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Sales Career Strength Essay


Submitted By hourylopez
Words 1364
Pages 6
Strengths of a Sales Representative

A career in the field of sales and sales management requires an individual to possess certain qualities that are vital for the attainment of sales and sales management objectives. According to results obtained by Performance Based Results after interviewing 500 sales professionals with immense experience in the field, the five most important strengths that individuals in the field need to have a high degree of persistence, have a selling value, be able to get customers to make a commitment, and taking time to make appropriate plans.
There is a big difference between being persistent and being pushy, and the creative sales specialists are aware of the difference. When a sales agent encounters challenges, for instance when calls are not returned, or there are no replies to emails, they resist the temptation to throw in the towel, but they refrain from making pests of themselves as well. They search for means of reconnecting before the prospect fades away. They go past leaving constant reminders on the voicemail. So as to make a reconnection, they will initiate conversations with the gatekeeper, the assist manager, and their colleagues within the organization. They will call persistently and even meet the person at unusual hours that are not within the business hours, or even on the weekends. Occasioned sales people use different angles when approaching a situation (Stinson, 2007). From personal experience, being persistent will almost always move the sales call forward which is the goal for every sales meeting.
Selling Value
A problem often encountered by salespeople is taking pride in their premium goods or services, only for them to be informed that they are overpriced. This situation should not present a challenge to a salesperson if he has already posed the correct questions regarding all

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