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 1、 滴水不沾 (以米酒水代替普通水)
 2、 粒盐不进 (少食盐)
 3、 勤绑腹带
 4、 静心休养
 第三周到一个月,这时候,该排的已经排完,主要吃麻油鸡补身体。千万记得,排完毒素后吃麻油鸡才能被身体吸收,否则堆积在身体里,成为多余的脂肪。 因为前期身体虚弱,中医讲虚不受补,吃了吸收不了,只会加重身体的负担。
 2、 同时,坐月子期间,不能吹风,着凉。要穿有后帮的鞋(不能穿拖鞋,否则落下脚后跟疼的毛病)。洗脸用煮过的米酒放温后洗,不要洗澡,同样用煮过的米酒擦身。绑腹带,最好自己喂奶,对身体的恢复会更好。出了月子之后再开始运动,等等,不一而足。
 2、 生化汤
 3、胡麻油 (黑麻油)
 胡麻油,这个在月子期间几乎所有的菜里都会用到。 有防止皮肤衰老和抗癌的作用
 1、 产妇的饮料:
 做法: A米酒700cc,加入药料,慢火煮1小时左右,约剩200cc,这是第一次,药酒倒出备用。
 吃法: 把A和B 放在一起,一天分3次喝完。顺产喝7天,剖腹产喝14天。
 材料: 鸡心枣(要买红的鸡心枣)产前用热水(产后用米酒水)280cc
 做法: 用水洗净红枣,以刀切开7处。 放在容器中,将热开水冲下,加盖放置一夜。 第二天早上用蒸器蒸之。 等沸腾后再用文火蒸一小时。
 吃法: 把红枣取出,去皮去种子,一天之中随时可食。汤汁可分两三次,饭后当茶喝。 加点冰糖或白兰地亦可。
 4、薏仁饭: 薏仁加白米煮成饭,用米酒水煮。
 材料:猪肝用米酒洗净,切成1公分厚度,体重每10公斤要取60克老姜(连皮一起切片)体重每十公斤取六克。 麻油,体重每十公斤取6cc. 米酒,体重每十公斤用60cc.
 做法: 老姜用麻油炒香,成浅褐色,姜捞起,先置于备好的米酒中。油热,大火,再放下猪肝,用大火快炒,再倒入浸着姜的米酒煮开。
 吃法: 猪肝适宜于早、中餐吃,以上分量可以分3——4次吃完;
 做法:将糯米与桂圆肉放入米酒水中,加盖泡8小时。 将泡过的材料,以大火煮滚后改以小火加盖煮1小时。 熄火,加入黑糖搅拌后食用。
 材料: 每100公克的鸡肉,要老姜10公克`米酒100cc`麻油10 cc,以次类推。
 做法: 锅加热,麻油倒入,油热后,加入切片的老姜(不削皮),直到出香味但姜没有煎为止,把姜离移至锅的一侧,把切块的全鸡放下锅中炒,直到鸡肉7分熟后,把备好的酒由锅的四周往中间淋,全部倒入后,盖锅煮,酒开了,即转为小火,再煮30-40分钟就好。
 吃法: 趁热吃,把浮油捞起,剩下的酒汤则置于热水瓶中,慢慢喝完。肉则配饭一起吃。
 禁忌食物: 生冷食物,蒟弱,白萝卜,咸菜,腌渍白菜,梅干,味增汤、日本茶,乌龙茶,啤酒,果汁,牛乳,水,开水。醋,红花油,猪油,牛油
 1、从第二周开始,可吃少量蔬菜,但须选择比较温和的蔬菜,并尽量以红色蔬菜为主,如红萝卜、米茜。第三周后可适量放宽,温和性蔬菜都可以。也须用米酒水烹 调。
 3)功能:.a.防止内脏下垂(一般束腹不适用) b.收缩腹部,消肚子
 4)开始绑的时间:自然产——产后第2天;剖腹产——第6天(5天内用束腹);小产—— 术后第二天
 a. 仰卧、平躺,把双膝竖起,脚底平放床上,膝盖以上的大腿部分尽量与腹部成直角;臀部抬高,并于臀部下垫2个垫子
 b. 两手放在下腹部,手心向前,将内脏往「心脏」的方向按摩、抱高
 c. 分2段式绑,从耻骨绑至肚脐,共绑12圈,前7圈重迭缠绕,每绕1圈半要「斜折」一次(斜折即将腹带的正面转成反面,再继续绑下去,斜折的部位为臀部两侧),后5圈每圈往上挪高2公分,螺旋状的往上绑,最后盖过肚脐后用安全别针固定并将带头塞入即可
 d. 每次须绑足12圈,若腹围较大者须用3条腹带接成2条来使用
 e. 太瘦,髋骨突出,腹带无法贴住肚皮者,须先垫上毛巾后再绑腹带
 f. 拆下时须一边拆、一边卷回实心圆统状备用
 # 清洁头皮法
 # 擦澡的方法
 # 按电铃(刺激乳头)法
 b.刺激r头的方法有三种:1.让刚出生的婴儿吸允 2.使用吸奶器 3.请新手爸爸协助以便控制吸力。
 # 眼部按摩法
那个喝米酒 绑腹带 是小S坐月子期间做的呢

 1、 家属负责购买各种药材,包括生化汤的材料及月子饮料的材料。具体如下:
 2、 准备腹带,到超市购买米酒、麻油、黑糖、薏仁、莲子、红枣、枸杞、山药、糯米、桂圆、量杯、煮酒锅等。
 3、 生产当日,和老公先去医院,家人在家准备产后第一天所需的饮料、食物等,用容器装好,以便生产后立刻能用上。

1. 产后4~6小时之内一定要解小便,要当任务完成,即使你没有感觉。因为在孕期你的宝宝一直顶着膀胱,一旦宝宝出生,膀胱压力一下减小,它就会毫无知觉地膨胀,等你有感觉想尿尿,却会因为压力太大排不出来,如果一直排不出来就要导尿,会给自己增加不必要的麻烦。 2. 恶露 产后2周后会越来越少,如果量没有减少,要看医生。 3. 伤口 顺产都有2公分左右的侧切,一般在左边,所以和孕期相反,要向伤口的另一边,即右侧睡,有助伤口恢复。(剖产没说) 4. 屁屁坐浴 恶露干净后用开水凉后温度在40~50度,倒在干净的专门用来洗PP盆里,把PP悬在水中,不要坐到底。如果盆大,就把腿分开些,反之盆小的话就把腿并拢。坐20分钟,如果期间水变凉了要加热开水保持温度。并在水中坐提肛,收缩会阴的动作7~8次。据说对痔疮和保持会阴弹性有好处。(我觉得先要把外阴和肛门先洗一下,否则水还是脏的。) 5. 产妇房间要通风,至少每天上午9:00左右,太阳出来的时候,下午3~4点。每天至少2次,每次30分钟。通风的时候产妇和婴儿可以换一个房间呆着,或者避风,不要对着风吹。 6. 产妇容易出汗,每天要擦身,分四部分进行,上衣脱去左边就擦这半边,擦完后要立即穿上,然后是右半边,左腿,右腿。不可以一下把衣服全脱掉,否则容易着凉。洗澡要等伤口好了才可以,一定是淋浴,室温不能太低。一定要刷牙,不过因为牙龈的问题要用儿童小牙刷(软毛的)。 7. 做月子不是躺月子,顺产后6~8小时,剖腹48小时要起来活动,自己小便,走动, 注意不要做弯腰的动作,给宝宝换尿布要坐着,否则腰部会有损伤。 8. 吃 原则:均衡全面 1) 产后头三天不能吃油腻的东西,一定要清淡,因为这时乳腺管未打开,吃了大补的东西奶会堵在乳房中出不来,这时宝宝吃的少,吸吮力也小,你就等着受罪把,奶涨又不通会很疼的。要吃的是稀饭,或者山芋稀饭,小馄饨,最多吃河虾面条。 2) 产妇一定要吃热的蔬菜.热的水果(放在热水里温一下) 3) 所有热性的东西:红枣 桂圆,火腿,老母鸡,等等。要在恶露干净后再吃,否则恶露会一直不干净。 4) 红肉(猪,牛羊)白肉(鸡鸭虾)交替吃,红肉补铁,白肉主要是蛋白质,鸡蛋一天最多2个。 5) 喝汤一定不要忘了吃里面的肉,汤里营养最多25%,其余都在肉里。 9. 保护乳房 1) 用专用的小毛巾擦乳房,此毛巾的清洁不能用洗衣粉或肥皂,因为你一天要擦多次,肥皂的碱性会对乳头有刺激,多用了容易裂。要用开水烫好后擦乳房。不要用纱布,有毛絮会残留在乳头上,容易堵。擦完后最多用食用油擦一点在乳头上,保护乳晕。 2) 小孩吸吮要让他含住大部分乳晕,光吸乳头是吸不出多少的,而且对你的乳头会有伤害,把他小下巴往下轻轻拉一下,让他嘴张大些含住大部分乳晕。 10. 顺产2个月,剖腹3个月后才能有性生活,并注意避孕,刚生完小孩再去刮宫对子宫伤害很大,弄不好感染了要切除子宫的。 11.头发 医生建议要剪短,因为产后激素水平下降很快,会成把掉发,头发长的话肯定比短发要看起来掉得多。再者,产后7~10天才能洗头,加上大量出汗,头发长捂着肯定难受。产妇头发可以梳,但是要选宽齿的,轻轻地按摩一下头皮。 12.补充一下,乳垫要及时更换,不要等乳垫硬了再换,胸罩也一样,原则是不让有硬的东西刺激乳头,否则容易破。另外擦身是躺在床上,擦的地方露在外面,其余都要盖好被子,保暖是最重要的,产后体虚感冒了不容易恢复。产后避孕只能用套套。


1. 鼻 要用专用的小毛巾和盆子给宝宝用。买两种棉签,一种细头的,一种粗头的(质量一定要选好的紧质的,否则一卷掉在鼻子里就麻烦了。细头的用水沾湿了,(不要太湿)轻轻在鼻孔内卷一下。如果有鼻屎,也可以把它沾湿了,宝宝打个喷嚏就会打出来,不要硬挖。 2. 耳 新生儿是容易吐奶的,吃完奶后贴着自己肩部竖抱轻拍令其打嗝。然后慢慢放到床上,往右方侧睡,(在宝宝身后垫个小枕头让他保持侧着),目的是为了一旦吐奶不会呛到气管里,20分钟后再平卧。喂奶前换尿布啊,洗澡之类的都要先完成。如果吐奶,要给他擦干净,特别是耳朵,奶水很容易流进去,要及时清干净,这时用粗的棉签,擦外耳廓。喂奶要左右交替,一个乳房要宝宝吸满10分钟,因为奶分前奶和后奶,前奶提供糖份,后奶提供脂肪,10分钟一般前奶后奶都能吸到,宝宝如果吸了5分钟睡了,揪他耳朵,让他继续吸。如果只喂了一个乳房,另一个乳房一定要用吸奶器吸干净,否则时间长了,大脑会指令这个乳房不产奶,假如盯着一个乳房喂宝宝,乳房会有大小的。 3. 嘴 宝宝的嘴里黏膜是很娇嫩的,绝对不能动,别的地方能洗,嘴不能洗。 4. 眼 如果妈妈体质是内热的话,出生后宝宝眼屎会多,2天后一般会改善,也是用毛巾或棉签擦,眼屎假如一直多,就用棉签沾点金霉素眼药膏擦在外面。 5. 屁屁 女孩子记住从会阴往肛门处洗,每次洗完搽护臀膏在肛门和会阴周围。 6. 脐带 脐带完全好要7~8天,用纸尿布一定要把尿布往下拉一下露出脐带,,每次洗澡后要给脐带消毒,用75%的酒精,沾湿后棉签由内向外擦,每天2次。7天左右结痂,结痂后要把痂松一松,让酒精碰到痂里面(医生说的,听起来有点吓人),这样才好得快。宝宝脐带附近有红肿要送医院。 7. 尿布 天气冷了,家长怕宝宝屁屁冷,把尿布捂热了给宝宝用,这样反而会使宝宝红屁股,一定要冷的放上去,宝宝的屁股和脸都是最不怕冷的。 8. 奶藓 过敏体质的妈妈生的宝宝很容易得奶藓,妈妈这时喂宝宝的话不要吃海鲜等发的东西,宝宝注意晒太阳不能晒头。 9. 新生儿生理性黄疸 一般都会有,是因为胎儿在母腹中靠红血球交换氧气,出生后可以自主呼吸,大量的红血球就会死掉,因为用不上了,死了的红血球没办法很快排出,就堆在皮肤上呈黄色。过14天会消退,不退的话送医院照蓝光。


1.安静休养30-40天 产后最重要的一件事即为“休息”,在这段时间内,产妇周围的亲戚,如娘家的母亲与姊妹、夫家的亲属、当然还有丈夫等,都应同心协力的来照顾产妇,不让她做任何家务,不论贫富或者第几次生产,甚至是小产,都一定要同样的慎重! 2.卧床二周 产后二周内为子宫收缩最快速的时候,若产后即常坐起或走动,因地心引力的关系,将造成松垮的子宫及内脏收缩不良。产后二周内,除了吃饭及上厕所之外,其余时间,不论是白天或是晚上,均应卧床休息。 3.用正确的方法清洁头皮 要想子宫尽快恢复功能,最重要的便是要将子宫内的污血完全排出,如果能使子宫成为真空状态,则荷尔蒙的分泌将会特别活跃,子宫的功能亦会比怀孕前更好!而洗头会影响产后恶露的排除,头皮一受凉,子宫的污血会凝结成血块不易排出。 然而产妇的新陈代谢特别旺盛,所以必须用正确的方法来清洁头皮:将药用酒精隔水温热,再以脱脂棉花沾湿,将头发分开,左右擦拭头皮,稍用手按摩一下头部后,再以梳子将脏物刷落,如此将会感到较清爽,此法可于饭前天天擦拭,或用软梳梳理头发,好让头部气血畅通,保持脑部清新。 4.两周内尽量不要洗澡 为了避免受凉,产后两周尽量不要洗澡,但应该用正确的方法擦澡。可以将茶水(即将茶叶滤掉的茶水)放入适量的盐与药用酒精混合后,来清洗阴部及肛门,有收敛的作用。第三周起可淋浴,满月后方可泡澡。 5.不可吹风,不论是热风或冷风 产后全身的毛细孔,包括头皮的毛细孔都是张开的,此时一吹到风,不论是热风或冷风,毛细孔就会立刻收缩,很容易造成筋骨酸痛、头痛、头风,甚至感冒。 6.室温维持在25-28摄氏度 产妇要有舒适的环境,夏天太过炎热需开空调,让室温维持在25-28摄氏度之间,但却要注意不可以吹到风,而且产妇要穿长裤、长袖衣,并且穿袜子。 7.不可抱小孩 产后全身的机能均在迅速的恢复中,所以不可提重物、不可抱小孩,否则极易产生内脏下垂的体型。况且,新生的婴儿,骨骼、内脏均尚未发育完全,最好还是尽量让他睡觉,常抱他只会对他造成不良影响。 8.侧躺喂奶 至于喂母奶时,也要侧躺在床上,将婴儿放于身侧让他吸好,产妇可以斜靠,并在婴儿及产妇的背面各放一个大枕头支撑,但要注意不要堵住婴儿的鼻子,以免窒息。9.关于母奶每一个女人于生产完后,一定都会分泌母奶,最好在产后的6个月中都能充分授乳,这是最顺乎自然的育儿原则,不但能保护母亲,而且可减少日后发生乳癌的机会。如果奶水清淡或不足,可从产后第三周起补充花生猪脚;而为了要让产后奶水快速分泌,可于产后第一时间施行“按电铃”(刺激乳头)的功课: 产后休息恢复后(剖腹产等麻药退干净后)即开始每四个小时按一次电铃(刺激乳头),直至奶水冲出来为止。 刺激乳头的方法有三种:让刚出生的婴儿吸、使用吸奶器、请新手爸爸协助以便控制吸力。每次每边乳房不要超过15分钟,但要固定每四小时刺激一次乳头,不要间断,直至奶水冲出来源源不绝为止。10.不可替小孩洗澡前面强调月子期间不可抱小孩,相同的道理当然更不可以弯着腰来替小宝贝洗澡,如果无法做到,那么产后腰酸背痛及手脚酸麻的现象必定会随之而来。 11.不可流泪 女性的老化从眼睛开始,所以产后眼部的保养是非常重要的。产妇如果哭泣的话,眼睛会提早老化,有时会演变为眼睛酸痛、青光眼或白内障的起因。 12.少看电视及书报杂志 产妇应尽量少看电视及书报,如果一定要看,则每十五分钟须让眼睛休息十分钟。最好能多听听轻柔的音乐,一方面让眼睛充分的休息,一方面可调整情绪,消除神经紧张

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Teen Pregnancy

...| Argumentative Analysis | Teenage Pregnancy | | Alisha Hunter | Core 201 | | In 2009, the first season of 16 and pregnant aired (a show to prevent teen pregnancy) and right after, it leads to a follow up of several spin-off shows of Teen Mom (after life of the girls on 16 and pregnant and where they are with their kids). After the first episodes of 16 and Pregnant and Teen mom many more seasons began to come out; four episodes of 16 and pregnant in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 and then leading to three seasons of Teen Mom (Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom 3). Shortly after the shows aired it was said that girls were getting pregnant on purpose just to be on the new television show. The newly show for pregnant girls isn’t helping girls prevent pregnancy. But more of leading girls on to become pregnant just to be a star get their 15 minutes of fame. Is the show really coming off as educational and realistic or are the shows making the girls make bad decisions. It all started with Maci, Farrah, Amber and Catelynn on the first season of 16 and Pregnant. The show was made to be educational and prevent teen pregnancies, to show young girls and boys about the real struggles of being a teen parent, showing the real struggles of parenting. It went into great and deep detail of the everyday lives of the girls. The show started off as a good educational show but then lead into more drama than just teen pregnancy. Catelynn had more than just issues with dealing with her adoption...

Words: 2165 - Pages: 9

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Teen Pregancy

...Teenage Pregnancy: Acceptance as Pop Culture Our society comprises of many gender niches and roles. Women are sisters, daughters, and most importantly mothers. Motherhood is one of the most cherished roles that a woman can take on. In the past, women were meant to be seen and not heard as their value depended on their ability to bear children and raise them thoughtfully. Even though that has changed and women are expected to gain an education and lead a career, motherhood can still be a main part of their life. However, motherhood does spring upon on some by surprise. Teenage pregnancy in the last few years have been on the rise and has become a problem for some to live up to that expectation of an education and career (Peck). In the past, teenage pregnancy was a taboo. However its discussion has become more widely accepted. Through analyzing the Candie’s Foundation ad in the October 2011 issue of Teen Vogue, it can be seen as an example of the shift in perception of teenage pregnancy in the United States. The Candie’s Foundation is a philanthropic branch from the clothing line Candie’s. The clothes from the Candie’s brand are meant to appeal to teenage girls who dress girly and traditionally feminine. Focusing on the same demographic, the foundation was founded with the goal to raise awareness about teenage pregnancy in 2001, according to their website. The print ads from their current campaign mainly feature female celebrities such as Fergie, Hilary Duff, Ciara, Hayden...

Words: 1457 - Pages: 6

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Pregnant Stroke

...In this reflective essay, I will be describing how the midwifery emergency department had helped me develop clinical skills in therapeutic communication using Driscoll’s reflective cycle. Sally was assigned to a hospital for a thorough checked up as she has become a victim of stroke while being 28 weeks pregnant. Due to the stroke, Sally was only able to communicate through nodding her head and answering yes or no. Sue is a midwife and has been appointed to be Sally’s midwife for the time being. As a professional, Sue must go through a procedure to examine her patient and the infant’s health. When Sue first approached Sally, Sue provided information that was needed for patient and her husband. Sue introduced herself and then described the process that she would attempt to do on Sally. I sense this action Sue has taken was able to relieve patient and her husband as they were informed of what would happen in the next few minutes, therefore they would not be frightened. Sue then continue to proceed to the next phrase and started exploring more fully about her patient’s situation. Sue asked Sally some fundamental questions such as “Do you feel the baby moving?” as Sally was unable to speak. Gradually, Sue tried to extinguish the worrying and devastated atmosphere by using a gentle tone, such as “You’ve seen one of these before Sally, this is a doppler.” From my observation, when Sue was communicating with Sally and David, both verbal and non-verbal techniques were used, for...

Words: 696 - Pages: 3

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Pregnant Drinking very dangerous and lead to pregnant women pushing the one glass a day limit to two or three glasses a day, or even to risk binge drinking. Though there are mixed studies on whether light drinking during pregnancy is harmful or not, there are numerous studies that show alcohol consumption is harmful during pregnancy and can lead to things like miscarriage, premature birth, and even fetal alcohol syndrome. Studies show that even low amounts of alcohol consumption during early pregnancy increased the risk of spontaneous abortion substantially. The results indicate that the fetus is particularly susceptible to alcohol exposure early in pregnancy. The body already has a 10-25% chance that it will suffer a miscarriage, and alcohol only increases that risk. The consumption of alcohol lowers the immune system, it lowers the amount of nutrients in the body, it weakens the body’s ability to care for an unborn child, and these lowered states of health can cause the body to reject the fetus. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy also increases the risk for premature birth. The consumption of alcohol can interfere with a woman’s hormones and induce the body to have an early birth. A premature baby can be very small, have undeveloped organs, and is a much greater risk to infections and other complications. Fetal alcohol syndrome is growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, the alcohol...

Words: 394 - Pages: 2

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Pregnant Women

...The purpose of this paper is to identify the relevant issues regarding whether or not a pregnant woman should be punished for exposing her fetus to risk. The argument about whether a pregnant woman who exposes her unborn child to illegal drugs during pregnancy should be punished and charged with a criminal act is a very difficult issue. The use of illegal drugs that are known to cause harm and are considered illegal for that reason, they are known to cause harm. As a healthcare administrator, I am concerned with the idea that punishing the pregnant mother may send a message to other women that are abusing drugs during their pregnancy that will frighten them into either foregoing the seeking of substance abuse treatment or some other act desperate measures that will lead them to resulting in an illegal type of abortion, which may cause more harm. There are so many known and unknown risks to the fetus during pregnancy, such as, the exposure to psychiatric medications taken by mothers with mental health issues that could also put the fetus at greater risk, as well as the consumption of fertility drugs and other forms of treatment. To assume that punishment should be automatic assumes a “conclusion that all children exposed prenatally to cocaine would be damaged irrevocably and that their mother’s selfish and irresponsible drug-taking behavior is to blame for a national health tragedy” (Paltrow, 1999). Yet even medical experts cannot conclude with certainty that using cocaine or any...

Words: 577 - Pages: 3

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Fifteen Girl Pregnant

...missed a period but didn't think much of it since it was still quite new to me and the have odd times. On the 5 Jan my older sister, Kate, took me to the doctors because of how sick I was. They looked at me and did some tests and then told me the news- I was pregnant. At first I was in shocked. I didn't know what to do. But then Kate hugged me and said it will all be ok. When I got home I was brave enough to tell my parents. They were both watching TV on the lounge. I walked in and just told them straight out. They were so surprised ( I was a straight A student that was in dance groups, choir, musicals, social justice group and tennis) they never thought I would get pregnant. The first thing my mum did was hug me. My dad just kept saying you should have been more careful. After that we just talked about and I was keeping the baby. The next day I asked Cameron over. I sat him down sand told him. He didn't take it well and left. I was so upset but I had Kate and my parents to help me through it. A few days later I was scheduled to go out with my two besties, Hanna and Maddie. When I told them they were surprised and supportive. Then it was school time. When I returned to school to start a new year I was already 4 months pregnant but I wasn't too visible luckily. I got called a lot of names but I had Maddie and Hanna to support me and clear up rumors and things. When I got my first ultrasound I found out I was having twins! I had so many emotions then. I was having twin girls. My...

Words: 551 - Pages: 3

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Smoking While Pregnant

...Smoking while Pregnant COM/215 January 29, 2013 Smoking while Pregnant In United States, smoking is responsible for about 443, 000 death per year. Many women smoke without knowing the negative effect that smoking can have on their unborn babies during the pregnancy and after. These health complications include ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, and increase jeopardy of the baby born in premature and low birth weight. Smoking while pregnant exposes the mother and her unborn baby to several health problems. When a pregnant women smokes her unborn baby smokes too. What this means is that the nicotine, carbon monoxide, and the other chemicals that the mother inhales with every cigarette are passing into her baby’s body. Ectopic pregnancy is an uncommon pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. When this happens there is no way to save the pregnancy. Most of the parents with children know that babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy weight less at birth than those born to nonsmokers. Low birth babies are more vulnerable to many health problems such as breathing difficulties and long- term healthy problems in adulthood. The mother’s oxygenated blood runs in and out of the fetus through veins in the umbilical cord. If this course is obstructed, the fetus will not receive enough oxygen to develop properly. Smoking not only exposes the baby’s fetus to poisons in tobacco smoke, but it also harms placental function.. Naturally this disturbs the fetus...

Words: 461 - Pages: 2

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Pregnant Women in Prison

...PRISON Women in Prison James Graziadei TESST College – Towson Criminal Justice CJ242 11/17/2014 Felicea R. Thomas, M.S. Abstract Discussing who is responsible for a child when the main caregiver is the sole guardian and incarcerated. The generational gap that can cause issues in the development of a child. Who and how money can be an issue and cause problems. Is it okay to have a pregnant woman be put behind bars for the crime she committed? And is it okay for mothers to keep their babies imprisoned with them, while serving time. Women in Prison Approximately 7 in 10 women under correctional sanction have minor children, more than 1,300.000 children (Leonard A. Sipes, 2012). Imprisonment rate are skyrocketing for females in today’s world. There has been nearly a 600% increase in female offenders in the past 30 years. Black females had an imprisonment rate nearly three times that of white females (Leonard A, 2012).With this in thought many women obtain sub-standard care while pregnant in prison. According to a 2006 report by the Department of Justice, only 44% percent of pregnant women received a medical examination upon arrival and, of those women, only 35% received any type of pregnancy care including child care, prenatal exercise instructions, special diets, medications or special testing. Many women are also forced to give birth while wearing shackles, due to them being a flight risk. With women being the primary caretaker of their child/children, according...

Words: 1041 - Pages: 5

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Mom Im Pregnant

...Running Head: Unique Kirk Tia Houston Final Paper Eng. 1010 WCC 11/7/13 Abstract In this paper I will be explaining why and how my mom had a nervous breakdown. Back in 2008, I made a choice that I deeply regret which caused my mom to have a nervous breakdown and it also broken my family apart for a while. It all took place between my Grandma’s and my mom’s house which were next door to each other. It all started at my mom’s house when I came out on the porch to tell her, I approached her with sweaty hands and my breathing became rapid and my voice a little shaky when I blurted out, “Mom I’m pregnant!” but when I got the words out of my mouth, she responded with a surprised smile on her face and in a happy yet concerned voice, “I already knew that you were pregnant, but why did it take so long for you to tell me? You’ve graduated from school and you’re not young anymore.” I sat next to her and we talked a little more about the news, even though it was a lie but I told her, “I’m five months and the father moved out of town before I could tell him.” She sat with no response to what I have told her before she asked, “Do you want to tell the rest of the family the good news?” From that point I pulled out my cellphone from my pocket to make the call to everybody informing them of the good news. But hours later it took a turn for the worst, at my grandma’s house, I was lying on the floor by the TV, on my way to sleep when my grandma’s house phone started to ring. My mom reached...

Words: 922 - Pages: 4

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Smoking While Pregnant

...ENG 1010 13 March 2014 Smoking While Pregnant There are many health problems that are caused by smoking cigarettes. Many women feel that it only affects them, but if they are pregnant or plan to become pregnant it can cause many health problems for the unborn child. If you are planning on getting pregnant or just found out you are pregnant you need to quit smoking immediately. Smoking causes many problems for you, your unborn child, and there are many ways to quit. When you smoke, you are at risk for many health problems. It harms nearly every organ in your body causing your health to deteriorate over time. It increases your risk of a heart disease and stroke by two to four times (Pg. 1 Smoking makes it harder for women to get pregnant and harms the sperm in men, increasing the risk of birth defects. Your blood pressure raises due to the narrowing in your vessels, which can cause blockages, clots, and reduce blood flow to your legs and skin. Smoking can contribute to many complications during pregnancy for you and your baby. The baby is at increased risk of low birth weight, premature birth, miscarriage, or stillbirth. It lowers the available oxygen and raises heart rate to you and the fetus. Also, they can have lung problems and have birth defects, such as Orofacial clefts (cleft lip), after they are born. It can even contribute to sudden infant death syndrome, commonly known as SIDS. Now that you are aware of what smoking can do to you and your baby, you...

Words: 427 - Pages: 2

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Cocaine Pregnant Women

...I Population Defined This paper will cover briefly a multidimensional analysis of pregnant women and cocaine use. This paper will explore how women, particularly pregnant women can be challenged by cocaine use. There will be A review of the literature and policies that impact this population. In history, women have been making strides against oppression and discrimination in health, social welfare, policy and many other areas of life (Eisenberg,1998). For purposes of this paper, inner urban cities will be discussed as it impacts pregnant women. To date, gender and issues of equality remain at the forefront. Advocacy organizations like Planned Parenthood, advocate for reproductive health care for women. Certain cultural practices, prohibit...

Words: 1424 - Pages: 6

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Addicted Pregnant Women

...Thesis Statement: Drug addicted pregnant women are being treated as criminals instead of women who suffers from a disease of addiction. The underlying issues of drug addicted pregnant women have been overlooked by society for many years. Society believes that these women should be thrown in jail and treated as criminals. Despite the fact that drug addiction has now been declared as an official disease by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Numerous studies have been made in regards to the dilemma that surrounds drug addicted pregnant women. The dilemma argues the point; do these women show any concern for their unborn child, or if their intent is to harm the child. Drug addiction by definition is a condition characterized by an overwhelming desire to continue taking a drug to which one has become habituated through repeated consumption because it produces a particular effect, usually an alteration of mental status. Addiction is usually accompanied by a compulsion to obtain the drug, a tendency to increase the dose, a psychological or physical dependence, and detrimental consequences for the individual and society (Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2001). The underlying issues of drug addicted pregnant women have been examined by a number of authors who attempted to expose the truth behind why these women are reluctant to seek prenatal care. According to Carolyn S. Carter (2002), in her article she explored societal responses to prenatal drug abuse, including stigmatic...

Words: 1058 - Pages: 5

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Pregnant Women Issues

...working part-time as the driver of a delivery truck for UPS when she became pregnant in 2006. Ms Young’s midwife, frowning on the requirement in her job description that she haul 70lb boxes, wrote a note to UPS recommending that “she not lift more than 20 pounds." On this basis, Ms Young requested a few months of a lightened load. Other UPS employees were eligible for such an accommodation, she reasoned, so she wasn’t asking for anything out of the ordinary. Workers who were injured on the job, who were disabled under the terms of the Americans With Disabilities Act, or who lost their driving credentials were all eligible (under the collective-bargaining agreement) for “light duty” assignments. But Carolyn Martin, the company’s occupational health manager, rejected Ms Young’s request. Since pregnancy did not fall into any of the three categories of workers eligible for alternate assignments, UPS would not switch her to a less physically onerous job. Ms Martin "empathise[d] with [Ms Young's] situation and would have loved to help her," but sent her packing on an unpaid leave. The case concentrates on whether the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), a law passed in 1978 that fortified employment protections for pregnant women under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, requires companies to accommodate women like Ms Young. The PDA prohibits employers from discriminating “because of” pregnancy and holds that pregnant women must not be treated...

Words: 1033 - Pages: 5

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Smokinh While Pregnant

...Smoking while Pregnant COMM/215 August 28, 2010 Dr. John Smoking while Pregnant In United States, smoking is responsible for about 443, 000 death per year. Smoking although disclosures pregnant mother and her baby to a serious health complications. The more the mother smokes, the higher the risk of the baby developing these and other problems associated with smoking cigarettes. Smoking while pregnant exposes the mother and her unborn baby to several health problems. When a pregnant women smokes her unborn baby smokes too. What this means is that the nicotine, carbon monoxide, and the other chemicals that the mother inhales with every cigarette are passing into her baby’s body. Ectopic pregnancy is an uncommon pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. When this happens there is no way to save the pregnancy. According to American Lung Association, “women who smoke during pregnancy are estimated to count for 20%-30% of low birth weight babies, Up to 14% of prematurely deliveries and about10% of all infant death” (Biradar, Bhagavati, & Swamy, 2006, p. 1).Those babies born with low-birth weight are more vulnerable to many more newborn problems than normal-weight babies. Low birth babies are more vulnerable to many health problems such as breathing difficulties and long- term healthy problems in adulthood. The mother’s oxygenated blood runs in and out of the fetus through veins in the umbilical cord. If this course is obstructed, the fetus will not receive...

Words: 652 - Pages: 3

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Being Pregnant Research Paper

...straight face and said “You’re pregnant” and all I could say was “You’re lying”, at that moment I was praying in my head she was joking but she wasn’t. A million thoughts were going through my head and I had no idea what to tell my mom who was waiting out in the waiting room. As I was walking out in shock I went straight to the car and my mom kept asking me “what did they say sam?” “what was it” and all I could do at the moment was bust out in tears telling her the truth, that her 18 year old daughter was pregnant. A couple minutes after that we arrived home and I still had nothing to say, I was asking myself over and over “why god, why does this have to happen to me?”. I didn’t want to be home, I had thought I was going to do something I would regret, A few moments later my friend Stacey had texted me she was outside and as soon as I saw her all I could do was cry. I was thinking about everything and anything, main thing going through my head was what is my dad going to say, my grandma, my family. I was so negative, I thought my life was going to be over and I was going to go through everything on my own. A day later I had told the father of my baby, and sad thing is we just ended what we had that same weekend, so I had no idea what way this was going to go. Once I told him, he was super supportive which was very surprising to me and it made me feel so much better about the situation. My main meaning to writing this paper is that becoming pregnant has shown me the real side...

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