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Social Order In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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In 1937 Russian-American novelist Ayn Rand wrote the novella “Anthem” and got it published in 1938. The novella takes place in a dystopian society in an unspecified future date, the novella revolves around the ideas or collectivism and objectivism philosophies. In the collective society where the novella takes place there is numerous rules and controls set, the reason they are set is because the council which are the main antagonist of the novella want to have full control over the people by making them work as a unit and keep them from coming up with ideas that can threaten the social order.

To begin with, the main reason the council has all those rules set is so that they can have full control of the people. They want to have control over the people because if they have control over what people can do and say, then no one can revolt against them or question their decisions. The best way for the council to remain in control is by putting more restrictions on the people which gives the council the power and control in society …show more content…
Their main fear is that someone’s idea can take them back to the unmentionable times. The council also doesn’t want any ideas that come from an individual because they believe that anything that comes from an individual person is evil and they don’t want one person to take credit for something because in that society they are supposed to be a unit. They also don’t accept ideas that don’t come from the council of scholars because that would mean whoever came up with that idea is defying the council’s orders since only the scholars can come up with ideas. They also fear that someone has so much motivation toward being an individual and seeking their own personal interest instead of doing the job the council gave

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