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Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

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Euthanasia is killing someone from perspective of pity, based on patient's request to avoid further pain or suffering from a terminal illness. Euthanasia is a very complicated issue and it's legalizing or illegalizing is strongly debated around the world. Euthanasia became legal in many countries such as united kingdom , Philippines , France , Australia and Belgium but it also legalized in many countries such as turkey , some states in America, Egypt and all the middle east ( Derek Humphry, 2015). some people who called supporters of euthanasia repeated that every patient has it's freedom or everyone should be able to control over her/his death or life , However euthanasia called a mercy killing but if any type of euthanasia permitted all …show more content…
A person's expression of a desire to end his or her life maybe lead to a negative result and this person enters in a deep depression , uncontrolled pain and dysphoria, so that is completely against human morals and humanity , secondly from the medical morality perspective , euthanasia is considering suicide that the values of the medicine all over the world. Doctors mindset is how to heal their patients , they have a goal and strongly want to achieve it . But, if euthanasia is legalized , doctors will be put in a critical situation which allow them to help the patients only if they measure up to a specific standard. Therefore, life is devalued to the point that it no more should be battled for until the end. This attitude that once life hits a sure point, it is a miserable circumstance and ought to be conveyed to an end quickly sets the medicinal world in the pathway that prompts a wide range of

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