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Selling Religion Door to Door


Submitted By robinghrt1215
Words 2542
Pages 11
Selling Religion Door to Door
Robin Jones
February 2, 2009
HUM 130 Religions of the World
Axia College of the University of Phoenix

“The PURPOSE OF THE WATCHTOWER is to exalt Jehovah God as Sovereign Lord of the universe. It keeps watch on world events as these fulfill Bible prophecy. It comforts all peoples with the good news that God’s Kingdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellow men and that it will turn the earth into a paradise. It encourages faith in God’s now-reigning King, Jesus Christ, whose shed blood opens the way for mankind to gain eternal life. The Watchtower, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses continuously since 1879, is non-political. It adheres to the Bible as its authority.” [ (The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, 2007) ]

Selling Religion Door to Door
What do we truly know about Jehovah’s Witnesses? We have all avoided the door when we see them on the doorstep, but what do we know about their beliefs? Are their beliefs similar or different from our own? Why are they on the doorstep? What are they selling? These are the questions I have asked myself many times. This is also one of the reasons I chose to learn more about this religion. I have known a few Jehovah’s Witnesses in my life, and they both had drastically different ways of practicing the religion. Not all Jehovah’s Witnesses conform to the strict rules. In my journey to learn more, I found that more and more followers are becoming disassociated with the group; which puts the future of this organized religion in jeopardy.
Charles Taze Russell was a follower and teacher of the Adventist movement of the late 19th century. The Adventists were a group that under the direction of William Miller, believed the second coming of Christ was going to occur in 1843 or 1844. [ (Jehovah's Witness, 2009) ] When this did not happen, the group was divided.

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