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Social Theory 2


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The Theory of Justice
Bubba Irving
September 30, 2013 Sonny Eastern

The Theory of Justice The theory if justice is simply a theory of philosophy and ethics. John Rawls tried to come up with a concept of socially just and fair distribution of goods in society. Rawls argued the principles of working fair and equality for everyone. The social contract tradition was in view, but Rawls took on a different perspective and view. Rawls emphasized the principle of the veil of ignorance, and this specific belief was to blind people about the facts concerning themselves and not able to bring simple principles unto their own understanding. This causes ignorance and ignorance simply is the lack of understanding or knowledge concerning a topic. According to Rawls “ignorance of these details about one will lead to principles that are fair to all” (Rawls p. 11 1971). Rawls also states if an individual does not finish he will end up in his own conceived society, he is likely not going to privilege any one class of people, but rather develop a scheme of justice that treats all fairly (Rawls p. 11. 1971). In this paper some of the principles of justice theories will be put into effect. Explaining in the paper also theory along with the principles of traditional utilitarianism, and the difference between them. Defining justice and the way modern criminal justice agencies define justice will be put in perspective. Finally the difference in the way security define justice will be discussed.
Principles of Justice Theories Justice theories do exist and have been around for quite some time. These theories have a strong background in the areas of human rights and being treated equal. Justice is an action that is pretty much common and is believed to come from God’s law or the law of nature. Justice is a part of a universal rule and when particular rule is not being put in place then some form of injustice or inequality has taken place. Social justice comes into play and the difference it makes as far as fitting into the rules of fair play and justice. This particular theory is the theory of justice versus fairness. Another distinctive type of theory deals with deserving and being rewarded for accomplishments and punished for their transgressions and missing the mark. This theory puts into realization that people are given a fair opportunity to produce more and if the go beyond the normal productivity level the will be a incentive strategically in place for individual accomplishments without any problems. The opportunity to strive for equal opportunity and outcome gives the citizen a chance to achieve the same as others with important contributions and needs. A principle of justice varies for every area of human rights. There will always be concerns over if things and situations are dealt with justly and right. There will always be concerns over if the poor are done unfairly, if blacks are being properly represented in the eyes of the law, basing our economic system on productivity. Whoever works the hardest gets the most money. These are some principles that are theories in justice. Maiese states that “justice is an action in accordance with some requirements of some law” ( Maiese 2003).

Difference between Utilitarianism Utilitarianism simply maximizes happiness and makes sure that sadness is reduced. The concept of treating others the way you are being treating and love only those that love you is one view of utilitarianism. Seeing a big difference in the two concepts really is much of a grave difference. Each individual theory has some of the same distinctive features. The process of treating others fair and equal seems to be the plan for both theories. There is definitely a similarity of both theories and the actually can gleam off one another. Consequences are also considered and the amount of time spent on the consequences is a matter of importance in the utilitarianism theory. The theories are a little different in how the dictatorship and punishment aspect into consideration. One theory is more aggressive with expectations whereas the other simply is laid back not as aggressive with the punishing aspect.
Modern Agencies Definition of Justice Modern agencies do up hold justice and do make sure that justice is being put in society as we know it. Agencies and other entities are clear with setting expectations and boundaries for workers and clients both alike. Our justice system pretty much sets excellent expectations for everyone and these expectations does flow into the public and private spectrums as well. Justice is defined as treating others equally and giving others a fair chance at every opportunity is given to all. Agencies carry this theory over into their codes of conduct and policy and procedures. Companies give individuals an equal right at employment and a fair chance at performing to the best of their knowledge with the chance at achieving ultimate goals. After giving the same opportunity to excel laws and consequences for breaking are put into effect. Like many of the theories a person is usually given a fair chance until proven otherwise.
Security and Justice System differences Security and justice systems are basically the same when enforcing the law and expectations for workers and clients. Security organizations have the same expectations as those in the justice system. Learning lately that many security personnel do have training in or by some type of law enforcement personnel. Often getting into the habit of allowing one organization to be the landmark for the other or to model, these two entities have the same foundation concerning equality and rights.

Conclusion The theory of justice has the tendency to be implementing in our society as the law of ethics. We strongly believe in equal rights and individuals given a fair chance to achieve prosperity and protection from injustice. This theory of justice goes so far back into history that everything we do rights and equality is pretty much emphasized in our society. We all are have the opportunity to work for what we want to achieve this day and time ensuring that rights are put in perspective and not violated.

Maiese, M. (2003). Principles of Justice and Fairness. New York, NY: Heidi Burgess.
Rawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice (Rev Ed.). United States, NY: Belknap.

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