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Sci245 R6 Sedimentary Rock Worksheet


Submitted By criplord187
Words 942
Pages 4
Associate Level Material

Sedimentary Rock Worksheet

Use the following table to describe and distinguish between the effects of weathering and erosion. Each response must be at least 200 words.

|Effects of Weathering |Effects of Erosion |What are the Differences? |
|Through mechanical and chemical weathering |Erosion is a term that describe the |Weathering involves two processes that |
|of exposed rocks on Earth's surface chunks |transport of regolith from one place to |often work in concert to decompose rocks. |
|of once embedded in bedrock are now exposed|another as oppose to weathering which |Both processes occur in place. No movement |
|to the elements and over time they break |happens in place. Both processes can |is involved in weathering. Chemical |
|down. Feldspar crystals in granite break |happen at the same time where weathering |weathering involves a chemical change in at|
|down to form clay minerals. Other materials|can cause and rock to break down and then |least some of the minerals within a rock. |
|such as quartz break down into sand which |materials from that are then transported |Mechanical weathering involves physically |
|varies in grain sizes. "Seditment with |elsewhere by the wind in an erosion |breaking rocks into fragments without |
|grain sizes between those of sand and clay |process. Fluids that cause the most erosion|changing the chemical make-up of the |
|is called silt." One of the most complex |are water, wind, and ice. According to the|minerals within it. It’s important to keep |
|products of weathering is "soil". Soil |chapter 7.4 reading ice can be the most |in mind that weathering is a surface or |
|usually contains a mixture of minerals with|vicious because ican can flow so

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