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Review Of 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?'

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As I started reading “Where are you going, where have you been?” I found myself relating to Connie, to my own personal life. She lied to her parents about going to her friend’s house and having her friend’s dad drive them to the mall so that they could walk around and meet boys. I found that this related very closely with my own personal experiences of being fifteen years old; however, as I continued to read the story, I began to realize that Connie’s life was not in any way similar to my own. This story was actually a little disturbing to me. I am not sure why, but it absolutely scared me. I was afraid for Connie, and I was also a bit disappointed when she decided to go with Arnold Friend and his crazy friend in the car. I understand that she did not really want to do it, but the reality that she did was paining. The opening of the story is fixated on displaying to the readers how badly Connie wants to be disconnected from her family. The author did spends a insufficient amount of paragraphs describing how dissimilar Connie is from her immediate family, and I think that was done in part to show Connie's …show more content…
She seemed to be playing with the idea of at least conversing with him. This teasing was not safe, giving Connie a feeling of uneasiness and horror. This is what occurs when a teenager first does something on their own; they get afraid. There is a lot excitement surrounding the idea of being on your own, but fear is most often an accompanying feeling because it is a new experience and there are lots of unknowns in the situation. In Connie's situation, the fear is real and should be taken seriously, while in other situations I would advise to overcome fear. Connie overcomes her fear of Arnold Friend by yelling and releasing emotion. This would have been good strategy if the situation pretenses no real threat, but in her case, it was a bad

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