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Persuasive Essay: You Can T Live With Them

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You Can’t Live With Them America was conceived under the idea that, “all men are created equal,” but our founding fathers did not plan on men being the problem. More than eighty percent of violent crimes are committed by men including fraud, larceny, rape, homicide and more. America was supposed to be the land of opportunity, but women were never given the opportunity to prosper in any way shape or form. Throughout history, women have grown accustomed to having their basic rights stripped from them. Not only the right to life, liberty, and property but the right to be educated to the full extent that their male equivalent is. Men have revoked these rights from women to maintain their power over them until feminists like Susan B. Anthony demanded equal rights. Almost a hundred years ago women gained the right to vote, but on the other hand, it has been nearly a hundred years and women are still fighting for equal pay, and the right to choose what they can do with their own bodies. After centuries of fighting for equality, it …show more content…
Little boys born will be raised surrounded entirely by women, taught to love and respect them greatly than at the age often sent away to study in solitude about science and mathematics and or be laborers to raise crops and animals. Every year each male is given a physical and the healthiest will mate with a select number of women OR given semen samples to keep the human race going. Selective breeding will also eliminate the need for abortions because only women who want children will have them. Women do not need men for compassion because they will support each other. No one can relate to a woman’s needs than another woman rather than male politicians thinking they know what is best for women. Crime rates would significantly drop because men wouldn’t be around to commit them, and war would cease to

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