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Save and Sacrifice


Submitted By nikkigae
Words 487
Pages 2
SFL 260
Family Finance: Assignment 2
Save and sacrifice to purchase something you need or want
(Part 1 – Due September 15, 2015)

One of the important habits in successfully fulfilling your family financial stewardship is to save and sacrifice to purchase things that are of worth, without going into debt. In this assignment you will decide something you are going to purchase this semester that you are willing to save and sacrifice for without going into debt. It can be a need or a want. It can be for you or for someone else. The purchase price can be of any amount that you can afford without hardship. You must save same amount each week for at least ten consecutive weeks, until you have the purchase price. And then you must purchase the item by November 30, 2015.

| PossiblePoints | ActualPoints | Section 1Describe the expenditure, who it is for, and why you have chosen to buy it. Indicate whether this is a need or a want. | 4 | | Section 2Describe your plan to save the purchase price in at least 10 equal weekly installments. (e.g., weekly deposits in a separate bank account. cash deposits into a bottle in the bedroom, or into a cookie jar in the kitchen, etc.) Indicate how much you will save each week. | 4 | | Format/Grammar Description is one page, double-spaced, correct spelling, complete sentence structure, easy to read, makes sense. Have a brief introduction and use two subheadings to precede the two sections (one paragraph each). RubricRubric is attached | 1 | | TOTAL | 10 | |

Kate Barney
Dr. Hill
SFL 260 – Section 001
15 September 2015
This is my Save and Sacrifice assignment for my Family Finance class. I’m excited to start saving and I’m even more excited to see the look on my boyfriend’s face when I give him these new shoes!
Section 1
I have

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