Premium Essay

Playing Game


Submitted By seattleseattle
Words 339
Pages 2
Playing a computer game every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Do you agree or disagree?

Video games are developing rapidly, and many children like playing them. Unfortunately some of children play them all day without taking a break or speaking with other people. This essay will describe the negative and positive effects of playing computer games every day on young people, and then compare them. The young can learn educational subjects from playing games. For example, they can learn problem-solving skills. If they cannot finish a stage in a game, they have to think of how to play it to finish the stage and to try it again. If they still cannot finish the stage, they have to think of another method. Furthermore, some computer games are for education and through playing these games, children can learn math and spelling. However, negative effects of playing computer games every day are often researched and discussed. Firstly, playing games every day for a long time is unhealthy for the young. In my opinion, children should play sports outside, which make them healthy. Subsequently, playing games every day may cause bad eye sights. Moreover, playing games may make adolescents aggressive. Young people are developing and don’t have appropriate moral values. Children enjoy the sense of accomplishment when they kill a character, then they can become violent or might not recognize the differences between real and virtual worlds. I Japan, there was a terrible incident a few years ago. A junior high school boy devoted all his time to playing violent computer games. Gradually, he got interested in killing people in real world and finally he killed his classmate. The last reason is that playing games every day reduce their study hours. If children get into playing games every day, they can’t keep up their class and lower

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