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Research Paper on Willingness to Marry


Submitted By lilzo611
Words 1076
Pages 5
Abstract In this paper, we will show public receptions and the acceptance of different marriage preferences between males and females. To start this experiment, major characteristics were explored in order to formulate various test questions. Based on 24 questionnaires with college students, all which were of different backgrounds and economic statuses. The correlation between the willingness of both genders to marry a person with certain characteristic was being measured. It was believed that males would be more willing to marry one with the studied characteristics. After the results were compiled, it was concluded that males were more willing to marry a person with more characteristic than females. This study suggests that females have more or higher standards in a partner than a male does. Will you marry me? This is a question that arises in many conversations between most couples. Few things remain consistent or predictable from one generation to the next. It has been said that the only thing constant is change, and the speed with which social trends and values change in American society seems testament to this. The cycle of life itself is the common line that ties each generation of life to the next. In American life at least, the cycle of life manifests through the tradition of marriage. Seeking, pursuing, and securing a desired mate is the most natural expression of life possible. However, marriage trends and ideals are not themselves stationary. Over the past few decades, the trend in marriage has changed significantly. In today’s society there is more diversity between married couples, which range from race, and religion to education, and earning potential. The reasons for these changes are because of the views of society today compared to the views about two generations ago. In some states it was illegal to be in an interracial relationship.

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