Free Essay

Personal Grooming


Submitted By Neetasha1996
Words 5191
Pages 21
Personal grooming
The process of making yourself look neat, attractive and presentable.

Grooming involves all the aspects of your body: * Overall Cleanliness * Hair * Nails * Teeth * Uniform * Make-up

Hair * It is your crowning glory. * Keep it at a length and style at which you can maintain it. * Wash your hair at least once a week.

For women: * Hair pulled back from face. * Hair should be tied into a bun. * Apply Oil or Gel. It gives a professional look * Should be well groomed with a neat appearance at all times * Hair pins should be plain and black

For men: * Not fall over the ears / eyebrows * Should be 02 inches above the back of the collar * Apply Oil or Gel. This gives a professional look * Must Shave Daily * Facial hair should be neatly trimmed (moustache, sideburns), beards are not recommended
* Clip nails short, along their shape. * A healthy body ensures healthy nails. * Brittle or discoloured nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions

Teeth * Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal * Remember to rinse your mouth after every meal * For those who smoke it is important you rinse your mouth after every smoke and use a mouth freshener
* First impressions are made within the first 5 seconds of meeting someone * Uniform – Neat, clean and well ironed
* Makeup should be natural looking. * Nail polish and lip color should be light red. * Women: stay away from extremely dark, bright reds and fluorescent colors. * Hair color should not be more than one or two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color. Unnatural colors (burgundy, green, etc.) must be avoided.

Benefits of personal grooming * First impression that people have of who you are. * Builds up self-confidence and self-esteem. * Helps keep a Healthy Work Environment
It is also a more specialized program offered by companies to prepare an employee to climb the corporate ladder. * Job Grooming- Demonstrating work-appropriate behaviour.
It include a positive attitude, use of good manners, smiling, making eye contact, listening and discussing rather than arguing

Corporate world demand
Appropriate attire

Inappropriate attire

Personal hygiene
Personal hygiene may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body.

Components of hygiene * Hair * Face & skin * Mouth and body odour * Teeth * Ears * Hands and nails * Feet

Hair * Hair is made of dead cells. * Hair is important because it brings oil to the surface of the skin. * Hair helps warm the body by trapping a layer of air next to the scalp.

Hair growth

The hair "follicle" is a sac-like structure that contains all the components that create hair. Located at the base of the follicle is the "papilla."
The "papilla" contains tiny blood vessels, or capillaries, which brings oxygen through the blood supply as well as nutrients. The hair bulb, which surrounds the papilla, absorbs those nutrients. The cells located within this section of hair divide faster than any other cell in the human body. On average the cells located within the hair bulb divide every 24 to 72 hours.
The "sebaceous gland" branches of the bulb structure; it produces an oily substance called sebum. Sebum moisturizes the scalp and hair as well as providing extra resistance to water.
Sebum also helps impede the development of some micro organisms, like harmful bacteria.
The hair "cuticle" encases the entire hair shaft. It is the hair's first line of defense. The cuticle is composed of up to 12 intertwined layers of dead keratinized cells.
These translucent cells provide protection and lend to the strength of the hair. These cells allow the hair shaft to be semi-permeable, meaning the amount of water that can enter or leave the hair strand is limited.
The hair also receives its shine and luster from this layer. Excessive heat styling or chemical styling, brushing, sun or wind can all damage the cuticle.
The "cortex" is the layer located directly within the hair cuticle. The cortex contains melanin, which are metabolized amino acids that produce hair color.
The cortex also provides the hair shaft with its specific elasticity and tensile strength." Tensile strength is the maximum amount of force the piece of hair can take in a longitudinal direction without breaking.
The "medulla" is located in the very center of the hair shaft. It is composed of round cells that are loosely connected to allow for air spaces.
The size and thickness of a hair strand is controlled by the medulla. Most people have hairs that contain the medulla; however very fine or naturally blonde hair lacks a medulla.
On the other hand, coarse hair shaft does contain the medulla, which is responsible for actually creating a thicker hair shaft. That is because the medulla requires multiple overlapping outer cuticle layers to surround and protect it, thereby stopping the hair shaft from lying smoothly. The end result is the frizziness often seen on thicker hair.
Arrector Pili Muscle
This is a tiny muscle that attaches to the base of a hair follicle at one end and to dermal tissue on the other end. In order to generate heat when the body is cold, the arrector pili muscles contract all at once, causing the hair to "stand up straight" on the skin. The arrector pili muscle is a source of information when evaluating a skin biopsy since it is well-innervated with autonomic nerves that control when the muscle contracts. These autonomic nerves are also visible when the skin biopsy is immunostained.

Blood Vessels
These structures carry vital nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to the cells that make up the layers of skin and then carry away waste products. Often, the blood vessels are in close proximity to collections of nerve bundles in the dermal and subdermal layers.
The Hair Growth Cycle
Hair grows from the follicle, or root, underneath the skin. The hair is ‘fed’ by blood vessels at the base of the follicle, which give it the nourishment it needs to grow. Between starting to grow and falling out years later, each hair passes through four stages: anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen. Every hair is at a different stage of the growth cycle.
Over time, the length of the anagen stage decreases. Therefore, the hair may become weaker and thinner after each cycle. That’s why it’s important to ensure your diet is rich in specific nutrients to maintain normal, healthy hair growth.

1. Anagen (Growing Phase)
The growing phase lasts two to seven years and determines the length of our hair. 2. Catagen (Transition Phase)
This is the transitional stage that lasts about ten days. The hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla. 3. Telogen (Resting Phase)
This is the resting phase which lasts around three months. Around 10-15 percent of hairs are in this phase. Whilst the old hair is resting, a new hair begins the growth phase. 4. Exogen (New Hair Phase)
This is part of the resting phase where the old hair sheds and a new hair continues to grow. Approximately 50 to 150 hairs can fall out daily, this is considered to be normal hair shedding.

Hair care Tips * Brush hair daily * Wash combs and brushes frequently * Don’t share combs, brushes etc. * Wash regularly with shampoo. Rinse hair thoroughly with clear water after shampooing to remove all the soap * Massage your scalp well. It will remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt * Don't scrub or rub too hard. It may irritate your scalp or damage your hair.

Why Brush Your Hair? * Brushing helps keep the scalp clean by loosening and removing dust and dead cells. * Brush from roots to tips to spread natural oils along the whole length of hair. * Brushing your hair cleans and stimulates hair and scalp * It also adds shine

Hair & Scalp problems * Dandruff
A flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells on the scalp.
This condition is usually caused by dry skin.
There is no cure for dandruff, but it can be controlled with special shampoos or some medication. * Head Lice
Parasitic insects that live on the hair shaft and cause itching.
Lice can’t fly or jump from person to person, but they are easy to catch from other people.

Avoiding and Treating Head Lice: * Don’t share: Combs, brushes, hats ,barrettes or other hair things, headphones * Use special shampoo and wash your hair immediately. * Any linens and clothes you have used should be washed in hot water or dry-cleaned.

Splitting & Breaking * Too much heat can cause the layered cells of your hair to split apart and even break off. * Wind, chlorine, chemical treatments, and permanent hair dye can weaken hair in the same way. * Non cushioned or uncovered elastic bands can cause severe breakage. * If you put your hair in a ponytail, use a coated rubber band or soft cloth hair band.
The human skin is the outer covering of the body.
Functions of Skin * Protection * Vitamin D formation * Temperature control * Sensation * Water resistance * Excretion * Absorption

Three layers of skin 1. Epidermis
This refers to the outer most layer of skin. Cells in the epidermis make melanin

2. Dermis
This refers to the inner layer of skin which contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands

3. Layer of fat cells

Function of the Skin | Example(s) | How does the skin perform this function ?
What is/are the mechanism(s) ? | 1. Protection | Of the body from: * ultraviolet (UV) radiation e.g. sun damage * dehydration * microorganisms
e.g. bacterial invasion * mechanical trauma / physical injuries | * The physical/mechanical barrier formed by the surface (stratum corneum layer) of the skin. * Mechanical strength of the tissues that form the skin. * Keratin - a type of protein that is found in the skin. * Melanin - a dark-coloured light-sensitive pigment that is found in the skin and that protects against excessive amounts of ultraviolet (UV) radition, usually coming from the sun. | 2. Sensation | Pressure/touch, heat/cold, pain | * Somatic sensory receptors | 3. Temperature Regulation | Retention or release of heat - depending on outside of body temperature | * Release of sweat from sweat glands followed by evapouration of sweat from the surface of the skin (body) * Regulation of blood flow to regions of skin, especially the extremities of the body (i.e. limbs / appendicular skeleton) | 4. Immunity | Destruction of microorganisms & interaction of skin with the body's immune system | * Langerhans cells (of the epidermis) * Phagocytic cells * Epidermal dendritic cells | 5. Permits movement & growth | Growth of body / bodily tissues and adaptation of contours of body/skin during movement | * Elastic properties of skin (epidermis and dermis) * Recoil properties of the skin (epidermis and dermis) * Elastic properties of subcutaneous tissue * Recoil properties of subcutaneous tissue | | 6. Excretion | Excretion of water, urea, ammonia and uric acid | * Waste products released from the body via the surface of the skin, regulated by the volume and composition of sweat | 7. Endocrine | Synthesis of Vitamin D | * Vitamin D (strictly D3, as there are different types of vitamin D) is made when an organic chemicalin the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol reacts with UVB ultraviolet light - usually due to natural daylight but could be from articifical sources - that falls onto the skin. Vitamin D3 is produced in the two innermost layers of the skin - called thestratum basale and stratum spinosum.
However, it is important to also be aware thanexcessive amounts of ultraviolet light, especially over a certain range of wavelengths, falling onto the skin may lead to sunburn and is also associated with an increased risk of skin cancer - which may occur later. | | | |

Common Skin Problem Body odour Perspiration itself doesn’t smell. However, during sweating, another liquid called apocrine is also secreted. When apocrine combines with the bacteria naturally present on the skin, odor results. Bad odour is caused by: * Poor hygiene * Foods such as onions and garlic

Acne Acne is created when oil from the oil glands mix with the dead cells and plug up the hair follicles in the skin it creates a “whitehead.” A “blackhead” is when the air touches the plug, the plug turns black. 1. What makes acne worse? * Oil-based makeup, suntan oil, hair jells and spray. * For girls, menstruation * For Boys it may get worse because they have oily skin. * Squeezing or picking at blemishes * Hard scrubbing of the skin 2. Acne Myths Does chocolate cause this? NO Does Extra washing help to clear? No, the extra scrubbing irritates skin and could make them worse. Does acne leave scars? Yes, you can reduce the scarring by NOT PICKING and avoid excessive scrubbing.

Skin care tips: * Daily baths or showers using soap and scrubbing the entire body with a washcloth. Do not need to scrub violently. * The use antiperspirants decreases perspiration and cover odour * Wash the face two times a day with a mild soap or gentle cleanser. It is best to avoid washing too often, as the skin will become irritated and dry out * Use lotions only if needed, and use ones that are oil- free and water-based. * Avoid touching acne except when washing * Don’t squeeze or pick the pimples * Try to avoid touching the face. * Reduce stress levels which irritates the skin * Keep hands clean by washing them often. * Try to stay out of the sun, and use a sun’s cream every day during summer and winter.

Teeth Oral Hygiene Healthy teeth and gums enable you to * Chew food thoroughly * Speak clearly * Give shape and structure to your mouth * Structure of teeth Enamel (top) - The hard material on the outer surface of the tooth. Dentin (middle) - Below the enamel – the bonelike material that surrounds the sensitive inner parts of the tooth. Pulp (inside) - Tissue that contains nerve endings and blood vessels.

Dental problems Halitosis - Bad Breath caused by the activity of certain types of oral bacteria Other causes: Tongue not cleaned, Food stuck in teeth, Sinus problems, Stomach problems, Smoking How to avoid Dental problems Brushing & Flossing * You should brush your teeth twice a day – when you wake up and before you go to bed. * If possible, brush after every meal or rinse your mouth with warm water. * Use a soft-bristled brush. * Replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months or after an illness. * Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. * Include foods that contain calcium, such as milk and yogurt. * Limit intake of sugar. * Avoid drinking soda and sweet tea - If you do eat these thing, you should brush immediately afterwards. * See a dentist every 6 months * Flossing- It removes food trapped between teeth and gum lines that rinsing and brushing miss. Floss at least one time a day What Is the Right Way to Brush? * Proper brushing takes at least two minutes — that's right, 120 seconds! * To properly brush your teeth, use short, gentle strokes * Pay extra attention to the gumline, hard-to-reach back teeth and areas around fillings, crowns or other restoration. * Tilt the brush at a 45° angle against the gum line and sweep or roll the brush away from the gum line. Outer surface of upper and lower teeth Inner surface of upper and lower teeth & chewing surface using short back-and- forth strokes, Gently brush your tongue to remove bacteria and freshen breath.

Record cards Detailed client cards can be your best tool in the client retention struggle, helping you organize client information for efficient and attentive customer service. Having detailed client records not only helps you remember key service and personal details about clients, but it marks you as a true professional. If you’ve ever been to the doctor or dentist then you’re familiar with a patient chart. The chart lists every appointment you’ve had, as well as any conditions you have and prescriptions the doctor has written for you. It’s an easy, reliable way for the doctor to keep track of you. Just like people in the medical field rely on these records to help them keep track of their patients, you can also use them to your advantage in the salon.

Client cards also allow you to give clients an extra dose of personal treatment.

The great thing about client cards is that you don’t have to only list every appointment a client has made with you. Client cards help you keep track of services clients have enjoyed and products they’ve purchased, their needs, health history and reactions, and formulas and types of custom treatments they prefer.
Plus, client cards are perfect for creating a database for salon marketing. You already have their addresses stored; now all you need to do is mail those newsletters and discount cards.

What to Include Gathering the proper information can be a great experience between a nail tech and her client if the nail tech keeps it specific, to the point, and always asks with a smile, says Canavino. Knowing a client’s occupation will help you direct your conversation toward something that interests her as well as provide clues on why her nails may show wear and tear. And if you know her birthday it’s always nice to give a client a birthday card or small gift on her special day. Keep track of your client’s nail care history. Knowing what a client has already tried will make it easier for you to recommend at-home products and treatments. Also ask her if she’s allergic to any cosmetic products and if there’s anything in her medical history you need to know about, such as allergic reactions or sensitivity to certain chemicals. Also keep track of the initial condition of your client’s nails. Ask a client what her favorite polish color is, as well as what her preferred services are. This will save you lots of time when that client is sitting across from you. Instead of wondering what color to use you’ll have it ready to go. Customized colors and services are also something you might consider including in your client card. For example, you may want to note if you have to mix several shades of colored acrylic to get the perfect shade of burgundy for a client, or if you add a layer of gel over an acrylic overlay to another client’s nails. You may also want to ask clients about their at-home maintenance routine, as well as keep track of each visit and what they had done. Informing clients on your sanitation and safety amenities helps avoid health and comfort issues. Add it to the bottom of your client card to remind you to inform clients for their benefit that you care. What to Avoid Review a client’s card with her every time she comes in for an appointment. If you don’t, it will only open up room for error and potential mistakes, says Canavino. “Liability comes from a lack of information or no card or profiling,” she says. For example, if a client tells you she is diabetic and is prone to rashes and you customize her pedicure with that in mind and note it on her client card, she’s going to expect that same specialized service the next time she sees you. If you don’t pull out that client card to review what service she received or her health history the next time she’s in the salon, she might walk away feeling that information she first gave you didn’t help and you failed to do your job as a nail technician. Although having detailed information is no guarantee against a lawsuit, it sure boosts your case to have a signed card indicating you asked clients these questions. MaeLing Parrish, a nail tech at Nail Sensation in Columbus, Ohio, says there are some things you should avoid asking clients, including age, salary, religion, politics, and sexual preference. Stick to salon-related questions. More of a Benefit Than a Bother If you think a client card seems like too much trouble and takes up too much time, think again.While you send your client to wash her hands pull out her card and fill it out — it only takes a few seconds. Besides, your client will most likely not mind that you’re looking out for her health and comfort. Having client cards doesn’t have to be an expensive ordeal. You can design your own card and have it printed for practically nothing. Or, you can use recipe cards and store them in a recipe box. Several companies also sell ready-made systems. We’ve also put together a sample client card you can use in your salon (see page 92). Or, you can use it as a guide to make your own client card. Remember, have her client card ready every time a client comes in for an appointment. Ask her if anything has changed since her last appointment and make a note of it. Canavino recommends completing a new card every six to nine months, depending on how often you see a client.

What is a patch test and how do you do this test? A patch test is a test of the skin to make sure that an individual is not sensitive (allergic) to chemicals in a hair service compound. It's important to perform a patch test before ANY chemical service to prevent potentially serious adverse effects.

To perform a patch test, you need to take the chemical formulas that you intend to use and with cotton swabs dab small amounts onto the skin in an innocuous place. Regardless of the chemical service being done - perm, color, straightening, relaxer, etc. - you need to perform a test patch for every component chemical involved. If a perm has a waving lotion made by mixing two components test each of the components as well as the neutralizer formula and any conditioners included as well. Test both the color formula and developer mixture used for a color service as well. Using cotton swabs and dab a tiny amount of the chemicals onto the skin (usual locations are behind the ear at the nape of the neck - making note of the order in which the swabs are placed to know which component you may react to - or inside the elbow on either arm) and allow the spots to dry. Wait 24-48 hours and examine the areas. Generally, if there is going to be a reaction, then this will have given ample time for a reaction to be apparent. The client should be alert for signs of itchiness, or redness in these areas. Any sign of reaction to the chemicals intended for use means that you should NOT proceed with the service. Even a tiny reaction could be dramatically intensified when you increase the amount of exposure and the length of exposure to the levels needed by most of the chemical services.

Nutrition A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrition it needs to function properly. In order to get truly balanced nutrition, you should obtain the majority of your daily calories from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. What Are Calories? The number of calories in a meal is a measure of the amount of energy stored in that food. Your body uses calories from food for walking, thinking, breathing, and everything else it does. The average person needs to eat about 2,000 calories every day to maintain his or her weight. A person’s daily calorie intake should be based on age, gender, and physical activity level. Men generally need more calories than women, and active people need more calories than sedentary (inactive) people. The following examples of calorie intake are based on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines: * children ages 2 to 8: 1,000 to 1,400 * active women ages 14 to 30: 2,400 * sedentary women ages 14 to 30: 1,800 to 2,000 * active men ages 14 to 30: 2,800 to 3,000 * sedentary men ages 14 to 30: 2,000 to 2,600 * active men and women over 30: 2,200 to 3,000 * sedentary men and women over 30: 1,800 to 2,200

The source of your daily calories is just as important as the number of calories you consume. You should limit your consumption of “empty calories,” or those that provide little or no nutritional value. The USDA defines empty calories as calories that come from sugars and solid fats, such as butter and shortening. According to the USDA, Americans consume empty calories most often in: * bacon and sausages * cakes * cheese * cookies * doughnuts * energy drinks * fruit drinks * ice cream * pizza * sports drinks and sodas Why a Balanced Diet Is Important? A balanced diet is important because your body’s organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor performance. Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and developmental problems. Bad eating habits can continue for the rest of their lives. Rising levels of obesity and diabetes in America are prime examples of the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise. The USDA reports that four of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States are directly influenced by diet. These are: * heart disease * cancer * stroke * diabetes

How to Achieve a Balanced Diet?

At the core of a balanced diet are foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients and low in unnecessary fats and sugars. The following are essential parts of a balanced diet. Fruits Besides being a great source of nutrition, fruits make quick and tasty snacks. Choose fruits that are in season in your area—they are fresher and provide the most nutrients. Vegetables Vegetables are primary sources of essential vitamins and minerals. Dark, leafy greens generally contain the most nutrition and can be eaten at every meal. Examples include spinach, kale, green beans, broccoli, and collard greens. Grains In the United States, we consume refined white flour more than any other grain. During the refining process, the hull of the grain—the outer shell—is removed. Unfortunately, the hull is where the majority of the grain’s nutrition lies. Whole grains, which are prepared using the entire grain, including the hull, provide much more nutrition. Try switching from white to whole-grain breads and pastas. Proteins Meats and beans are primary sources of protein, which is essential for proper muscle and brain development. Lean, low-fat meats such as chicken, fish, and certain cuts of beef and pork are the best option. Removing the skin and trimming off any visible fat are easy ways to reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in meats. Nuts and beans, such as lentils, peas, almonds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts, are also good sources of protein. Tofu, tempeh, and other soy-based products are excellent sources of protein and are healthy alternatives to meat. Dairy Dairy products provide calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. However, they are also major sources of fat, so it is best to choose reduced-fat or fat-free cheeses, milk, and yogurt. Oils Oils should be used sparingly. Opt for low-fat versions of products that contain oil, such as salad dressing and mayonnaise. Good oils, such as olive oil, can replace fattier vegetable oil in your diet. Avoid foods that have been deep-fried in oil because they contain a large number of empty calories. Minerals Calcium It is a major component of bones and teeth – making it essential for the development of growing bodies. Combined with Vitamin D, calcium can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium is needed for muscle contraction, nerves, heartbeat regulation, glandular secretion, and clotting of blood. It helps you produce energy and fight off infections. Calcium may also reduce the symptoms of PMS.
What foods have Calcium? Milk, cheese, yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried beans and sardines.

Recommended Daily Intake: 65-1500mg/day

What happens if you don’t get enough? Calcium is really important in your kids growing bodies as teeth and bones won’t develop as well without it. You may have a higher risk of colon cancer or blood pressure if you are deficient in calcium. Combined with Vitamin D, calcium can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium may help with, or reduce, hypertensive disorders associated with pregnancy - Minerals Foods

Iron It is important to help your red blood cells carry oxygen to your tissues. It also helps cell growth.
What foods have iron? Iron is found in poultry, red meats, whole grains, nuts and peas. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.

Recommended Daily Intake: 1.4-45mg/day.

What happens if you don’t get enough? You can feel tired or get headaches. You can get iron deficiency anaemia. You may also get short of breath when you are working out. It is important to get enough iron, but not good to get too much, since that can lead to constipation, diarrhoea or vomiting. Children under 6 are at particular risk for fatal poisoning by accidental overdose of products containing iron.

Magnesium It is important for all of your body’s major biological processes – like the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, as well as the production of cellular energy. Magnesium is needed for formation of your soft tissues, bones and muscles. It helps regulate your heartbeat and nerve transmissions. Magnesium helps your body absorb some other minerals and metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
What foods have magnesium? You can find magnesium in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Recommended Daily Intake: 20-500mg/day

What happens if you don’t get enough? You can feel nausea or muscle weakness, twitching or irritable. Magnesium may also reduce blood pressure and help regulate your heartbeats. It may reduce the risk of bone related fractures due to osteoporosis. Pantothenic Acid It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, so it helps with antiviral activities and healing. It is used to make red blood cells and hormones. Pantothenic acid is also used by the body to make proteins, metabolize carbohydrates and fats. It may help manage rheumatoid arthritis.

What foods have Pantothenic acid? You can find it in egg yolks, avocados, peanuts, broccoli, milk, brown rice, soya, yeast, lentils and organ meats.
Recommended Daily Intake: .4-500mg/day

What happens if you don’t get enough? Deficiencies can lead to fatigue, numbness in the toes and burning feet syndrome. Phosphorus It is needed by every cell in the body, and is necessary for the formation of DNA and cell membranes. Phosphorus helps build and maintain healthy teeth and bones, and about 85% of the body’s phosphorus is found in the bones. Phosphorus is essential for energy release and storage, as well as muscle and nerve functions.

What foods have Phosphorus? Meat, fish, poultry, dairy and high protein foods.
Recommended Daily Intake: 700-1250mg/day

What happens if you don’t get enough? The body usually has sufficient phosphorus. However, getting enough phosphorus is especially important for people with diabetes, alcoholism, and kidney disease. Those with kidney insufficiency should avoid phosphorus supplementation. Zinc

Zinc helps increase endurance and helps to prevent fatigue.

What foods have Zinc? You can increase your zinc intake by eating oysters, meat, egg yolks, milk and whole grains.

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...Individual personal statement Over the course of the facilitation module I have learnt many things, whether it be through work in class, through my own wider reading or my own personal experiences being a participant. One thing that has become clear through my reading of Boal's games for actors and non-actors is that facilitation is a platform to allow anyone to experience drama. I found this very interesting as using facilitation in this way shows the positive ways in which drama can be used. I felt that this was an important idea, especially as the purpose of our workshop was to bring drama to an age group that might not have had a chance to experience it. Although our group was not on the same calibre as the groups that Boal's in the theatre of the oppressed it is still just as important for them to experience drama, “Even if they had all been homogeneous groups I feel that this introduction would have been necessary” (Boal,1992) this clearly shows that it is important that we use facilitation in this way. Although I missed a section of this module, due to health reasons, I feel that I have tried my best to put in an equal effort towards to outcome as my peers. I have tried to use my own experiences being a participant in workshops myself and also my experience being a facilitator at a local drama school to influence my decisions in the planning and development process. As I was working with children of a similar age, I felt that this influenced the way I worked in this...

Words: 466 - Pages: 2

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...debate question is a question you are either going to agree or disagree with the statement. Based on the lack of participation from the rest of my group I do not know their feeling on this debate question. I personal response is yes. I do believe transgendered individuals should be able to participate in the homecoming as the other sex. I feel I put in efficient effort for this debate and debate question. Although I did not personally pick the debate question I had suggested several other topics but choice to stay on board with this debate question so the discussion would proceeds faster. Although I feel I personally put forth a lot of effort I know I could always do more. I could have not waited for so many days to pass waiting on my other teammates response. Although they were not responding I could have posted the research I found and what my option was. I have done some research on this debate question. I submitted an order to the University of Phoenix section in the Library called Ask a Librarian and I received a responses. The responses I received back from the Librarian suggested ways I could find reliable sources in the University Library. These sources will help me for future references with the debate question. I also did some personal research on the debate question out of curiosity. I know when I write more papers in the future or bring more to the debate I will use resources I find in the University of Phoenix Library....

Words: 387 - Pages: 2

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Personal Credo

...Psychology Major Module 2: Assignment: Instructions and Grading Rubric DIRECTIONS: Personal Credo: Psychology is a science that pervades nearly every moment of every day of our lives. To provide just one small example, consider the complex psychological and physiological processes involved in forming thoughts, communicating with others, and remembering both happy and sad memories. The very manner in which you engage (or do not engage) with others in the world around you has been derived from a series of influences on you, both genetic and environmental, that have shaped you into the person you are today. Thus, we are the amalgamation of collective influences on us, from our families and friends to our coworkers and larger society. It is my firm conviction that to appreciate who we are and what we stand for, it is important to periodically self-reflect and consider our life experiences, those things important to us, and our current direction in life. To assist you in doing this, I will ask that each of you complete a “personal credo.” This term may be somewhat alien to you, so I will explain what materials are to be included in this brief summary of who you are. Submit your assignment via the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.) The word “credo” relates to a personal set of values or beliefs. For this class, conceptualize your personal credo as a brief autobiographical statement that details not only important background...

Words: 786 - Pages: 4

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Job Specialisation

...Introduction: • Begin with a personal anecdote about job specialisation and how it is a repetitive task – by using the personal anecdote the aim is to grab the reader’s attention as they may be able to personally connect with the topic. • Briefly explain job design – ‘the number, kind and variety of tasks that individual workers perform in doing their jobs’ (William, McWilliams) • Define job specialisation and the job characteristic model • Aim/Purpose – is to explain why companies choose to use job specialisation as an approach to job redesign and look at the benefits and impacts of specialising a job. Whilst also exploring how the job characteristic model is used to explain how specialised jobs can be modified to prevent boredom and low levels of job satisfaction. Body Paragraph: 1. Why companies choose to use job specialisation • Explain the benefits of why a company should use job specialisations • Outline the impacts job specialisation can have on companies if they choose to use it to job redesign • Describe factors such as cohesiveness, expectations and attitude of the employees that can bring positive or negative benefits to a company • Provide examples and quotes from articles 2. Using the five core characteristics from the job characteristic model explain how specialised jobs can be modified • Briefly describe the five core elements on the model (skill variety, task identity, task performance, autonomy and feedback) • Describe how jobs can...

Words: 366 - Pages: 2

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Personal Responsibility

...Running head: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Personal Responsibility Julie George GEN/200 June 25, 2012 Monique Mesa Personal Responsibility Although many people are involved, college success depends greatly on personal responsibility. The definition of personal is “of, pertaining to, or coming as from a particular individual” and responsible means “answerable or accountable, as for something within one’s power, control, or management (, 2012).” As a result, personal responsibility is an individual being accountable for the things he or she can control. Learning different strategies for success will not only be responsible, it will set up a routine that can be used beyond my college career. What is done now affects the outcome of the experience and personal responsibility is accepting the results of those actions. These concepts do not only apply to college but will be valuable in the workplace. Strategies Often times, people begin college thinking it will be like high school. In some ways they are right, but college takes much more personal responsibility, especially when taking classes online. There is not a teacher constantly reminding you of the tasks you must complete, or to encourage you to get things done. It is the student’s obligation to stay involved in the class, and get their school work accomplished. Some strategies to stay on track may seem simple, but can be very beneficial. The first strategy is setting clear and definite goals before starting...

Words: 1325 - Pages: 6

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...Interview 1. What is your job like? -What do you do? What are the duties/functions/responsibilities of your job? -What kind of decisions do you make? -What percentage of your time is spent doing what? -How does this type of work interest you and how did you get started? 2. Can you suggest some ways a student, like me, could obtain this necessary experience? 3. What are the most important personal satisfactions and dissatisfactions connected with your occupation? What part do you personally find most satisfying? Most challenging? What do you like and not like about working in this industry? 4. What things did you do before you entered this occupation/business? -Which one those have been most helpful? 5. Are you optimistic about the company’s future? 6. How does the company make use of technology for internal communication and outside marketing? (Use of email, internet, social networking, etc.) 7. If you could do things all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? Why? What would you change? 8. What abilities or personal qualities do you believe contribute most to success in this business? 9. Does your work relate to any experiences or studies you had in college? 10. From your perspective, what are the problems you see working in this field? 11. What interests you least about the job or creates the most stress? 12. What kinds of experience, paid or unpaid, would you encourage for anybody pursuing...

Words: 267 - Pages: 2

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...Bring your own device Let’s take a moment to understand the opportunity and the downside of people utilizing their own personal device in the work force. As IT departments struggle to keep up with yearly technology changes, company employees increasingly want to utilize their own electronic equipment to access corporation data. People utilize, bring you own device (BYOD),bring your own tablet (BYOT), Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) and Bring Your Own PC (BYOPC) All of these have evolved to empower workforces through the so-called 'computerization of IT. As these services are growing fast, these can be serious risks to company’s data. Richard Absalom, an analyst at Ovum, believes that BYOD will happen whether a company plans for it or not. He says: "Trying to stand in the path of computerized mobility is likely to be a damaging and futile exercise." The best thing that a company or enterprise can do, is to be aware of the benefits and understand the risks. Despite the serious risks involved, there are serious benefits and advantages businesses can benefit from them, it can potentially increasing employee satisfaction, employees can work more flexible, cost savings, it reduces hardware spend, software licensing, device maintenance and productivity gains, employees are happier when they use their own personal device. As I have mentioned, there are risks involved when employees uses their own contrivance in the work force. The questions arise who owns the device...

Words: 305 - Pages: 2

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Personal Responsibility

...your own individual personal responsibility. How you deal with your own personal responsibility factors into each and every one of those decisions you make on a daily basis. Personal responsibility to me is, living and leading a successful lifestyle as an individual. When you learn to lead a successful lifestyle then you start to gain credibility to take on other responsibilities in life. Also, for the majority of time, how well you do with your own personal responsibility factors in on your college success. To obtain college success you need a certain maturity level. In today’s society, when you finish high school we go straight to college. If you have good enough grades, test scores to get into college doesn’t justify being able to live the lifestyle of a college student. Without being personally responsible it will be very difficult on your path for college success. After reading an article on a website by Brian Tracy, I took this quote pertaining to personal responsibility. “The acceptance of personal responsibility is what separates the adult from the child. It’s the great leap forward into maturity. Responsibility is the hallmark of the fully integrated, fully functioning human being.” (Tracy) This quote should be on the front of every college catalog. To me your opinion of that statement, will define you as a person. If you can’t accept personal responsibility then you will never progress past an adolescent’s maturity level. Your individual personal responsibility, establishes...

Words: 1323 - Pages: 6

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...FNES 160 Prof. Hoover Narish Ramjit 11/19/15 Activity Development Assignment Establish and maintain physical fitness participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health for 7th grade students. Mastery of fundamental motor skills, competency in a variety physical activities and proficiency in a view, understand components of fitness, effects on the body, develop and implement a personal fitness plan. Create and maintain a safe and healthy environment: safe participation, injury prevention, problem-solving, cooperation, leadership, responsible personal and social behavior. Dived your class into smaller groups. Personally, my groups are from 5-7 players. Each group has a ball. The object of the game is to score as many points as possible (with higher grades you may need a time limit). The first player will start by striking the ball (with a hand) into the air. The group must now try to keep the ball in the air by striking it with their hands (0 points) or with their head (1 point). So in short, the idea is to keep the ball in the air by striking with your head or your hands, with only the head strikes counting as points. Originally the game was designed to be played for a time limit (1-2 Minutes) and with the team losing a point each time the ball hits the floor. When playing this version, it is a good idea to designate 1 person, in each group, to be the counter. At the end of the time limit, groups will compare scores, then try again to beat their...

Words: 427 - Pages: 2

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Personl Responsibility Rough Draft

...Personal Responsibility William H. Hill Jr. GEN/200 31 January, 2012 Sherell Ellis I believe that personal responsibility is to be accountable for one’s actions and an individual obligation to personal success. College diplomas are not given to teams. These special certificates are presented as an acknowledgement of individual accomplishment and a testament to a student’s hard work, personal dedication and commitment in achieving academic success. In an educational environment a person can and should give credit to those who have provided them with instruction and by imparting some of their wisdom upon them. However, once someone has been provided with the tools and resources to assist them along the way, ultimately it is up to the individual on how to use those tools correctly. Instructors only have a limited amount of time during which they can provide direction, guidance, and encouragement. After that, students on their own to control the amount of time and effort that is necessary to be successful in reaching their personal educational goals. Once out of the classroom, a student must take upon themself to manage their time wisely and to make the correct decision of how much effort you should personally dedicate to their studies. Although a group of people can perform as a team in order to reach a common goal, and the pooled resources of a group increase the probabilities...

Words: 501 - Pages: 3

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...Studies included in this section examined individuals’ reactions to the announcements of change. Giangreco and Peccei (2005) and Oreg (2006) reported that individuals’ concerns and perceptions of both the personal and organizational implications and outcomes of the change guide their reactions to the change. Chreim (2006) found that individuals’ reactions were also influenced by whether or not they believe they had the skills and competencies to be effective in their new roles. Potential threats and benefits of change. In the Giangreco and Peccei (2005) study of an Italian electric company, the researchers surveyed 359 mid-levelmanagers to examine the influence of individuals’ perceptions of the benefits of change on attitudes towards change, and ultimately on their level of resistance to change. They reported that individuals’ perceptions of the actual content and the outcomes of a change initiative and the extent they will personally gain or lose as a result of the change are strong predictorsStudies included in this section examined individuals’ reactions to the announcements of change. Giangreco and Peccei (2005) and Oreg (2006) reported that individuals’ concerns and perceptions of both the personal and organizational implications and outcomes of the change guide their reactions to the change. Chreim (2006) found that individuals’ reactions were also influenced by whether or not they believe they had the skills and competencies to be effective in their new...

Words: 1233 - Pages: 5

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Growth of Cosmetics Market in India

...period of time along with a strong increase in male cosmetics market. Cosmetic brands promotions and advertisements in attracting customers. Consumer behavior in accordance with the utility drawn from the usage. Medicinal & Herbal/Ayurvedic Cosmetics market & Fake cosmetic industry in India. Methodology : A sample survey conducted on UG and PG students regarding their cosmetic usage and benefits they are drawing from them along with a small research on cosmetic stores in different areas to know about the use of cosmetics by the local households also. Survey was conducted by personal interview and using questionnaire also. Findings : The survey portrays the utility of cosmetics usage by students which is varying according to the age groups where as the research on stores at different places reflected different results. From the study it is found that with the growth of women cosmetic market, Men’s grooming product market is also growing rapidly. Consumers are more concerned about herbal and natural cosmetics. With the rise in fake cosmetics market, a lot of people face trouble in recognizing the real products and end up buying fraud ones. Since the consumer buying behavior is the important factor to forecast the sales of any product in a particular area.So company should keep close eye on the market situation. yet, customer were price sensitive, but the changing market trend and customer view and preference shown that customer are now quality sensitive. They want quality product...

Words: 4129 - Pages: 17