무도 평화를 위한 비용을 지불하기를 싫어할 때 전쟁억제 비용을 내기를 싫어할 때 풍지 박산 나는 것입니다.
소위 사람들은 평화가 그냥 얻어지는 줄 알았습니다. 여긴 평지이니까 아무 혜택없이 엘람왕에게 조공을 바치는 것을 아까와 했습니다. 그 결과는 빵, 1년만에 빵 터졌습니다. 우리가 생각해야 될 것은 평화는 절대로 그냥 얻어지는 것이 아니라는 것입니다. 전쟁없이 이렇게 평화로울수 있는 것에 대해서 굉장히 감사해야 합니다. 전쟁이 터지면 모든 것이 끝입니다.
성경은 전쟁을 일으키시는 분이 바로 하나님이시라고 말씀합니다.
(신 4:34) 어떤 신이 와서 시험과 이적과 기사와 전쟁과 강한 손과 편 팔과 크게 두려운 일로 한 민족을 다른 민족에게서 인도하여 낸 일이 있느냐 이는 다 너희 하나님 여호와께서 애굽에서 너희를 위하여 너희의 목전에서 행하신 일이라
기근, 홍수, 전염병, 하나님이십니다. 우리는 도대체 이해가 되지 않습니다. 그 자비로우시고 인자하신 하나님께서 어떻게 그 끔직한 전쟁을 터지게 하셨을까 그러나 분명히 하나님은 전쟁을 일으시키시는 장본인이십니다. 그러나 하나님께서 전쟁을 일으킨다고 해서 싸우기 싫어하는 사람 서로 약 올려서 억지로 싸움을 붙게 하는 그런 하나님은 아니시죠. 오히려 사람들은 항상 싸울려고 하고 있습니다. 기회만 있으면 피의 복수를 할려고 합니다.
하나님께서는 항상 이런 인간의 분노를 억제하고 계십니다. 개인끼리 서로 피 흘리면 싸우려고 할 때 하나님은 엄하게 하십니다. 뜯어말리게 하시든지, 갑자기 힘이 빠지게 하든지 어떻게 해서든지 싸우지 못하게 하십니다. 이 세상에 병균은 막 늘어날려고 합니다. 그러나 하나님께서는 병균이 억제하도록 하십니다.
홍수도.개인 개인사이, 민족과 민족사이에서 분노가 어느 선을 넘지 못하도록 하나님께서는 항상 억제하고 붙들고 있습니다. 바다가 땅을 넘지 못하도록 붙들고 있습니다. 병원균을 잡고 있습니다. 눈에 보이지 않는 병원균의 증식을 잡고 있습니다. 그러나 인간의 죄가 하나님께서 도저히 참을수 없는 수준이 되면 하나님께서 그 붙들고 있는 손을 놔 버리십니다. 그러면 전쟁이 터지는 것이죠 갑자기 전쟁을 억제할수 없는 힘이 없어져 버립니다. 이것을 성경은 그 상실한 마음대로 내어버려두신 라고 말씀하고 있습니다.
(롬 1:24) 그러므로 하나님께서 저희를 마음의 정욕대로 더러움에 내어 버려 두사 저희 몸을 서로 욕되게 하셨으니
여러분! 하나님의 백성들에게 있어서 평화의 비용이라고 하는 것은 무엇을 말할까요? 그것은 하나님께 자기 자신을 드리는 것입니다. 믿는 사람에게 있어서 가장 큰 교만은 하나님께 드리는 시간이 아까와 하는 것입니다. 예배를 시간낭비라고 생각할 때 그는 위험한 자리에 들어가고 있는 것이죠. 믿지 않는 부모들은 자녀들이 교회에서 시간보내는 것을 못마땅 하게 생각합니다. 계속 오후까지 특히 내일 월요일이 시험인데 늦게까지 교회있을 때 부모들은 견디지 못하며 분노를 가지면서 막 싫어합니다. 그건 당연하죠. 믿지 않으니까 그러나 하나님의 백성들이 하나님께 예배드리는 시간을 아까와 할 때에 기도하는 시간을, 헌금을 아까와 할 때에 십일조내는 것을 낭비라고 생각할 때 이미 그들은 평화를 위한 노력을 하지 않고 있는 것입니다,
하나님의 백성은 이 세상을 자기 힘으로 살게되어 있지 않습니다. 너무 변수가 많아요. 내가 통제할수 없는 변수가 너무 많습니다. 하나님께서 모든 부분을 간섭하시고 지켜주지 않으면 우리는 금방 실패합니다. 어디 누구에게 어떻게 터질지, 어떻게 압니까? 어디서 사고가 터질지. 문제가 생길지 어떻게 알겠어요?
하나님께서 우리를 지켜 주시지 않는다면 여러분 하나님께 바치는 시간을 아까와 해서는 안됩니다. 하나님께 시간을 바치는 것이 오히려 많은 시간을 절약하는 것입니다. 지금 우리 성도들을 볼 때 안타까운 것이 있습니다. 그것은 입으로는 잘 믿는 것 같으면서 실제로는 하나님앞에 굉장히 인색한 것입니다. 하나님은 내가 어떤 바른 생활하고 듣는 것 자체가 큰 공로나 되는것처럼 그러면서 막상 자기 자신은 하나님앞에 시간을 드리고 헌신하고 물질을 바치는데 있어서 그렇지 않는 사람보다 휠씬 인색한 것을 보게 됩니다.

평화를 위해서는 반드시 평화를 위한 비용을 부담해야 합니다. 나의 삶을 내 욕심대로 다 쓰면 안됩니다.

여러분 내 삶을 내 욕심대로 다 할 때 에너지를 다 탕진할 때 이미 그는 소돔. 고모라가 그돌라오멜을 배반한 것처럼 하나님을 배반하고 있는 것입니다. 무한정 자기 자신을 위해서는 돈을 쓰면서 하나님앞에서 인색할까봐 저는 두렵다. 그러면 결국 자기 힘으로 전쟁을 이겨야 합니다. 자기 힘으로 질병과 싸워야 합니다. 링겔 꽂고 다니면서 질병과 싸워야 합니다. 자기 힘으로 재앙을 막아야 합니다. 눈에 불을 켜고 지켜야 합니다.
하나님께서 우리 아비가일을 부르시고 원하시는 것은 무엇이었습니까?
평화의 비용부담이 있다 이것을 믿고 가족을 설득시키고 중재자로서 제사장적 사역을 감당하는 것입니다. 하나님과 우리 가족사이에 하나님과 남편사이에 하나님과 모든 전도할 대상의 제사장 적 사역을 감당하는 것이 바로 우리 아비가일이 해야될 사역인줄 믿습니다.
이런 비용부담을 지기 싫어할 때 거기에는 신앙을 나태하게 하고 하나님을 원망하게 하는 좀 벌레가 생기게 됩니다. 그것은 바로 섞여 사는 무리였습니다. 비용부담을 지기 싫어할 때 섞여 사는 무리의 소리가 그들의 마음을 사로잡았습니다. (민 11:4) 이스라엘 중에 섞여 사는 무리가 탐욕을 품으매 이스라엘 자손도 다시 울며 가로되 누가 우리에게 고기를 주어 먹게 할꼬
이 섞여 사는 무리는 다른게 아니었습니다. 내 자신과 내 가족과 내 친척과 내 직장의 동료가 될 수 있다는 것입니다. 이들의 특징이 뭔가 하면 하나님을 바라보지 못하게 하고 현실을 보게 하고 말씀을 붙들지 못하게 하고 자신의 힘을 믿도록 만들어 버리고 맙니다. 그리고 결국에는 하나님을 떠나게 합니다.
그리고 그에게는 는 항상 차차 마귀가 따라다닙니다. 무슨 마귀라고요?
이 다음에 하지뭐 , 차차하지 뭐 오늘 아니면 다음주에 하지 뭐, 가정의 화목이 더 중요하니까, 가정의 평화를 위해서 뭐 유별나게 믿을 필요는 없지 차차 합시다. 아이도 아직 크지 않았으니까 차차하지 나 피곤해 나 쓰러지면 누가 책임질거야 우리집 누가 지키지 애가 크면 열심히 하도록 합시다. 가정의 평화를 위해서
이렇게 나불거리는 사위 자식이 있으면 입을 쥐어 박아야 합니다.
이놈아 너 누구 망하게 할려고 나불거리는 거냐 누군가 하나님앞에 무릎꿇는 자가 있기 에 우리가정이 안전한거야 여보 당신 그런 말라고 그런 누구 때문에 이집안이 평화를 유지 할 수 있는지 아냐고 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 따라가지 않는 사람이 있기에 이렇게 그나마 우리가 사는 것이다 라고
여러분 노아가 노아 될수 있는 것이 무엇입니까?
노아 사람의 딸들이 막 유혹합니다. 쉬었다 가세요. 그럴 때 노아는 놔
노아 자신을 부정하고 하나님의 말씀을 좇아갈 수 있는 사람 노아
이런 사람이 바로 평화의 비용을 치루는 사람인줄 믿습니다. 끝까지 아버지께서 기뻐하시는 신령한 아비가일이 되시기를 주님의 이름으로 축원합니다.

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Reflection Paper

...Reflection Paper Shannon B. Payton Liberty University Introduction This paper is about reflecting on what was covered in Theology 104. There are many Christians who understand that God loves us and wants the best for His children. There are many subjects, videos, and extracted material that has been read or discussed over the span of four weeks which has given me a better understanding of the Bible and Christianity. My reflection for this paper I have chosen two topics that I have chosen to address for this paper. First, topic I have chosen will be Grace and secondly I will be focusing on Love. Grace Theological definition of “grace” as many scholar s of the bible will define this word as the unmerited favor of God toward man. Grace can also be defined as like forgiveness, repentance, regeneration and salvation to mean something as broad as describing the whole of God’s activity towards man or as narrow as describing one segment of activity (Baker’s Evangelical Bible Dictionary). Often times many would attribute grace toward s how women carry themselves and even in the bible grace can be defined through many scripture as action of one who are in high position. Biblical Foundation The first time Grace has been in mentioned was in Genesis chapter 8 because of Noah obedience to God and God was tired or as the bible scholar would state grieved by man’s wickedness and caused God to erase mankind. In all this, Noah found favor with God. Here the word favor and grace...

Words: 1439 - Pages: 6

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...thought provoking. I have decided to go with the following three because they each sparked my interest either during the Class or during my walk with the Lord. The first one that I am going to address is “What can your local church do to better communicate God’s love to your community”? The second topic that I am going to address is “If a person is a Christian, does it matter how they live their life”? And last but not least I am going to address the topic that asks us “Does the Bible have authority”? II. I am first going to address the topic “What can your (my) local Church do to better communicate God’s love to your (my) community”? This is a simple question for me to answer. First I think that my Church should have a food pantry. This food pantry should be available to anyone and everybody….not just members of the congregation. If we just made the food items available to Church members, I don’t think that would be demonstrating Christ’s love to the community. Jesus Christ mingled with all types of people and he healed all types. They didn’t belong to any particular ethnic group or congregation and they didn’t have to fill out a survey to see if they qualified. Another way that I think a Church should do to demonstrate God’s love to the community is to show tolerance for the other Churches within the community. A Church that I used to attend, the Pastor often put down the Church down the road. Not because of their religious affiliation but just because he personally did not care...

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Reflection Paper

...Reflection Paper The three topics that I would like to write about is Did Jesus claim to be God? , If a person is a Christian, does it matter how they live their life? and What can your local church do to better communicate God’s love to your community. I feel that these three topics are very important to me because since Jesus did claim to be God, why did he claim it because since God is the almighty, there must be something special about him because no one would really claim it unless they can prove it. Jesus did claim to be God and he did it in ways that really amazed people including myself when I was first reading the bible and knowing more about it. The other topic I am writing about is if a person is a Christian, does it matter how they live their life. It feels real interesting because if you do believe in God, you must follow all he said like in the Ten Commandments which he laid out. It’s a true test to see if you are a Christian and are you willing to do anything if the Lord told you so, it really tests a person’s faith. The final topic I am writing about is what can your local church do to better communicate God’s love to your community. It is also very interesting because in every area there is a local church and they would love for everyone to believe in God and follow him because he did die for our sins. So it’s very good to spread the word out to your community and show that he is God and how he loves each and every one...

Words: 1837 - Pages: 8

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Theology of Worship

...THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP ___________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Timothy J. Ralston Dallas Theological Seminary ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course PM302 – Pastoral Theology and Leadership II ___________________ By Kevin Goldsmith May 30, 2011 Box #640 THEOLOGY OF WORHSIP Introduction Worship has been around since the creation to recognize the Creator, and is extremely important to the church. “Worship is the single activity that both unifies and transcends time.”1 However, the method in which the believer has worshipped God has changed and looks different. So one must ask the question, what is the proper way to worship God? Or what are the nonnegotiable parts that must be included to worship? In this paper we will develop a philosophy to determine what worship is, what should be included in worship today, and how important theology is to the leader of the worship experience. Defining Worship There are three terms in the bible that help us to understand worship. The first word is hwjtvh, which literally means to bow down. This word “emphasizes the way an Israelite thought of approaching the to the holy presence of God.”2 The second Old Testament word we must look at is dAbDo meaning to serve. “The highest designation of the Hebrew in his engagement with the worship of God is just this word servant.”3 In the New Testament the word most often used for worship is proskune÷w. This word carries the same meaning as to bow Timothy J...

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Reflection 1

...Reflection Paper Bachelor of Science in Psychology (crisis Counseling) THEOLOGY 104 I thought I knew a lot about being a Christian that lives for Christ but this class has proven me wrong. Theology 104 has given me a greater understanding of what it means to be a true Christian and most importantly studying God’s word. I will be addressing two topics that I feel are essential to Christian living, and they are love and worship. Christianity is built on love and we are called to give God all that we are. Love Theological Definition: The bible indicates that love is from God. It actually stated that “God is Love” (1John 4:8); therefore his nature is love, and everything he does flows from his love. God’s love is considered to be agape love and its origin is Greek; Agape is said to be selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, and “the highest of the four types of love in the bible” (Zavada). Agape perfectly describes the kind of love Jesus Christ has for his Father and for humankinds; Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this but he that lay his life down for his friend,” (John 15:13). Love is caring in action Biblical Foundation: Love is caring in action, and what we do; it is not base on our feelings. The book of first John says “beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (4:7, 8). From the bible, we know that God’s nature is love; therefore...

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Theo 104 Reflection Paper 2

...Reflection Paper 2 Assignment I. Introduction In today’s predominately secular culture, the doctrine of creation and the doctrine of the immaterial “heart” of man are topics too commonly misrepresented and are profoundly misunderstood amongst many Christians today. The doctrine of creation and the doctrine of the immaterial nature of man are fundamental cornerstones within the Christian worldview that promulgate a rational coherent, consistent doctrine that when properly taught can equip Christians today with important theological knowledge that facilitates their pursuit of effective ministry. Divided into two separate topics, I will subsequently expound upon the Christian doctrine of creation and the doctrine on the immaterial nature of man, outlining the theological definition, biblical foundation, and practical application for each. II. Doctrine of Creation a. Theological Definition The doctrine of creation propagates that an eternal, infinite and immaterial Triune God created ex nihilo, or out of nothing, the universe and everything within it. God created the “heavens, the earth, the fish, the various kinds of species of animals, and man as the crown of His creation” (Townes, Origin). This doctrine asserts that there was no preexistent material existed before creation, emphasizing God’s existence alone before creation, and affirming His infinitude, eternality, self-existence, self-sufficiency, omnipotence, and omniscience. This doctrine is derived from God’s general...

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Teachings to “the Church”

...private schools, and other social gatherings have showed false teaching in the Christian world. The past, present, and future outcome on the Body of Christ is powerful, meaning that what we do as Christians will make a huge impact on the world. Unfortunately, many believers have believed false teaching as truth and have “placed error on a level equal to Scripture” (False Teaching in the Church, 1). For example, Psalms 119:160 states that God’s word all added up together equal truth. “The Church”, also known as the Body of Christ, has accepted false teaching even though they have been warned of these teachings. However, the false teaching can be stopped as long as one understands what needs to be done. The teachers of “The Church” need to go back to the basic core values of Christianity. Although, many people do not know what it means to be a teacher or who “The Church” is. Firstly, to help “The Church” we have to understand a teacher’s job. Theologically a teacher has a: “…special ability God gives to some to explain the truths of the Word of God clearly and to apply them effectively so that those taught understand and learn. To instruct others in the Bible in a logical and systematic way so as to communicate pertinent information for true understanding and growth” (Teaching/Teacher). However, we are also warned by Peter that there are and always will be false teachers and prophets among us (2 Peter 2:1). Colin Smith in his article “7 Traits of False Teachers” explains...

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The Providence of God

...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY PROVIDENCE OF GOD A RESEARCH PAPER TO BE SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR HEATH RICKMOND IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THEO 350 – FUNDAMENTAL THEOLOGICAL ISSUES LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ONLINE BY MIKE WINNINGHAM LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA October 15, 2012 Introduction In the discussion of the providence of God there appears to be two primary schools of thought. First there is the school of thought that God created all things, and He is in control of the big picture but He gives humans the ability to make their own choices. Secondly, there is the school of thought that God created all things, set it into motion, and now continues to preserve His creation and govern His creation. God is fully involved in each and every detail of our lives. Both of these approaches to the providence of God have legitimate reasoning and a thought process that makes each creditable, but only one has the complete support of scripture. The Calvinist approach would be the view that God is intimately involved in all decisions in our life, and the Arminian view would be that God’s control is limited because He grants freedom of choice1. This paper will explore both schools of thought and then come to a conclusion of which school of thought is the most accurate and best supported by scripture. Calvinist View of Providence ------------------------------------------------- The Calvinist viewpoint holds that God is in control of every aspect of mankind’s life through...

Words: 2619 - Pages: 11

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The End Times

...the end times two of them pop out at me. The rapture and how future events can be looked forward to by Christians. What is the rapture all about anyway? Will when you get right down to it means to be caught up. How as a Christian does that help us understand what rapture even means? For a true meaning of the word rapture we have to dig a little deeper in God’s word to find out the answer. As we take time to learn about the rapture we then will have a much better understanding. Being caught up or being taken up to heaven is what we can define the word rapture as. If the rapture would happen today then Jesus has retuned and we as Christians are being raised up in spirit to the heavens. That is exciting to even think about the opportunity to be whisked away right where we stand. It reads in 1st Thessalonians 4:14 that since we believed that Christ was raise from the dead then when Christ comes back he will raise us up. One of the things that we have to do is be ready for that day because it could happen without a moment’s notice. God did not give us the time or the date because if we knew then we would use that information for our own selfish reasons instead of God’s reasons. Just exploring a little bit about what the rapture means we can start to see how important it is to be ready at all times. To be ready in our life is exactly what God had intended us to do all along. He gives us hope of what we as Christians can be ready for in our life. Death will not hold us down,...

Words: 1003 - Pages: 5

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Monotheistic Religion

...Monotheistic Religions Paper HUM/130 Dr. Donald Howard David Carradine June 10, 2012 Describe how Judaism understands God. “The term "God" which is used in reference to the Creator is considered sacred, thus according to Orthodox Jews at least, all care and respect should be undertaken towards any paper or scroll which has the term printed upon it. In obedience to Gods Commandment the Jewish faith does not allow any image or icon of God. Consequently the only way that is left to "see" God is through verbal imagery. The issue of conflict between God's Commandment and the use of images within the Torah, which is regarded as God's word, can be explained satisfactorily by Jewish teaching in my opinion. Also it is acceptable within reason to use imagery regarding God, so long as proper decorum, respect, reverence and strict guidelines and understanding are followed by believers. It must be understood however that although the Jewish understanding of God may permit the use of imagery, God must never be represented by any direct image. The roots of this belief, predominant in Jewish beliefs, stems from the book of Exodus, "You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth”. You shall not bow down to them or serve them" (Exodus 20: 3-5). This is an absolute vital Commandment in God's eyes. His law is not to be taken lightly for fear of the consequences; later in Exodus we are sufficiently...

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Christian Worldview Research Paper

...Worldview Paper Daniel Martinez Liberty University   Worldview Paper Part I. What is a Worldview? A worldview can encompass our most basic or complex beliefs that based on our experiences in life are consistently going through the ebb and flow of change throughout our existence. “A worldview is our underlying philosophy of life.” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2014, p. 57). It is how we look at life, our own values and those of our society, and, based on that, how we live it. The Christian worldview holds hope and love as its truest tenets. We further explore the Christian worldview below. Part II. The Question of Origin In the question of origin, we can ascertain how life began and mankind came into existence by examining the word of...

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An Analysis Of Paul's Letter To The Romans

...The Hook: Thank each person for coming to the Bible study, then hand out a paper plate with pencils and crayons. The next step is to have each student placed the paper plate on their head and have them write the word Romans without them looking. Then have them color and signed their names without looking, and after they finish doing this, have them take the plate from their heads and look at what they wrote and color. Tell them, this is what happens when we allow God to take charge of our lives. His Spirit enters and changes and rearranges their thought process and the way they use to do things. They will have no desire to go places they use to go, and sometimes they will lose some friends. Paul wrote this letter about A.D. 57 while he was in Corinth preparing to visit Rome. This letter emphasizes the foundation of the Christian faith. It gives clear everyday instruction for Christian beliefs and how they should behave in accordance with their faith. However, the mega theme specifies sin and rejecting to obey God’s will. More so, in order for us to receive salvation, we must be willing to obey...

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Christian Thought

...Reflection Paper for Introduction to Christian Thought Theology 104 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx L33333333 March 5, 2012 Liberty University I. Introduction To say, “I am a Christian” has so many meanings in this day and age. To most people it means that they believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for their sins. To a true Christian it means the aforesaid statement as well as the desire to know God through a personal relationship. The most crucial part of being a Christian is to nurture and cultivate that special bond with God and use one’s personal testimony to further the acceptance of Christ by as many people as possible. In order to communicate effectively, one must know that Jesus is God and be able to convey how He is working their lives. One can use his/her God-given skillsets in many different facets to promote His purpose through the church and the community. Upon one’s earthly demise, the ultimate goal is to hear, “Well done, my faithful and loyal servant” (Matthew 23:23). II. Did Jesus claim to be God? Jesus claims to be God numerous times within the Bible. Jesus referred to Himself as “I AM” in multiple verses in scripture as well as key quotes, such as, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35) and “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). For people to understand that Jesus is God, one has to recognize why God would come to this earth in human form. In the Old...

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The Authority of the Bible

...Reflection Paper 21APR11 THEO104 Phillip A Johnson #L23636707 The Authority of the Bible The purpose of this paper is to share some thoughts of what we learned over this semester. Many thoughts will come from what I have written during the class and from the Core of Christianity, Elmer Towns. The topics I chosen to discuss is Does the Bible have authority, Did Jesus claim to be God and How can we be confident that Jesus is returning. Let us first look at the word authority. Authority means “the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.” ("authority.") This authority can come from a teacher, pastor, principle or anyone else that has the ability to control or command someone or something. The Biblical definition, states that authority is “the legal and/or moral right to exercise power, or power that is rightly possessed. We recognize the Bible is the most significant book in the history of civilization. In the context of Jewish history, the Bible’s impact on politics, history, and religion is without comparison. Along with establishing the covenant-based legitimacy of the Jewish people and their history, the Bible’s political impact is exemplified through prophetic politics, the power of kings, and the effects of political authority. Biblical archeology has discovered biblical structures which supports the historical validity of the Bible. The Bible’s effect on history,...

Words: 1412 - Pages: 6

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The Transfiguration According to Mark: God’s Disguised Offering of Metanoia

...The Transfiguration according to Mark: God’s Disguised Offering of Metanoia December 9, 2014 New Testament Studies (THEO 2100) Mark 9:2-10 (NRSV) 2Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, 3and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them. 4And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, who were talking with Jesus. 5Then Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 6He did not know what to say, for they were terrified. 7Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” 8Suddenly when they looked around, they saw no one with them any more, but only Jesus. 9As they were coming down the mountain, he ordered them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what this rising from the dead could mean. *This paper will always use the NRSV translation unless otherwise indicated. Introduction Many scholars argue that the Gospel according to Mark is the first written Gospel proclaiming the “good news” of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Mark’s powerful inclusion of the transfiguration of Jesus in 9:2-10 has led many scholars to argue its meaning...

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