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Should School Get Rid Of Homework?

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Ugh! Homework! Everyone feels differently about it. Some people think homework has benefits for Kid’s learning. People like me, think it does more bad than good. Which is why I think that my school should ban homework. First of all , doing homework doesnt give enough time for other activities. It can also cause harm to a child's attitude towards school. Lastly homework can cause health problems like stress and sleeping disorders.
I think my school should get rid of homework because it takes time away from other activities. The article, The case for and against homework, says that too much homework can cause damage to a students family time. I know that when me and my sister have too much homework and studying, sometimes we don’t even see each …show more content…
All lot of times when I get home I feel drained after the long school day. Homework doesn’t allow kids like me to recharge their brains for the next day of school and learning. Without a recharge how do you think we feel when we have to go to school the next day. According to Hours spent on Homework can lead to kids feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated. If students feel unmotivated about their homework they may feel that they don't have to try their best. Which would then lead to bad grades and missing assignments. Another website against homework, states that homework can minimise a child's interest in learning. I agree with this website because after a long day of school you come home and then you have homework. Well with homework, kids feel sick of doing the same thing over again. So if you want kids to have a fresh and ready to learn mind, I suggest you get rid of …show more content…
Have you ever felt stressed because you have so much homework but not enough time to do it. states, “Too much homework can result in lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion, and weight loss.” It goes on to say that a study at stanford university found that 56% of the kids there thought homework to be the primary source of stress. This means that students at that university could be experiencing serious health issues like what the website just said. And teachers do you think that health issues related to stress will help students stay focused in class. To answer that question no it will not help the kids focus and keep grades up at all. Oxford learning also mentioned exhaustion. Like I mentioned before if kids are stressed about their homework they might put it off until later when it takes them late into the night. If these kids are staying up to late working on homework they most likely aren’t going to feel the greatest in the morning. Kids then think they are sick and they will skip school. Teachers, I don't think that you want your students to miss school just because you assigned them too much homework the night before. Let's move on to eating choices. For some kids if they are up to their ankles in homework they might skip dinner for just one night and then skip breakfast. But it's okay its just this

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