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School Safety in America


Submitted By lele11
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1. This paper is to have an introduction, body and conclusion.
2. References and citations are to be in APA format 6th edition when used in the paper.
3. Paper is to be 6 pages in length of text material. Cover pages, abstracts, and references pages are to be completed with this research paper, but do not count towards the 6 page minimum requirement.
4. Proper grammar and spelling are required.
5. All topics must be sent to instructor in Week 1. The instructor will work with you on selection of an appropriate topic for the research.
6. If you have questions, email the instructor directly.
7. Double spacing will be utilized.
8. Use 5 resources and no www sites can be utilized unless properly constructed as outlined in the APA 6th edition manual.
9. No or other type materials will be accepted as a reference. (Please use scholarly journals or materials of this type and books).
10. Do not use any cases or any case related material about famous celebrities.
11. Do not cut and paste materials. This is your research use your own language.
12. Cut and paste if noted in a paper will result in a zero being given. Students will different styles of font being utilized may be deemed as a cut and paste paper and could be graded with a zero. Please pay attention to your work and how it is submitted. Proofread all of your work before submission.
13. The paper must be written in 3rd person. No I, he, or she references to 1st person.
14. Papers will be graded on logic, flow, meaning and relevance to a subject as well as grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
15. No bibliography will be accepted. A life history on a person is not a research component and will not be accepted if a person is given out as a topic. Information must include the person’s contribution to criminal justice and how it has impacted criminal justice.
16. Personal interviews as a resource will not be accepted. All resource work must come from a peer reviewed journal, magazine, or other proper APA accepted sites.
17. 50% of the grading system comes from proper APA format, citations, references, and other guidelines for proper research writing. Not following APA guidelines will result in a poor grade.
18. Papers must be submitted to before or by the due date of June 29, 2014.

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