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reve mobile 2013 Brendan O’Kane is CEO ofOtherLevels avenemenyt mobile cookie : 1er chose le matin Etude localization mobile <3 emmener les passant danzs les rayons Faire telephone depuis pub mobile Big Data (p80) Présentation m commerce Jean-Baptiste Descroix-Vernier, Président du Groupe Rentabiliweb.

Mémoire behavioral retargeting

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Patanjali Analysis

...From local stores to Amazon,  Patanjali Products are everywhere. The product quality is best in breed, the prices competitive and the distribution chain is probably the first that is rivalling even the Cola majors. It is attracting consumers to your product, not by bombarding them with incessant ads (looking at you retargeting ad players) but by educating them on the general sphere where you operate. What many people forget is that the keyword here is ‘general sphere’! You cannot keep harping about your product and expect the target consumers to not be bored to death. Let me repeat that again – Do not keep shouting about how your product is better than everything else. And here, exactly, is where Baba Ramdev proved to be phenomenal. Instead, he told us about the evils of MNCs, the virtues of products made in India, the corruption of corporates, the exploitation of farmers, the cancerous effects of fertilisers and chemicals and just about everything that surrounded his products. He just showed us the reasons and left us on our own to explore his products. Product: Use genuine & natural ingredients and in sufficient quantities which make them effective in delivering the promise, it claims to deliver. Result – Customers who buy the brand experience the promise. 2. Recipe: It is derived from our heritage. 3. Promise: Goodness of nature with each product having its own unique benefits which are effectively highlighted. 4. Price: 15 – 30% lower than the competition. 5. Promotion:...

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...ITT101 Assessment IV STRATEGIC E-BUSINESS MODEL Lecturer: Sulaiman Alqahtani Authors: ID 32827 Thi Hong Thanh Tran ID 31953 Valeria Spreafico ID 32094 Suyesh Chhetri ID 28698 Van Son Nguyen ID 34290 Ngi Khai Lee TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive summary 3 2. Business description 4 2.1. Mission 4 2.2. Objectives 4 2.3. The Company 4 2.4. Our values and commitments to the community 4 2.5. Keys to success 5 2.6. Company Ownership 5 3. Product 6 3.1. Product Description 6 3.2. Features and benefits of the products services 6 3.3. Technology 6 3.4. Future Product and Services 6 4. Market Analysis Summary 7 4.1. Market Analysis and Segmentation 7 4.2. Industry Analysis 7 4.3. Competition 7 4.4. Customer Buying Behaviours 8 5. Strategy and Implementation Summary 8 5.1. Business Infrastructure 8 5.2. Management responsibilities 8 5.3. Business facilities and Accessibility – Website 9 5.4. Marketing Strategy 10 5.4.1. Distribution Strategy 10 5.4.2. Advertising and Sales Strategy 10 5.5. Budget and First forecasted opening year 11 6. Conclusion 12 7. Reference List 13 8. Appendices 14 8.1. Appendix 1 – Home Page 14 8.2. Appendix 2 – Cart 15 1. Executive summary Jewellery has become one part of our everyday life. A beautiful piece of jewellery always seems to complete the dressing of any special occasion. However, there is no one who likes to wear the same jewellery that...

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