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Roca Bathrooms


Submitted By Ariba22
Words 1128
Pages 5
Roca is the world leader in the definition of bathroom space and a benchmark reference in the world of design of sanitary ware. Currently they are active in more than 135 different countries and have 76 production plants spread across five continents. Roca directly employs more than 21, 000 people across the globe. Roca’s presence started to spread over the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Russia, Morocco, Argentina, Brazil and China. Roca’s constant technological innovation has just one aim: to give its customers the best possible service. For this reason, its R&D&I departments analyse the needs and tastes of society to adapt the company’s products to new market conditions. This adaptation process is not only carried out on the basis of aesthetic principles and modernity but is also generated with the aim of improving people’s quality of life
Bathroom collections
The Gap
Dama Retro
Dama Senso
Basins & furniture solutions
Victoria Basic
Senso Square 2.0
Senso Square
Faucets collections
Loft Elite
Bath solutions
Waikiki N
Art Plus
Sureste N
Genova N
Shower solutions
Shower trays
 Helios
 Terran
 Glace
 In-Floor
 Neo Daiquiri
 Plain
 Blues XL
 Easy
 Malta
 Italia
 In-Drain
Shower spaces
 Zen
Showers and columns
 Deck
 Essential

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Hakim's Fate of the Cockroach

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