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Primary Brain Cancer

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The human brain is one of the most vital organs of the body. It is responsible for human senses (vision, smell, hearing, touch, and taste), speech, locomotion, emotions, memory, breathing, and personality. The different parts of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the meninges, and the brain stem. The cells which make up the brain are the nerve cells and the glial cells (Srinivasan, et al., 2011). Any abnormal cell division in any of the brain parts can lead to brain cancer that can be of various types. The actual causes of brain cancers are still unknown; thus, there are many diagnosis and treatments of the disease that in their turn need improvement.
Brain cancer can be defined as the condition when certain brain cells divide uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the brain. They can occur in both men and women of any age. Generally, brain cancers can be of 2 types: primary brain cancers and secondary brain cancers. Primary brain cancers originate and occur in the intracranial tissues of the brain. They generally do not spread to the other parts of the brain and remain confined to the region of origin. On the other hand, secondary brain cancer can cover the other parts of the brain from the region …show more content…
But researchers have found out the various risk factors associated with the disease. Exposure to ionizing radiation can increase the risk of acquiring brain cancer. Other factors which can contribute to brain cancer are non-ionizing radiations, inherited susceptibility, immune function, metals, and neuro-carcinogens (Bondy, et al., 2008). The common symptoms of brain cancer can be headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hearing problems, vision problems, speech problems, balancing and walking problems, memory disorders, muscle twitching, numbness of arms and legs, and sluggish responses. The disease can be diagnosed with the help of neurological examination, CT-scan, MRI-scan, angiogram, spinal tap, and

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