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Securing a Network


Submitted By Tcosby
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Securing a Network
Kaplan University

Securing a network for a company is a very important job because without security anything can come in or be taken from the company. With securing a company I would have a firewall in place of course. A firewall is a software and sometimes hardware that screen out hackers, viruses etc. coming in from the internet (Microsoft Office, 2013). After making sure the firewall is up and running at all times I would began hardening the system. When hardening the system I will take out every unnecessary piece of item that I can without interfering with the task that needs to be done by this system. By taking these unnecessary pieces away I will be creating an easier task for myself and the firewall because, it will increase the security. I will then audit the firewall to make sure everything works properly. Once everything is checked on and I have finished making sure it is running smooth I will have an ongoing maintenance. This ongoing maintenance will detect anything suspicious and any intrusions.
A method of encrypting alphabetic: P mxlfop sy lbffdtgkee pexugbpipc. Using Vigenere Cipher I was able to come up with this Cipher. I used an online cipher to help with this Cipher, using the alphabet key A and the passphrase Patsy. I believe this a very secure cipher due to the fact that there can be up to 26 different cipher alphabets. When securing the network that I have chosen I need an antivirus application, firewall, and encryption. The Antivirus is used, just as the name insists, to detect virus before they enter your computer.
There can be many threats to a WAN network, just as any other network. Businesses should take all the necessary precautions to make sure that their network is secure and protected. Physical forms of a WAN can include authentication on servers, auditing, and access controls. Electrical securities such as firewalls, encryption protocols and filtering can be used as well and are often the first line of defense for a network. There are many ways to secure and protect a WAN network and many methods, procedures, and protocols can be used together to provide the most adequate and most effective protection to a network.
Electrical securing of a network is vital to the protection of a WAN network. Many threats to a network emerge from internet usage. WAN network users should use internet policies and web filtering to prevent threats from internet usage. Policies limit the access to certain harmful websites and downloads that could spread viruses or other threats and filters monitor what is received and sent through the network to prevent threats.
Protecting the individual LAN networks within the WAN’s network system is another way that companies can protect their network. One way of protecting a LAN network can be by making the broadcasts sacrosanct. This means network designers and engineers have not permitted any connection between the broadcast LAN and any other network in the facility which makes it harder for threats to interfere during network broadcast.(Gilmer, 2007) Switching to a VPN within a LAN can help by adding encryption protection. Other ways of protection come with authentication and monitoring on severs and monitors within the LAN and overall WAN networks, this can include viral checks and other protection methods.
Physical securities can also be a part of authentication and monitoring. Having a person or system audit the network can keep out threats and prevent new threats by keeping an eye on the network and looking at what is going on within the system.
Although WAN networks have had many advancements and improvements they still have many defects that provide challenges and adequate performances when it networks are employed. One major interference with WAN networks is bandwidth speeds. Slow bandwidth speed can be caused by traffic within the WAN network. Since there is more data being sent and received using WAN networks, companies struggle with designing a network that is compatible with the amount of data transmitted within the network. Slow bandwidth speeds can cause issues with real time quality and transmissions and make the network seem inadequate. If a company invested more into its network management team then it could potentially decrease problems with bandwidth speeds. If WAN network users allotted more resources to their management teams and WAN network management teams came together to focus on the problems of each individual WAN network they would then be able to work together to find a solution that accommodates all if not most bandwidth speed interferences within WAN networks. Monitoring and measurement of service levels is an adequate way of reducing the problem as well. Taking measurements of service levels tells where the most traffic occurs and allows users to pin point where the most problems occur so there for they are able to take the proper measures to decrease the traffic in that area. Simple monitoring is vital to control bandwidth speeds. Monitoring allows WAN users to better understand their network and the specific defects that it has. Routine monitoring can take into account measurements and traffic levels. It gives management a way of looking into the network.
Security is an important aspect of every network. Every network needs to be protected to insure the privacy of its data and to protect it from harmful threats. Securing a network takes a team which includes physical and electrical aspects as well as people and technologies. There are a variety of ways to secure every network and some require more security than others. All in all security is a part of the functioning of a network from start to finish and should be a top priority of any network user.

Works Cited
Gilmer, Brad. (Aug. 1, 2007). WAN Security. Retrieved from Broadcastingengineering:
Microsoft Office. (2013). Safety & Security Center. Retrieved from Microsoft :

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