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Personal Responsibility in Our World Today


Submitted By GunnyLee
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Personal Responsibility in Our World Today

Personal Responsibility in Our World Today
Gerald Lee
November 12, 2012
Kim Marzella

Personal Responsibility in Our World Today

Whereas some may argue that personal responsibility does not equal maturity or productivity, personal responsibility is very important because it defines an individual as a mature, productive person who takes responsibility for his or her actions and the impact these actions will have on his or her society.

What is it to be responsible? Garrath Wiliams defines responsibility as this: “The responsible person can be relied on to judge and to act in certain morally desirable ways; in the case of more demanding (“more responsible”) roles, the person can be trusted to exercise initiative and to demonstrate commitment; and when things go wrong, such a person will be prepared to take responsibility for dealing with things. One way of putting this might be to say that the responsible person can be counted on take her responsibilities seriously. “What is it to be responsible?” The philosophical literature has explored three broad approaches to this question: 1. Human beings have free will, that is, distinctive causal powers or a special metaphysical status that separate them from everything else in the universe. 2. Human beings can act on the basis of reason(s). 3. Human beings have a certain set of moral or proto-moral feelings” (Williams, 2006 Section 2d, Para 2, Section 2a, Para 2, )
A responsible person realizes that they have choices to make and will use his or her reasoning and moral values to make these choices. They will also realize that whatever choice that they make, they will be responsible for the outcome.

Personal responsibility is very important because individuals who

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