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Sables Mouvants


Submitted By lamute
Words 1274
Pages 6
J. Prevert. „Sables mouvants“

The image of the quicksand is very symbolic. One has to analyse it first, in order to understand J. Prevert‘s poem. Quicksand consists of granular matter (silt, sand), clay and water. It may appear quite solid if it is undisturbed. However, when there is a change in pressure, the surface loses its strength, sand and water separate, causing buildings to fall over. Someone stepping on quicksand would start to sink. I am inclined to believe that the usage of this image was chosen not at random. The title gives us a clue that the poem is going to be about the duality of love. Like everything else in the world, love has both positive and negative faces. What appears to be solid and stable might collapse, when one comes closer. The poem „ Sables mouvants“ also examines the themes of the transience of time and sexuality.

The repetition of “Demons et merveilles / vents et marees ” expresses the duality of love. One imagines demons as something magical, evil, dark, dangerous, and insidious. Because of our knowledge of mythology and religion, demons remind us of seduction (for example, Eve and the Serpent, The Bible) and sin. On the other hand, merveilles create the impression of something enchanting and delightful. The contrast between demons and merveilles shows us that what appears pure and fascinating, might allure into danger and darkness.

What is more, vents et marees can be regarded as a hint of sensuality and sexuality. It impersonates force, strength and power. Wind and undulating sea might be understood as an expression of irrepressible passion. Vents et marrees are a part of nature, which is uncontrollable like the passions of human beings sometimes are. Neither vents, nor marees are eternal. Wind calms down as unexpectedly as it arises, so does passion. It is shown in the next line: ‘au loin deja’. Repeating the picture of

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