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Rsst1 Nation, State, and Nation-State.


Submitted By kayodebristol
Words 2490
Pages 10
RSST Task 1

Kayode Bristol
Western Governors University (SST1)

This essay will endeavor to explain the characteristics of the nation-state and transnational entities by first providing modern examples of the following categories: Nation, State, and Nation-state. Initially, the United States with be excluded from examination. However, the United States will be used a model for modern nation-state. Attributes of the United States, such as, fixed territory, sovereignty, and common culture will be explored in order to demonstrate how the United States fits the model of modern Nation-state before briefly describing 2 of the United States’ foreign policy objectives. The European Union, a prime example of a transnational entity, will be explored, starting with a description of the historical events and interests that led to its creation. The structural and functional attributes of the European Union will then be explored before delving into its foreign policy objectives. At this point, the reader should have a thorough understanding of nation-states and transnational entities from both an academic and practical perspective through the use of modern examples. The foundation help to facilitate the exploration and analysis of the interaction of transnational entities and nation-states as it pertains to the foreign policy objectives of each. Finally, we illuminate the consequences of these interactions and its effect on international politics.
A nation can be roughly defined as group of people which share enough in common to consider themselves as part of a common group or community. The characteristics which bind members of a nation can vary greatly; anything from a common language and culture to a common history can form the bonds which bind people in a nation (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2012). The Kurdish people, throughout the Middle East, but mainly residing

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