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A New Disorder: Internet Addiction
The Internet has become an essential factor in all aspects of people’s lives. Governments and companies around the world rely on the Internet in most of their work. Employees often use the Internet for their jobs. Most education systems make the Internet a basic standard of their teaching procedure. Students use the Internet to do their assignments or to search for information that could help them. Generally the Internet is a daily basis for most individuals. Therefore, a new phenomenon has emerged recent years. Those who overuse the Internet can be addicted, the same as alcoholics and drug addicts. Commonly, they probably spend 40-80 hours/weakly (Young; par. 7). This addiction can be to pornography, gambling, chatting and social network websites or any other interest that could keep a person online for a long time. Although some scientists believe that Internet addiction disorder is not real because people can be taught and trained how to use the Internet sensibly, psychologists, parents and teachers should consider that it is possible to have an Internet addiction disorder because the Internet leads to health problems, impacts addicts’ personal lives, and causes similar symptoms to other addictions.
Some of the main issues about the Internet are its neurological, psychological and physical effects. Brains cells are the most essential cells in the whole body because they control most of a person’s activities. According to Alice G. Walton, PhD in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience, Internet addicts have noticeable alterations in the connections between the brain cells themselves and in the areas that handle concentration, decision-making and emotions (par. 3).They might have problems with focusing and controlling feelings which could push them to have unstable behavior. Moreover, because using the Internet does not require any physical activity, addicts are more likely to have obesity. Obviously, using the Internet does not demand any physical exercise, and it actually replaces time that would be spent being more active, so that any pastime or occupation that supports too much sitting would very possibly foster obesity. (Berkel et al 2005, Rey-López et al 2007, cited in Matusitz and McCormick 253; par. 9). That shows how overusing the Internet would lead to overweight. Furthermore, people who spend an enormous amount of time online experience physical problems. Sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time will cause addicts to have pain in several parts of their bodies (Roberts; par. 32). Thus, having neurological, psychological and physical issues confirms that it is possible to have an Internet addiction disorder.
Internet addiction disorder becomes most noticeable when it reaches addicts’ personal lives. Students who overuse the Internet might face hardships during their student life. Chou, Condron and Belland claim that, regarding their addiction, “Students may also experience profound academic problems, eventually resulting in poor grades, academic probation, and even expulsion from universities” (369; par. 16). For example, when students neglect their assignments in order to spend more time on the Internet, they may have difficulties in their studies which could result in lower marks or failing the course. In addition, Krautet al. point out that youth and children who spend too much time on the Internet are turning out to be alone and face hardships in personal connections (1998, cited in Ayas and Horzum 284; par. 9). Users might face a problem in socializing with others because they become lonelier due to the excessive time that they spend online, especially young people. Moreover, Internet addiction would be noticed when addicts have trouble with their sleeping patterns. In an interview with Current Events, Alexander, a teenaged student, explains that he was spending 16-17 hours during a day on the Internet, and he usually slept on the keyboard (qtd in Caught in the Web; par. 3). The lack of adequate daily sleep would impact users’ ability to carry out their responsibilities. As a result, addicts’ personal lives would be affected due to too much online time.
As well as health issues and effects on personal lives, Internet addiction has a similar diagnosis to other addictions. Being addicted to a particular thing might make the addict feel pleasant at first, but in the end, it could turn into having similar signs or symptoms to other addictions. Usually individuals who spend too much time on the Internet have similar behavior to other types of addicts. Young explains that it is likely for people who are in trouble from overusing the Internet to suffer in the same way as people who are addicted to betting, intoxicating drinks, and substance abuse (1996, cited. in Shapira et al 209; par. 9). Having the same behavior as other addictions confirms that it is possible to have an Internet addiction disorder. Also, Internet addiction impacts users’ lives negatively similar to other addictions. Murali and Onuba mention that people who overuse the Internet have been observed to have symptoms just like other addicts, such as needing more in order to get the same effect, a strong desire to have it, and discomfort when they stop using it; this would have negative consequences on their lives, and would affect people around them (par. 1). This illustrates that using the Internet excessively may impact users’ lives in the same way as other addictions. Furthermore, the reasons that force people to become different types of addicts are often the same. According to the American Psychiatric Association, many addicts use the Internet for the same reasons that other addicts use other substances: they use to it stay high and to escape or enhance their mood (cited. in Walton; par. 2). As a result, Internet addiction affects its users in the same manner as other addictions.
It has been argued by some scientists that it is not possible to have an Internet addiction disorder because people can learn how to use the Internet sensibly. People who have been taught how to deal with the Internet reasonably could benefit enormously by using it for business or leisure (Stephen; par. 11). However, the idea of teaching people to use the Internet sensibly is not practical because the Internet has already become a basic tool for education, entertainment and communication, which means the Internet reaches every aspect of people’s lives. As a result, the number of users is going to increase rapidly. According to the government of China, 40 million adolescents use the Internet, and 10 % of them are addicted (cited. in Caught in the Web; par 10). The rise in the number of people who are addicted to the Internet shows that it is possible to have an Internet addiction disorder. Additionally, Internet addiction treatment centers are being expanded. Kim mentions that in South Korea, the government has created over 150 treatment centers in order to counsel people with Internet addiction and offer therapy schemes at around 100 hospitals (2008, cited. in King et al., 1191; par. 19). Internet addiction is a serious case and cannot be treated by simple steps. To repeat, the increasing number of addicts and treatment centers illuminate that it is possible to have an Internet addiction disorder.
In conclusion, many people are suffering from being addicted to the Internet which makes Internet addiction disorder an obvious disease. This disorder can have similar diagnoses to other addictions, can affect the personal lives of people who overuse the Internet, and can be a significant reason for several health problems. Using the Internet for long periods of time might lead to obesity and other physical and psychological issues. Furthermore, students’ performance could be at its worst level if they spend too much time online. Having difficulties with personal connections and sleeping disorders are other effects that addicts can experience in their personal lives. Most addictions have symptoms in common which Internet addiction has, too. Therefore, overusing the Internet should be considered a real disorder. Once people accept that it is possible to have an Internet addiction disorder, they can go to the right place for treatment.

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...《T hi nki ng I n J ava》中文版 作者:Br uce Eckel 主页:ht t p: //w w Br uceEckel . com w. 编译:Tr ans Bot 主页:ht t p: //m ber . net eas e. com r ans bot em /~t 致谢 --献给那些直到现在仍在孜孜不倦创造下一代计算机语言的人们! 指导您利用万维网的语言进行面向对象的程序设计 完整的正文、更新内容及程序代码可从 ht t p: //w w br uceeckel . com w. 下载 从 Java 的基本语法到它最高级的特性(网络编程、高级面向对象能力、多线程),《T hi nki ng I n Java》都 能对您有所裨益。Br uce Eckel 优美的行文以及短小、精悍的程序示例有助于您理解含义模糊的概念。 面向初学者和某种程度的专家 教授 Java 语言,而不是与平台有关的理论 覆盖 Java 1. 2 的大多数重要方面:Sw ng和新集合 i 系统讲述 Java 的高级理论:网络编程、多线程处理、虚拟机性能以及同非 Java 代码的连接 320 个有用的 Java 程序,15000 行以上代码 解释面向对象基本理论,从继承到设计方案 来自与众不同的获奖作者 Br uce Eckel 可通过万维网免费索取源码和持续更新的本书电子版 从 w w Br uceEckel . com w. 获得配套 C (含 15 小时以上的合成语音授课) D 读者如是说:“最好的 Java 参考书⋯⋯绝对让人震惊”;“购买 Java 参考书最明智的选择”;“我见过的 最棒的编程指南”。 Br uce Eckel 也是《T hi nki ng i n C ++》的作者,该书曾获 1995 年 Sof t w eD ar evel opm Jol t A ar d最佳书 ent w 籍大奖。作为一名有 20 经验的编程专家,曾教授过世界上许多地区的人进行对象编程。最开始涉及的领域是 C ++,现在也进军 Java。他是 C ++标准协会有表决权的成员之一,曾就面向对象程序设计这一主题写过其他 5 本书,发表过 150 多篇文章,并是多家计算机杂志的专栏作家,其中包括《W Techni ques 》的 Java 专栏。 eb 曾出席过 C ++和 Java 的“软件开发者会议”,并分获“应用物理”与“计算机工程”的学士和硕士学位。 读者的心声 比我看过的 Java 书好多了⋯⋯非常全面,举例都恰到好处,显得颇具“智慧”。和其他许多 Java 书 籍相比,我觉得它更成熟、连贯、更有说服力、更严谨。总之,写得非常好,肯定是一本学习 Java 的好书。(A ol y Vor obey,Techni onUni ver s i t y,Hai f a,以色列)。 nat 是我见过的最好的编程指南,对任何语言都不外如是。(Joaki m z i egl er ,FI X系统管理员) 感谢你写出如此优秀的一本 Java 参考书。(D . G n Pi l l ay,Regi s t r ar ,Ki ng Edw d VI I r avi ar Hos pi t al ,南非) 再次感谢您这本令人震惊的书。我以前真的有点儿不知所从的感觉(因为不是 C程序员),但你的书 浅显易懂,使我能很快掌握 Java——差不多就是阅读的速度吧。能从头掌握基本原理和概念的感觉 真好,再也不用通过不断的试验和出错来建立概念模型了。希望不久能有机会参加您的讲座。...

Words: 180792 - Pages: 724