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Pow Camps Research Paper

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How did POW camps come to be?
Throughout world war 2 Allies such as Great Britain, were running low on housing locations for collected POWs.
The solution came in 1942 and continued until 1945 with over 400,000 prisoners being relocated to the United States where they resided in camps countrywide. Because of this 500 POW camps were constructed.
Such camps were highly concentrated in the South and Southwest, but this wasn’t a limitation, and camps were constructed as far out as the Great Plains and the Midwest.

What Happened to the POWs?
Due to a labor shortage, an estimated 10s of thousands of POWs were employed in places like mills and farms. These workers relied heavy on places with little to no security.
Under the Geneva convention, pows were unable to …show more content…
The quality of life at the POW camps can be illustrated by statistics. There were 10’s of thousands of POWs residing in such camps, however, less than 1%, 2,222, attempted escape.

Life in the Camps
Most prisoners saw life in the POW camps as a step up, with one Pow stating that “he liked it here (at the camp) because nobody was shooting at him”.
Another POW describes his life in camp as “excellent”.
Another POW states “the food was excellent and clothing adequate- such Line for soup @ a POW camp
Diversions such as sports, theater, chess games, and books made life behind barbed wire a sort of “golden cage”.
However, punishment was brutal with days of solitary confinement and minimal food.
There was a military based diet that was provided for prisoners (prisoners received the same food as soldiers).

Different Types of POWs
Dulag is the transit camp. This cam was something of a collection center where POWs were distributed before the decision was made regarding

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