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Revolutionary War Imperialism Analysis

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The frigid night air seared his lungs as he hastened to deliver the news. The rhythmic beat of his horse's hooves on the dirt path paralleled his heart which beat with all the gusto of the Energizer bunny. He could feel the icy shadow of the hulking vessel in the ebony waters behind him. He had planned for this, nevertheless he couldn’t quell the hurricane of butterflies doing the jive in his stomach. Expunging his doubts, he urged his horse faster with a quick tap of his heel; the regulars weren’t far behind. Paul Revere’s ride and the Revolutionary War had begun. Much like Longhorns and Sooners, Historians don’t share the same perspective which is why they haven’t been able to agree on the exact causes of the Revolutionary War. The first …show more content…
This imperial interpretation analyzed the war from Britain’s perspective and concluded that British attempts to control colonial life were reasonable. By recognizing Britain’s actions as rational, historians provided justification for the imperialistic endeavors of the United States. The imperialist interpretation survived until the twentieth century, when the Great Depression gave rise to economic interpretations. The colonists resented the British; after all, Sam Adams didn’t train his dog to bite lobsterbacks because he wanted to befriend them. It’s possible that economic issues engendered the animosity which precipitated the war. Historians noted that disdain toward the British began once salutary neglect, a period during which Britain allowed the colonies to practice self-rule like a parent raising free-range children, ended. It's logical that the colonists would balk at the implementation of new taxes; however, this interpretation possesses one fatal flaw: the tax …show more content…
However, historians continue to propose new interpretations. The Revolutionary War is a fountainhead of uncertainty because bias haunts its primary sources. Those writing the history of the war exaggerated and created propaganda, decreasing their credibility. It’s also concerning that copies of Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech are available even though nobody recorded a transcript when he delivered it. Although knowledge increases over time, time separates historians from the mindsets of the past, so empathy is their only

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