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Political Opinions


Submitted By spradlinjl
Words 833
Pages 4
Joseph Lee Spradlin
Dr. Steven Shirley
Federal Government GOVT 2305
16 October 2013
Political Opinions: Free, Frequent, and Frivolous
Politics it seems is one of those volatile topics that most people try to avoid. However, I have noticed that regardless of what political party people claim to affiliate with many people have at least some common ground. As an example, I have found most of the people I have dealt with believe that Politicians in general are Lairs and Crooks. Many of those people believe that the person in office has it wrong and that they could do a better job. Though few choose to actively participate in the political process by educating themselves on the candidates, topics, voting, or expressing their thoughts to the elected officials by means of correspondence.
“Political Socialization is the process by which an individual acquires values, beliefs and opinions about politics.” (Dautrich and Yalof 272) This is an ongoing process that for many people grows and broadens with age and education. That is to say that as we gain knowledge through formal education and wisdom through life experiences the concepts of what we hold as important change. We then excise our expressed views by use of the political process. This can be accomplished by way of donating our time or money to a particular cause or candidate, petitioning for or against causes, or voting either for a Political Party (known as along Party Lines),or the candidates that best represent our views, or for referendums at the local, state or even national level.
I have been told many times by people that they do not vote because they do not like, favor, or feel any of the candidates express their views or beliefs. Jarod Kintz summed up this view point by saying “Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. Next time, go all out and write in Lucifer on the ballot.
” ( I believe that choosing not vote is simply playing slave to the will of others.
Former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson had this to say about voting “The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men”. ( I feel this quote best describes the practice the U.S. Supreme Court has employed over the years as it has granted more and more rights to those who have been oppressed.
As members of a Representative Democracy it can be argued that we have a civic duty to vote. Others would argue that choosing not to vote as a form of petitioning a grievance is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
As Political Parties vie for power they employ a large array of techniques to attempt to sway the voting populous. These include things like TV, radio, and Internet ads. It can also include political mailing, phone calls, billboards, grassroots campaigning and Town Hall Meetings. These are referred to as agents of political socialization and are defined as the “Factors that have a significant impact on an individual’s socialization to politics.” (Dautrich and Yalof 273) Either way in the ideal democracy it can be said that “Every election is determined by the people who show up.” ( However, I believe that most if not all of our elections are far from ideal.
It is my personal opinion that the key to a successful democracy is an open-minded education of the topics and the candidates then voting based on the beliefs and values that I hold as truth. I consider myself to an independent, though on issues such as abortion, gun control, and welfare I tend to conservative. I cannot say that there is anyone outstand factor that contributes to my political decision making process. I feel that an understanding of the issues is equally as important as an understanding of the candidates. All too often we see well qualified elected officials become involved in negative character issues not negative competency issues.
We all have the right to express our own political views. Many people avoid the subject all together. Others will use any medium available to express their option. Some of these options will be well structured, fact based, and well presented. Others will be biased, speculative, and presented in an unorganized manner. Ultimately, only a person who chooses to be politically well educated on an issue will be able to wade through the free, frequent, and frivolous political options.

Works Cited
Dautrich, Kenneth, and David Yalof. THE ENDURING DEMOCRACY. 3RD. MASON, OHIO, USA: CENGAGE LEARNING, 2013. 272. Print. Jarod Kintz 99 Cents For Some Nonsense Lyndon B. Johnson
Dautrich, Kenneth, and David Yalof. THE ENDURING DEMOCRACY. 3RD. MASON, OHIO, USA: CENGAGE LEARNING, 2013. 273. Print. Larry J. Sabato Pendulum Swing

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