Premium Essay

Playstation 3


Submitted By afolabto
Words 359
Pages 2
Temitayo Afolabi
Marketing 101, Section 20
Chapter One Assignment
May 22, 2013 PlayStation 3
Product: The PlayStation 3 is a seventh generation game console from Sony Computer Entertainment. The PlayStation 3, Is Sony’s latest console, released in 2006 that sold over 77 million consoles worldwide as of January 2013. The PlayStation 3 came out with other model after its first release in 2006, which were the slim model and super slim. The PlayStation 3 is the first console in the series to introduce the use of motion-sensing technology through its Sixaxis wireless controller. Therefore instead of the use of batteries, cords for the controller the Sixaxis was used to enable the controller function from a motion sense in all axes of the six degrees of freedom. The console also incorporates a Blu-ray Disc player and features high-definition resolution, with a capacity of 500 GB hard drive.

Price: The PlayStation 3 systems usually comes in a bundle with a particular set of video game in it, which decides what the price would be. For Instance, if a new game was released, Sony will decide in placing that game with a console also into the PlayStation 3 package to be sold. But it is not necessary to purchase the system with the video game, which was originally placed in it. Therefore, the customer could switch that video game with something he or she likes better into the bundle package for his or her own satisfaction. The PlayStation 3 cost ranges anything from $269.99 to $349.00.

Promotion: The PlayStation 3 promotes it products in various avenues, with the use of TV commercials, YouTube videos advertisements and on magazines from different retail stores during big sales like Black Friday.

Place: The PlayStation 3 which is a console game produced and sold worldwide can be seen and purchased in various countries in continents of Asia, North America, Europe and

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