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Paul's Apostolic Authority


Submitted By Karen777
Words 802
Pages 4

The letter to the Galatians written by Paul to the churches he established in Galatia during his first missionary journey declares that freedom in Christ flows from justification by faith through grace alone. These verses assert Paul’s divine calling to establish the gentile church and appeal to Galatian Christians to resist adding to the gospel of grace the observance of certain Jewish traditions including circumcision, Jewish festival and food laws promoted by Jewish Christians (Judaizers), thereby alienating themselves from Christ

Elevating themselves these Judaizers claimed to be sent by the apostles in Jerusalem who had known Jesus in the flesh, while undermining Paul’s authority as second-hand (1:11). Paul defends his authority as neither second-hand, received nor taught by man, but direct revelation of Jesus Christ (1:12; 1Cor15:8; Acts9: 3-6; Matt16:16-17). Indeed, his life testifies to the transforming power of the gospel of grace… ‘For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism’, he continues. Cheered by Jews, feared by Christians, Paul was both famous and infamous, but not unknown. In Paul’s zeal (1:13) to uphold ‘the traditions of his fathers’ (the Law), it was not enough to expunge from Jerusalem ‘heretical’ Christians claiming this man Jesus as Messiah fulfilling the Law and bringing an end to temple sacrifice. Rather, Paul sought to annihilate the Christian cult, dragging them to prison or having them killed (Acts7:58-60, 80:1-3, 9:1, Acts26:9). Hebrew of Hebrews, Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin, taught under the eminent Rabbi Gamaliel I (Acts 22:3; Phil3:5) Paul’s zeal matched his credentials and elevated him above his countryman. Highly accomplished, highly driven, and highly feared, Paul was not easily set off track.
‘But when it pleased God’ who called Paul ‘through His grace’ (Eph2:8) ‘to reveal His

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