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Reflections: "Cathedral"


Submitted By cmmorrison3279
Words 1151
Pages 5
Reading Reflections: “Cathedral”
Crystal Monique Morrison
ENG 125
Professor Brad Waltman
October 22, 2012

Themes in literature are not as easy to identify as one may think. From reading into the work, it is not always the most easy of the work to come across. Many times the author may have a theme in mind that is not what you, as the reader may think. When reading critically to search for what is to be found in literature, you must use personal experience, critical thinking, and symbolism. Themes of literature are abstract and include subtle hints to draw the reader’s imagination to work its hardest at times. In the short story, Cathedrals, written by Raymond Carver, the theme is not as subtle as it may seem but to the shallow minded, it is very hard to identify. Looking at the world and people through a deeper level of seeing, not through physical attributes or stereotypical definitions to relate and understand is the theme that I found from this work. The theme I identified with in this story was not so subtle but it was not a very easy one to distinguish and to put in to words. As I read the story, I began to see how the narrator felt about blind people. In many ways, because he did not truly understand or was familiar with a person that was blind, was ignorant to many things. The narrator’s idea or impression of the blind man was that of the stereotypical picture that society had provisioned. He saw the man as wearing, dark glasses, walking with a cane and a seeing-eye- dog. Upon the contrary that was the case. As the narrator began to spend time with the man, he became not so uncomfortable in his presence. Even though, still ignorant to much about him, he was learning that not all blind people fit the description. He came to find out that the blind man was very intelligent, very outgoing, creative, and independent.

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