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Social Psychology


Submitted By Bubbiepooh
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Social Psychology
As people we often wonder about our mage when we are out in society among other. People often want to be sure that when they are around certain group of people that they are accepted for who they are. Even though people may not notice at times, but others influence the way they feel, thing, and behave. As people we would put actual, implied and imaginary people in a situation and behave differently depending on each different situation. Situationism is the reaction people will give when put in a situation. This paper will outline the different characteristics of social psychology, four key characteristics of social psychology, situationism, and five core social motives of social psychology.
Defining Social Psychology Social psychology is trying to find was to see how people thoughts, feelings, and behavior can be influenced by other human beings (Fiske, 2010). When studying about the social influence on a person, we are doing social psychology. It is the way a person behaves differently depending on who they are surrounded by. For example, people tend to behave differently when they are around their family than their friends. Certain things that a person will do while hanging out with their friend, such as speaking a certain way they will not do that while they are around their family. Many times a person is doing what the other people around them are doing. Social psychology can be looked at as the study of the influence society has on a person. For example, if the people a person hang around with all drink, most likely that person will also engaged in drinking because they people around them drink.
Characteristics of Social Psychology The way a person behaves in society depends on the people that are around them at the moment. Four characteristics of social psychology that people are influenced by are other people presence, the actual people, the imagine people, and implied people that they are in their presence. When other people are around people tend to do things that would not normally do because of that person. For example, a college student is home every day and do not go out on weekends, but as soon as their close best friends comes back into town for vacation they end up and the nearest party together. The actual presence of the best friend made the student get out the house when he or she normally would not go out. When another person is actually there the way a person behaves will change more because of another person actually presence in front of them. Another characteristic of social psychology is the imagine presence of other people.
In a person mind they are thinking of different outcomes of the same situation. This can be at the work place where a person will come on time the influence is the person imagination. Now, when a person is running late many other things are running through their mind such as, is their boss going to be mad when that person enters the door, what will happen if they miss a meeting, or will they get written up for being late on that day. When people imagine the presence of people they will imagine in their mind how others would look at them when they do something. When a person implied the presence of other people they do things without people actually being there. A good example of this would be people the obey traffic signs even though there are no one around, but they do it anyway because that is what those specific signs implies and if not follow a traffic citation could be given to that person.

Situationism When a person is put in a situation depending on what the situation is that person will react differently. Situationism describes how people would react when putting in a certain situation (Fiske, 2010). Many times people learn to adapt to their environment and over time things that were once a hard situation to fix becomes easy because of experience. Situationism is people response to social situations. People need social situations in order to survive and succeed. With every situation there is something slight different from the next. Situationism is needed as part of the evolution of people learning how to do better because of the situation they are put into and learning how to adapt and response to those situations a certain way.
Pressure is put upon certain group of people based on their environment. Because of this some people work harder on proving others wrong about how successful they can become in life and the thing they can accomplish despite their social situations. Different researchers have different opinions on how powerful they feel evolution is to situationism. Some of those reasons are because of lack of knowledge of a person and other social factors that some may not thing about. There are levels to the pressure of evolution such as, a person gene, their relatives, individual in a group, and unrelated members of a social unit. When a situation occurs many time people will worry about the reaction of others in their decision making.
Five Core Social Motives of Social Psychology As people we develop different ways of interacting with other people. People have different motives when doing things. Core social motives are the way a person thinks, feel, and behave when in a situation that involves another person (Fiske, 2010). There are five different core social motives of social psychology. Those motives are controlling, understating, belonging, self-enhancing, and trusting. Those motives are results of different interaction between people. When it comes to controlling people want to have control over the situation they are in. In order to do thing correctly people must have an understanding of their surroundings and what to do when certain situation was to occur. People are always looking for a purpose and wanting to feel like they belong. Belonging refers to people needing strong and stable relationship with others. It is the social bond that people have with others. When a student starts a new school they usually search for new friend so that they can have someone to relate to while in school. This is part of belonging. Self-enhancing is a person doing what they can to maintain their self-esteem and improving their self. When someone feels good about themselves they would be happier and less likely to suffer from low self-esteem issues, which may cause a person to be antisocial because they do not feel acceptance for who they are. Trusting is when people put faith in someone else in hope that their actions do not harm them.
Social psychology is the study of finding why people will think, feel, and behave are influenced by others. People behave differently when they are among certain groups of people. There are different characteristics of social psychology. Those characteristics are people are influenced by other people presence such as, actual, implied, and imaginary. Whether the person is actually their or a person is imagining the person there and the different reactions that may occur. Situationism is the response people give when place in different social situations. The five core social motive of social psychology includes controlling, understanding, trusting, self-enhancing, and belong. Many people want to feel like they belong, have control of their situation, understand their environment, gain self-esteem, and put faith in people hoping it do not hurt them later on.

Fiske, S. T. (2010). Social beings: Core Motives in Social Psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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