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Submitted By howard0650
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Total Quality Pioneers

Total Quality Pioneers

Quality is something people always look in particular products and services. The quality of the service is what cause businesses to have repeat customers. On the other hand, if the quality is poor then most people will not return. The paper will define what quality, the elements, is and how the elements made the total quality pioneers successful. Most people define quality in different ways, views and aspects. People measure quality based on results and service they made receive. Quality is defined as “a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch & Davis 2010). What people looks for in quality changes over time as products and services become more advance. The elements of quality are: vision, objectives, mission, education, and training. The quality pioneers became successful due to using various views and concepts to utilize the elements of total quality. The pioneers developed fundamental strategies which they used to have them to achieve in their fields. Today, some of the same strategies they created are used to help train individuals. W. Edwards Deming, one of the quality pioneers believed to be the founder of the quality improvement movement. The cycle Deming developed consist of: plan, do, act, check, and analyze. The pioneers was successful because of their vision to improve the way management was conducted, improve the customers approach and focus more on what the customer wants. Overall they change the way how business was done. In today’s work environment, most organizations are applying either some or all the elements of quality. Most organizations have continuous learning courses available to employees to enhance their knowledge and skills in the

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