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Siple Advices


Submitted By nexogen
Words 2044
Pages 9
Some advices


Внимание! Следующие глаголы НИКОГДА не употребляются в форме Continuous: | like (нравится) | want (хотеть) | know (знать) | prefer (предпочитать) | need (нуждаться) | must (быть должным) | love (любить) | remember (помнить) | understand (понимать) | hate (ненавидеть) | forget (забывать) | believe (верить) | | | depend |
Глагол to feel (чувствовать) отечественные учебники обычно причисляют к группе глаголов, которые вContinuous не употребляются. Однако на самом деле глагол to feel к этой группе не относится. В современном (даже официальном) английском вполне допустимо и рекомендуется говорить именно "I'm feeling awful" (Я ужасно себя чувствую), а не "I feel awful", если речь идет о данном моменте.
Список глаголов, требующих за собой предлог AT

1. rejoice at smth – радоваться чему-то
2. look at smth / smb – смотреть на кого-то / чего-то
3. shoot at smth / smb – стрелять в кого-то/что-то
4. smell at smth - понюхать что-то
5. swear at smb - ругаться на кого-то
6. throw at smb - бросать в кого-то
7. drive at smth - клонить к чему-то
8. connive at smth- закрывать глаза на что- то
9. shout at smb - кричать на кого-то
10. hint at smth - намекать на что-то
11. arrive at smth - приходить к чему-то
12. aim at smth - целиться во что-то
13. knock at smth - стучать во что-то on the other hand – с другой стороны while – в то время, как; тогда, как whereas – тогда, как however – однако nevertheless – несмотря на; однако mind you – противопоставляемая фраза, которая может переводиться как "имей в виду", "заметь", "будь уверен", "можешь быть уверен", и т.п. still / yet – и все же; тем не менее in spite of / despite – несмотря на

Идиомы. Полезные выражения.

1. from zero to hero - из грязи в князи
2. It was quite a job - пришлось поработать
3. it's no go - безнадежное дело
4. It's no good - Ничего хорошего
5. It's not up to the mark - это не на должном уровне
6. let smb down - подводить
7. make a fortune - разбогатеть, сколотить состояние
8. make good выполнить успешно что-либо
9. make headway - добиться прогресса
10. make one's way - пробивать путь
11. make the grade - добиваться успеха
12. make use of - извлечь пользу
13. Next time lucky - в следующий раз повезет
14. get the worst of it - потерпеть неудачу
15. give way to - уступить, поддаться
16. get far - далеко зайти
17. go to waste - идти насмарку
18. go up in smoke - исчезнуть как дым
19. golden opportunity - блестящая возможность
20. good for nothing - ни на что не годный

Apple idioms!

1. Apple of (someone’s) eye— «яблоко глаза» —чья-либо радость, радовать глаз. Например: Lucy is the apple of her grandmother’s eye.

2. Apple pie order — «порядок яблочного пирога» — идеальный порядок
In my sister’s room apple pie order always reigns.

3. Bad apple/rotten apple — «плохое/гнилое яблоко» — нехороший человек. Например: The boy is a bad apple and he is always in some kind of trouble.

4. Compare apples and oranges— «сравнивать яблоки и апельсины» — сравнивать то, что сравнить невозможно. Например: It was like as comparing apples and oranges when we compared our new boss to our old boss.

5. Polish the apple—«полировать яблоко» — льстить кому-то. Например: Nobody likes the girl because she is always polishing the apple with her teacher..
Borrow trouble
Перевод: навлекать неприятности
Пример использования: Do not get involved with politics. That’s borrowing trouble.

Boss someone around
Перевод: командовать
Пример использования: Stop bossing me around. I’m not your employee.

Bottle something up
Перевод: закупорить, держать в себе
Пример использования: The police bottled up the traffic while they searched the cars for the thieves.

Bottom line
Перевод: нижняя черта, крайний срок
Пример использования: I know about all the problems, but what is the bottom line? What will happen?

Bottom out
Перевод: достичь дна
Пример использования: The price of wheat bottomed out last week. Now it’s rising again.

Bottoms up!
Перевод: поднять бокалы, выпить
Пример использования: Here’s to the bride and groom. Bottoms up!

Bow and scrape
Перевод: раболепствовать
Пример использования: The salesclerk came in, bowing and scraping, and asked if he could help us.

Bread-and-butter letter
Перевод: письмо благодарности
Пример использования: When I got back from the sales meeting, I took two days to write bread-and-butter letters to the people I met.

Break (out) in(to) tears
Перевод: расплакаться
Пример использования: I was so sad that I broke out into tears.

Break new ground
Перевод: начинать что-либо, быть пионером в чем-либо
Пример использования: Dr. Anderson was breaking new ground in cancer research. it served him right - это было ему на пользу to take a nap - вздремнуть ups-and-downs - взлеты и падения
\act in cold blood - хладнокровно действовать to take a chance - рисковать
In short/in a word/ in brief - короче говоря to have a rest - отдыхать to take offence - обидеться
On the contrary - наоборот to be really into - быть вовлеченным во что-либо to be terrified - быть запуганным to give smb a lift - подвезти кого-либо
Not a bit! / No such thing - ничего подобного by and large - в общем и целом with the exception of - за исключением to take measures - принимать меры to put an end to - положить конец, преодолеть to play with fire - играть с огнем the root of the trouble - корень зла in charge of - отвечающий за to achieve results - добиться результатов to get on very well - отлично ладить take the view - придерживаться точки зрения
Everything's cool – Все здорово;
I couldn't care less – Мне совершенно безразлично;
I had a complete fit – Меня не на шутку разозлили;
I haven't got a care in the world – Меня ничто не тревожит;
I'm having a really peachy time – Я превосходно провожу время;
I'm on cloud nine – Это просто блаженство;
I'm really buzzing – У меня все просто здорово;
I'm totally over the moon – Я безумно счастлив;
I'm walking on air – Я на седьмом небе от счастья;
I've had the week from hell – У меня была ужасная неделя;
She blew her top – У нее крыша поехала;
She threw a wobbly – Она не в себе;
The fur's been flying – Начались серьезные разногласия;
There's a bad vibe round here – Здесь плохая атмосфера;
We've made it up – Мы все уладили.
1)You've no need to light a night-light
On a light night like tonight,
For a night-light's light's a slight light,
And tonight's a night that's light.
When a night's light's like tonight's light,
I wouldn't really think it's quite right
To light night-lights with their slight lights
On a light night like tonight.

2) If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker,
It's slick to stick a lock upon your stock,
Or some stickler who is slicker
Will stick you of your liquor
If you fail to lock your liquor
With a lock!

3) How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans?
As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans.

4) Three gray geese in the green grass grazing.
Gray were the geese and green was the grass

5) Show me a showered and shampooed sheep and I'll show you a sheep in sharp shape

Деловое письмо на английском. 7 главных правил.
Грамотно написанное деловое письмо производит правильное впечатление на Ваших партнеров и является одной из ступеней лестницы, ведущей к успеху.

1) Обращение.
Стандартные формулы: Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Ms. Jones (важно: к женщинам следует обращаться Ms., если вас не попросили использовать другое обращение: Miss - для незамужних женщин, Mrs. - для замужних).
После обращения необходимо поставить запятую.

2) Упоминание или ссылка на происходивший ранее разговор или рекламу продукта. В этом случае можно использовать выражения: in reference to, referring to, with reference to и т.д.

3) Причина, по которой было написано письмо: I am writing to ... inquire about, apologize for, confirm, comment on и т.д.

4) Вопросы, которые вы хотели бы прояснить: could you inform us about .?, please inform us as soon as possible about., Please let us know ., We would like to have further details about .
Если вы общаетесь с этой компанией в первый раз, то важно дать информацию о вашей фирме: As distributors we have a large network of ., We are distributors (retailers, importers, exporters) of ., Our company specializes in .

5) Ремарка о вложенных документах: I am enclosing., Please find enclosed., Enclosed you will find.

6) Выражение надежды на дальнейшее сотрудничество: I look forward to hearing from you soon, If your prices are competitive, you can expect repeat orders, Your prompt answer would be highly appreciated

7) Окончание письма: Best wishes, best regards (если вам хорошо известен человек, которому вы пишете), Yours faithfully (если вы не знаете имени адресата), Yours sincerely (если вы знаете его имя). После этих фраз нужно поставить запятую и написать свое имя.

Окончание письма - отсортировано от неформального к формальному
Best regards,
See you,
God bless you,
Good luck,
Warm regards,
Kind regards,
With kind regards,
Best wishes,
Thanks and regards,
All the best,
Your truly,
Waiting for a prompt reply,
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours sincerely,
Sincerely yours,
Yours faithfully.
Варианты согласия или несогласия, а также для воздержавшихся:

Maybe — возможно
Yes, sure — да, конечно
You are right — вы правы
It can hardly be so — вряд ли это так
Very well — очень хорошо
Most likely — очень похоже на то
Most unlikely — непохоже на то
Not a bit! / No such thing — ничего подобного
I believe so / suppose so — полагаю, что это так
I doubt it — сомневаюсь
Naturally — естественно
No way — ни в коем случае
Exactly so — именно так
Quite so — вполне верно
I agree with you — согласен с вами
I’m afraid so — боюсь, что так
In a way / to a certain extent — в каком-то смысле
No doubt — несомненно
No go / nothing going — конечно, нет
What’s the idea of — что за чушь
Not for a moment — никогда в жизни
Nowhere near — даже не близко
Топ-5 глаголов, встречающихся в деловом общении.

1. to arrange - устраивать, организовывать, подготавливать договариваться, сговариваться, уславливаться

to arrange a meeting - организовать встречу назначить/договариваться о встрече

We have arranged a meeting with our partners for next week.
Мы назначили встречу нашим партнерам на следующей неделе.

We have arranged to meet at Greenwich Hotel.
Мы договорились встретиться в отеле «Гринвич».

to arrange a trip - организовывать поездку

Our department arranged a trip to Mexico last year.
В прошлом году наш отдел организовал поездку в Мексику.

I'm staying in the office till 8 p.m., because I have to arrange my papers.
Я задержусь в офисе до восьми, потому что я должен привести в порядок бумаги (документы).

Everything has been arranged as our boss had wanted.
Все было устроено так, как того хотел наш шеф.

2. to maintain - поддерживать, сохранять (в состоянии, которое имеется на данный момент, особенно в хорошем)

He wasn't satisfied with the way the company maintained its equipment.
Он не был доволен тем, как компания следит за исправностью оборудования.

If you want a pay rise, you had better maintain a good relationship with your supervisor.
Если хочешь повышения заработной платы, тебе лучше поддерживать хорошие отношения со своим супервайзером.

The company is interested in maintaining its employees health.
Компания заинтересована в поддержании здоровья своих сотрудников.

Our team maintains the quality standards of the products.
Наша команда следит за качеством продукции (поддерживает стандарты качества)

3. to develop - (одно из значений) разрабатывать

Многие из вас, наверное, знают, что "to develop" означает "развивать(ся), совершенствовать(ся)". Однако, есть и другое значение - "разрабатывать, конструировать, создавать".

If you ask me, we shouldn't develop this new product, because it is already doomed to failure.
Если вам интересно мое мнение, я думаю, нам не стоит разрабатывать новый продукт, так как он уже обречен на провал.

R&D (Research and Development) - отдел исследований и разработок

to develop a new drug against pneumonia - разработать новое лекарство от пневмонии

4. to negotiate - вести переговоры, договариваться; обсуждать условия

If they decide to negotiate over the price, I am ready to give them a 5% discount.
Если они решат поторговаться, я готов дать им 5% скидку.

Let's negotiate the contract after coffee break.
Давайте обсудим условия договора после кофе-брейка.

5. to implement - выполнять, осуществлять; приводить в исполнение

And the last step is to implement our wonderful plan.
И последний шаг - это привести наш замечательный план в действие

Due to high costs, this project was never implemented.
В связи с высокими затратами, этот проект так и не запустили.

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Joe Turner's Come and Gone how she was always the voice of reason and gave people advice. She saw the good in people and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. Even though Bertha’s husband Seth did not understand the other men in the boardinghouse, his wife Bertha tried to. Bertha tried to calm her husband down when he was upset. When Seth thought that the other people in the house were crazy and weird and wanted to kick them out, Bertha advised against it. I am definitely like Bertha when it comes to friends and strangers. I always try to give people a chance before I judge them. I am always there for my friends if they need me and give them advice. I especially give great advice to my female friends about men just as Bertha did with Mattie. Bertha says, “And I wouldn't waste my time fretting over Jeremy either. I seen it coming. I seen it when she first come here. She that kind of woman run off with the first man got a dollar to spend on her. Jeremy just young. He don't know what he getting into” (Act 2, Scene 3). Bertha is trying to tell Mattie that Jeremy is young and he does not know what he wants so Mattie should just leave him alone. Bertha ends up being right because when Molly comes to the boardinghouse Jeremy’s interests move to her instead. This shows just how unstable and confused Jeremy is and Bertha tries to warn Mattie but she does not listen. Mattie ends up running after Herald. I am much like Bertha in giving my friends advice and they do not listen to it and it ends up backfiring on...

Words: 307 - Pages: 2

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Following My Own Happiness or Following My Parents

...“Don’t be too close to him, you’re too young, you might get hurt.” These are some pieces of advice I could still remember when I felt a strange feeling of happiness, a feeling wherein it seemed that my heart is jumping up and down. Asking myself, am I in love? But then because of my immaturity, I disregard my parents’ advice. I let myself being close to him and unfortunately, in the end I got dumped and left alone full of pain and all I can do is to cry. I think this is usual to us in our adolescence days. There really comes a time wherein what we want is contradicting to our parents’ wants for us and because of this we feel that we are deprive of our freedom to choose. I can still remember the days when I was courted by someone for almost three years. Everyday my parents always gave me advice on this thing. There came a point that we quarrel because I get irritated because they keep on advising me. But, then I never answered him because it seems I felt it is not yet the right time for me to be committed to someone. I said that let’s just be happy on what we are now, I thought he understands me but then just right after my 18th birthday, he texted me and said that he needed space and he just go away explaining nothing. In that way I ended up hating him. This experience was the most regretful in my 18 years of existence, for not following my parents. I am not the only one who was hurt but also my parents who wants nothing but the best for me. I disappointed them; and even if...

Words: 431 - Pages: 2

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...Career Management and Development for Research Faculty Good Practice Guidelines for Research Faculty As well as the support you should receive from your principal investigator and the University to help you with your career development, you have an integral role in managing your own career. There are many ways you can develop and effectively manage your career while working at the University. What You Should Do To Manage and Develop Your Career: [ ] Think ahead ! You need to start thinking about the next step in your career as soon as possible and at least six months before the end of your contract. You also need to think about how your next step fits in to your overall career plan Decide if you want your next career step to be academia or elsewhere To help you do this: - talk to your supervisor about ways of continuing working in the School/Unit, if that's what you want to do e.g. who the relevant funding bodies are etc. look at the internet sites of funding councils for possible sources of funding - ask your supervisor, your peers or the careers service to help you identify the skills that you are developing as a researcher. Once you know what you can offer you are in a better position to start identifying possible employers - talk to your supervisor about your goals. Involve him / her in helping you to achieve them wherever possible - find out if there is a School/Unit research faculty contact, or another member of staff you can talk to, if you are unhappy about talking to...

Words: 831 - Pages: 4

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...It seems to me that Twain is actually satirizing adult or "learned" behavior, or perhaps conformity in general. Notice how he treats several topics, such as obedience, deference or respect, and lying. He inserts certain words that betray the stated purpose. For example, he writes, "obey your parents, when they are present," because they "think they know better than you," actually implying that parents do not know more. Regarding respect, he writes, "Respect your superiors, if you have any...," as if to say there may be none superior to you. His discussion of lying is very interesting. He warns youth "to be very careful about lying," or else "you are nearly sure to get caught." He then continues the discussion of how we should not lie until we've grown & learned enough to become "perfect" liars, with "confidence, elegance, and precision." He then continues to further support his theme of the adult world that so admires a "lie well told" that it rewards the liar with profit & accolades. Twain advises youth to start "early" to learn "this gracious and beautiful art...If I had begun earlier, I would have learned how." One view might be that he is advising youth to prepare to join & be competent in adult life, in which disobedience, disrespect, and lying might be considered survival skills. However, considering that the true purpose of satire is to try & bring change, it is more likely that Twain is satirizing the "do as I say - not as I do" adult world. I believe his comments are...

Words: 290 - Pages: 2

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What Is the Issue Mark Twain Is Satirizing on "Advice to Youth"?

...It seems to me that Twain is actually satirizing adult or "learned" behavior, or perhaps conformity in general. Notice how he treats several topics, such as obedience, deference or respect, and lying. He inserts certain words that betray the stated purpose. For example, he writes, "obey your parents, when they are present," because they "think they know better than you," actually implying that parents do not know more. Regarding respect, he writes, "Respect your superiors, if you have any...," as if to say there may be none superior to you. His discussion of lying is very interesting. He warns youth "to be very careful about lying," or else "you are nearly sure to get caught." He then continues the discussion of how we should not lie until we've grown & learned enough to become "perfect" liars, with "confidence, elegance, and precision." He then continues to further support his theme of the adult world that so admires a "lie well told" that it rewards the liar with profit & accolades. Twain advises youth to start "early" to learn "this gracious and beautiful art...If I had begun earlier, I would have learned how." One view might be that he is advising youth to prepare to join & be competent in adult life, in which disobedience, disrespect, and lying might be considered survival skills. However, considering that the true purpose of satire is to try & bring change, it is more likely that Twain is satirizing the "do as I say - not as I do" adult world. I believe his comments are...

Words: 290 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...diligently takes care of our family while still running her business. She has shown us that with hard work and determination anything is possible. My mother is patient and when she puts her heart on something, she doesn’t give up until she sees results. My mother runs several successful businesses and is able to juggle between her business and taking care of us. This is something I can only hope to have. My mother and I are close and I normally go to her for advice. She has taught me a lot and has helped me become a better person in life. She is intelligent and knows the solution to almost any problems I seek advice for. I have seen her struggle day to day to ensure we are all ok while still managing to run her demanding businesses. She is a strong woman and doesn’t let any setbacks hold her back. I remember a time when some burglars broke into one of her business and made away with almost everything. That didn’t deter her; she restocked and continued as if nothing had happened. My mother is spiritual and gives us advice on the values of life and how we should treat others My mother is always there for me and always pushes me to go after my dreams. She doesn’t put any pressure on me but walks with me in every step to ensure that I am in the right path towards achieving my goals. My...

Words: 374 - Pages: 2