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Robin Hood Research Paper

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Philip Zimbardo: Disturbing Studies of Good and Evil

Do your really know yourself? If you’re put into a situation where your habits and morals are challenged, can you keep yourself together? That question haunts me in my everyday life. How good are you really? “Good” is a relative term; I like to think of the tale of Robin Hood. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor; we’ve been taught stealing is bad from a young age, but giving to people in need is good. So, in that context, is Robin Hood good? Or bad? In the event of a natural disaster, do you donate? If you’re tight on money, you’re likely not to give to other people. As humans, we put our needs in front of anyone else’s. If you see a man in need of help sitting on the side of the sidewalk, do you give him money? Most people think they would, but you’re put in a situation where you are not used to the stimulus... so do you keep your Robin Hood qualities? Or, do you hang your head and keep walking? Throughout my life I have experienced many …show more content…
When I was six, I got beat up and called “Dirty Jew Boy” because they thought I looked Jewish, even though I wasn’t (Emperor of the Edge). It made school really tough for me because it made me feel inferior for reasons that weren’t even valid. I used to think that they were born that way, insecure kids that teased and discriminated against people because they were different. The fact that I almost didn’t get accepted into Yale University graduate school because many on the psychology faculty thought I was black, broke me (Emperor of the Edge). None of them have ever met me before, they just assumed. Of course I’m Italian so my skin is tanner than others, but to not accept people because of their ethnicity? That’s just wrong. Grossly discriminated against because of my culture and my heritage. The fact that I’ve actually experienced that kind of blatant prejudice still pisses me off to this

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