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Pratt vs. Feirre


Submitted By Infidel89
Words 825
Pages 4
In what ways do Freire and Pratt agree?

Education must complete a full circle. Directional conversations should contain balance and patience. Doing this aids in the effort of growth. Freire explains in The “Banking” Concept of Education, if men and women are searchers and their ontological vocation is humanization, sooner or later they may perceive the contradiction in which banking education seeks to maintain them, and then engage them in the struggle for liberation. In this Freire elaborates there must be a true relationship between student and teacher. Any task without a purpose lacks reason. It is in our being to crave understanding. It is in our DNA to evolve. Our eyes have been set centered and forward. To move forward is in all that we are. Do not follow an ontological path, create one! When engaged upon conversations seek all of its contents. Pratt states in Art of the Contact Zone, “Descriptions of interactions between people in conversations, classrooms, medical and bureaucratic settings, readily take it for granted that the situation is governed by a single set of rules or norms shared by all participants.” Every turn you make a game waits. How you play the game is entirely up to you. Be mindful of all view points and ask yourself, “What is their angle?” Pratt later explains, “A classroom is analyzed as a social world unified and homogenized with respect to the teacher, whatever students do other than what the teacher specifies is invisible or anomalous to the analysis.” As it states without conformity to higher power equals lack of existence, existence to their system. One might say that the reason for existence is to be oppressed after realization. This system we are born apart from snatches us. As if one were to attempt to play God, manipulating your own existence. Sending false blessings on your forsaken path. Freire adds on page (323), “Unfortunately, those who espouse the cause of liberation are themselves surrounded and influenced by the climate which generates the banking concepts, and often do not perceive its true significance or its dehumanizing power.” Once you recognize how the game is played, only then may you step forward. For those who oppose you have already placed snares, and moved forward. Plant your feet firmly and allow no system to tread upon you. Be a positivist. Discover or create, but please do not conform. You who take this role must prepare to take on a new roll. Stand shoulder to shoulder with those, elaborate the purpose of your existential being. Freire adds on 323, “Those truly committed to liberation must reject the banking concept in its entirety, adopting instead the concept of women and men as conscious beings, and consciousness as consciousness intent upon the world.” Once you have this calling inside to seek understanding you become marginalized. An underdog if you will. This is where we find more common ground between the two authors. Freire says on page 321, “But the humanist, revolutionary educator cannot wait for this possibility to materialize. From the onset, her efforts must coincide with those of the students to engage in critical thinking and the quest for mutual humanization.” The challenge to one may be now outlined. You the marginalized must unite creating a movement. One must challenge the string pullers with the upmost psychological conditioning and poise if you will. Balancing the power is the solution but how do we. Freire elegantly states “The raison d’être of libertarian education, on the other hand, lies in its drive towards reconciliation. Education must begin with solutions of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradictions so that both are simultaneously teachers and students.” Both authors speak of tangible order and reform for all. The solution lives within each of us. Freire re-estates “Yet only through communication can human life hold meaning.” page (322) Awareness of the system begins to set in and understanding of one’s relevance follows. Freire states on page (325) “Authentic reflection considers neither abstract man nor the world without people, but people in their relations to the world.” In every aspect of life we need to see the importance and significance to all contact zones. The factoring aspects we have to work with are not infinite. All having variable change makes this a daunting life mission. Remember keep pressing forward. Praxis is Knowledge and Knowledge is Praxis. The fate of our existence relies upon awareness. Live freely within your society in which you chose to exist. Challenge yourself to the upmost of your intellectual capability. Set your compass directly into your character; push forward in that true direction. Only after you apply morals into decisions, can you be certain of the outcome. Praxis has shown us this time and time again. Refuse the social norm that is shoved down your throat. Develop questions for the sake of liberty. We all have a lot to teach but infinite to learn.

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