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Rebellion In The Chocolate War

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Rebellion in The Chocolate War The Chocolate War, written by Robert Cormier, is about a Catholic High School student, Jerry Renault, who refuses to sell chocolates for the school fundraiser. He rebels against the Vigils, a powerful, secret student group, which leads him to face the violent consequences of going against their authority. His rebellion leads him to getting defeated during a fighting match and he immediately regrets his disobedience. The Chocolate War touched on the themes of abuse of power, bullying, personal choice, betrayal, and rebellion. Of these themes, the most important in the novel, is that you should rebel against something you strongly believe in. This essay will cover how Cormier develops the main theme through thoughts, …show more content…
In the narrative, Jerry’s rebellion causes a fighting match between him and Emile, a tough student who likes to stir up fights with other students. During the match, Emile hits Jerry in the temple, and Jerry faints. Goober then runs towards Jerry with concern and wakes him up. Jerry wakes up and blurts out, “Don’t disturb the universe, Goober, no matter what the posters say” (248). This shows that Jerry regrets “disturbing the universe” after the match. The phrase that Jerry says to Goober, stuns Goober, because throughout the book all Jerry wanted to do was rebel against Archie. Jerry ends up regretting his rebellion against the Vigils and Trinity School because he thinks that it was not worth getting hurt. Even though, Jerry’s rebellion turns out to hurt him in the end, what matters is that he still fought for his opinion on the chocolate sale. His rebellion is the spark of something new in the school. It helps Goober realize that he should have rebelled against Archie, earlier in the book when he did not want to do his assignment. Jerry’s rebellion also causes Archie’s authority to be challenged. Archie constantly has all the power in the book, but once Jerry rebels, he gains power, while Archie loses his

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