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Social Transition And Planned Parenthood

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Issues that I am under Educated About: One of the issues that I feel like I am not very familiar with is the whole process of transitioning. It logical that it is expensive, but I have never think about the cost and the different procedures a person must go through to become comfortable with their body and how it might be differed for different people According an article to CNN, the total cost from transitioning can range from $100,000 to $140,450. Some insurances cover the hormone treatment and part of the sex changed surgery, but they don’t cover the cost of breast implants or breast removal in the case of trans men, the different surgeries for body and face, or the hair removal. Some of these procedures can cost out of pocket up to $100,000. Therefore, it takes a long time for an average America to save this amount of money, so it becomes a slow process for the majority of transgender individuals. …show more content…
First, social transition involves the social aspect such as coming out as transgender to friends, coworkers, and family and asking people to call you by your preferred name and/or pronouns such as she/her, he/him, they/ them, etc., (Planned Parenthood). On the other hand, Medical transition involves surgeries, hormones therapy, hair removal, etc., (Planned Parenthood). Not everyone goes through transition in the same way. Some people only goes through social transition, some others go through limited medical transition such as using just hormones, or getting hair removal therapy, and others go all the way. Everyone is different have different goals in their transition

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