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Reflection On My Journey To Christian University

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Colorado Christian University, I feel, will have a major influence in my academic work and goals because of its Christian foundation. Upon searching schools for ministry, I found Colorado Christian University
(CCU). I became interested in being able to obtain a degree from a college with a spiritual background.
I have been spiritually driven in the past few years with seeking Christ, although I ran into some rough patches, I chose to stay on track. It was a long journey to what I call recovery. It was not until I decided to change where and how I lived that my relationship with Christ was strengthened. I prayed and asked
to remove me from my current situation so I relocated from Iowa to Alabama in pursuit of a life

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...Mean? Liberty University Abstract This research paper will give a brief examination of the history and development of life coaching in general, and then it will look towards the niche coaching specialty of spiritual formation. This writer will endeavor to answer the question, “Spiritual formation: what does it mean?” There will be discussion around this topic as it is examined from several perspectives and worldviews. It will include an brief overview of secular, non-religious, and non-Christian religious worldviews. Judeo-Christian worldviews will be discussed highlighting biblical aspects with regard to spiritual formation and how it may fit with a life coach who is familiar and skilled with this specialty niche. From this vein of information the reader should be well able to extrapolate a clear view of not only what spiritual formation is or can be and how its development is a personal journey. Additionally, the reader should have gained a good understanding of how the journey can be assisted with the help of a like-minded life coach. Introduction Historical Overview of Life Coaching This overview looks at events that began in the 1980’s. Thomas Leonard was a professional financial planner, whose many clients asked for his help with other life issues they were experiencing. After dealing with these client matters for a time, Leonard chose to close his financial planning business and become a full-time life coach. He founded Coach University in 1992. In 1995...

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