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2004年2月27日,週五,是一個歡樂的日子,索尼電腦在歐洲是娛樂公司(SCEE)倫敦工作室。前一天晚上,它的遊戲之一 - EyeToy的遊戲 - “技術成果”採取了家裡兩部電影和電視藝術久負盛名的英國學院(BAFTA)頒獎,其中包括備受追捧的雕像菲爾·哈里森,執行副總裁,發展對於SCEE,倡導的理念,導致了三年多的開發和營銷工作,有更多的理由感到自豪。 EyeToy的遊戲已經取得了巨大的商業成功,自2003年7月推出了這一成功促使銷售超過250萬份,在歐洲,索尼2003年11月在北美已經推出的遊戲,銷售50萬冊到今天為止,並在2004年2月日本早期。

雖然這些銷售數字令人印象深刻的任何一場比賽,他們是特別顯著的是獨一無二的產品,這基本上是硬件和軟件的捆綁。硬件是一個攝像機,簡稱為“EyeToy的”,即用戶已插入一個索尼的PlayStation2控制台和放置在他們的電視機的頂部。該軟件,恰當地名為“播放”,包括了一個磁盤上12種的遊戲,用戶插入的PlayStation2的遊戲概念很簡單,但突破性的彙編的;由站在鏡頭前,用戶可以把自己變成遊戲(實際看到顯示在電視機上自己的形象),並與出現在屏幕上移動他們身體的遊戲對象交互 - 無需使用傳統的手持控制器(見圖表1有些印象)。這一概念做了間遊戲開發者和高管飛濺時,首先介紹在一個行業會議,並去了上產生消費者的總線。

然而,哈里森意識到有未來顯著的挑戰。對於一款叫做的Groove,這一直是後續一款叫做玩跳舞遊戲,銷量一直比較令人失望的 - 只有10萬台,已經賣出為止。在EyeToy的團隊現在已經證明,有一個持續的市場EyeToy的軟件和理念是“不只是一種時尚,”哈里森所說的那樣。這個承諾是一場艱苦的戰鬥,部分原因是開發和營銷預算的新遊戲是相當有限的。倫敦工作室曾在正在準備發布於2004年,並在2005年初是工作室在朝著正確的方向後,該管道幾個新的軟件概念?抑或是時候重新考慮其發展和營銷策略?

公司背景 隨著綜合年銷售額超過620億,尼是其中一個最大的娛樂公司在全球和多種音頻,視頻,通信和資訊科技產品的領先製造商。索尼被分裂成幾個部門,包括電子,計算機娛樂,音樂娛樂,影視娛樂和金融服務。索尼電腦娛樂公司(SCEI)是總部設在日本,曾在美國,歐洲,韓國,中國和日本子公司告(見財務信息圖表2)。 SCEI負責公司的PlayStation專營權。

索尼的PlayStation 在PlayStation首次有人在日本1994年12月,隨後在美國和歐洲1995年9月它已經迅速成功啟動。四年後,SCEI也叫Ken Kutaragi,曾率領播放站的發展,是其新任總裁兼首席執行官 - 從而突出了視頻遊戲的專營權劃分的重要性。 2000年,SCEI已經推出了其下一代遊戲機的PlayStation2(PS2),首先在日本2000年3月,然後在美國於當年10月,終於在歐洲2000年11月它反映了創造SCEI的使命通過創新的電腦技術,數字視聽技術的融合“娛樂遊戲之外的一種新形式”。同年,SCEI已經推出了PS一,原的PlayStation的全新設計,更小的版本。兩年後,SCEI推出了為PlayStation2,寬帶遊戲服務通過購買一個網絡適配器,用戶可以在線與其他用戶的網絡遊戲。到2004年,的PlayStation2的累計出貨量已經達到了全球7000萬台和2450萬台跨越SCEE的領土。網絡適配器出貨量的數量已經超過35萬台,在同一個地區。

索尼最近宣布兩大未來的版本:(1)便攜式娛樂平台,便攜式的PlayStation(PSP),預定於發行在2004年第四季度; (2)在PSX,先進的家庭娛樂系統與DVD和硬盤驅動器記錄和PlayStation和PlayStation2的兼容性,還預定於發行於2004年另外,雖然索尼沒有作出正式宣布,業內專家普遍預計繼任者的PlayStation2在2006年發布。

索尼電腦歐洲娛樂(SCEE) SCEI的歐洲子公司,索尼電腦娛樂歐洲(SCEE),負責軟件開發,分銷,市場和銷售的PlayStation專營權在歐洲,中東,非洲,大洋洲,所有地區的102地區的PAL的操作電視格式。英國,法國,西班牙,德國和意大利分別在五個主要地區(總PS2用戶2003年7月底從英國420萬在意大利130萬)。所有中央功能以及技術支持,銷售和營銷以及業務發展的基地在倫敦(見的組織結構圖圖表3)。

除了負責所有內部開發的標題,SCEE工具保健營銷活動標題開發SCEI的其他子公司。 2003年,SCEE佔了近650的PlayStation2標題13%,產生的120多萬元的PlayStation2軟件單元26%。其他子公司和第三方開發者,有350第三方授權為PlayStation2在歐洲的這一年,佔標題的剩餘部分。除了靠賣硬件的PlayStation和國內生產的軟件產品收集的收入,SCEI收到由這些第三方出版商 - 通常是市場價格的20%出售標題費。通常新標題為€40賣給€60 SCEE的領土。

SCEE的內部開發工作室分別位於英國倫敦,利物浦和劍橋。 “我們有三個主要角色,遊戲開發,發行的遊戲,和銷售遊戲機及周邊,”傑米·麥克唐納,發展為倫敦工作室主任說。 “我們有一個理念和動力開發的遊戲,是任何其他第三方遊戲開發商的不同。這是我們簡單的一部分。我們判斷的知識產權,我們發展自己。“

內部開發的遊戲包括更多的傳統遊戲,比如足球比賽“這就是足球”,動作/冒險遊戲“逍遙遊”,但像一款叫做更新也是概念。開發團隊在倫敦工作室通過比賽舉辦。也就是說,大約50開發商合作上的逍遙遊,專注於因圍繞2004年聖誕節的續集,而另50人這個工作就是足球的年度的PlayStation2的遊戲。在一款叫做小組還包括了約50個開發人員和程序員,分成較小的團隊工作在不同的遊戲概念。分別預計群體盈利運營。哈里森澄清SCEE的發展目標: 我們有什麼,我們爭取在開發一個非常簡單的遊戲說明,這是成為第一或者是最好的。成為第一個向市場推出一個新的流派,創造一些特別的東西從組起來,像一款叫做,或在現有類別,像逃走。因為我們也是平台持有者我們提倡格式到新的領域,但我們一定要小心,我們不成為一個慈善機構。我們是一個企業,我們要實現的利潤為我們的股東,所以我們必須使每一個產品,每一個商業案例,站起來就其自己的兩隻腳。

開發遊戲通常是一個過程,可能需要長達三年。 SCEE區分三個主要階段:(1)原型設計,其中一個遊戲是從原來的概念,其中的範圍,理念,並已確定類型的遊戲舞台; (2)試生產的,在那裡得到了解決技術問題和“遊戲的概念”被證實; (3)生產,完整的遊戲建在哪裡。第一階段可以採取兩種八個月之間,第二4和12個月之間,而第三個6至16個月。營銷活動通常的推出開始8個月之前。


2004年在視頻遊戲行業 視頻遊戲是全球性行業一年300億美元,包括硬件和軟件的銷售。在美國,這個行業了到112億在2003年,只是害羞的創紀錄達到117億2002年的軟件和硬件收入。分析家經常被劃分行業分為兩大類:遊戲機與電腦遊戲。前者通常涉及扮演遊戲被掛接到一個電視或手持機能夠顯示圖形的一個小屏幕機頂盒設備上。獅子在2003年佔有率美國收入100億美元,來自錄像遊戲控制台的軟件和硬件銷售;餘下的12億來自電腦軟件行業。

硬體 三家公司主導的五金市場:索尼,微軟和任天堂(見圖表4對主要統計數據的比較)。索尼公司是市場的領導者,其兩代的PlayStation遊戲機。微軟推出的Xbox其2001年11月在北美地區,並在歐洲2002年3月。一般針對一個稍微年輕的人口,任天堂推出了GameCube遊戲機控制台大約在同一時間(同時也賣出了便攜式設備,遊戲男孩前進)。在2003年底,在PlayStation2曾預計約70萬台的出貨量累計,並且每個大約15萬台的Xbox和GameCube。 競爭成為主導平台是激烈。控制台戰爭已經造成幾家公司從硬件市場,雅達利和世嘉兩個顯著的例子退出。控制台的有限的生命週期複雜的爭奪市場的主導地位。事實上,索尼,微軟和任天堂都已經降低價格,努力地說,即使他們的控制台的生命週期已經見頂的競爭(見圖表5)。微軟和索尼的遊戲機每一個已引進約€480,但已回落到€199,2003年5月任天堂的GameCube遊戲機,其中首次亮相為€199一貫被定價低於其主要競爭對手。像索尼,微軟和任天堂預計將拿出他們的遊戲機在2005年或2006年初新的和改進的版本。

軟體 控制台軟件收入已在美國達到了創紀錄的58億(1.86億台),在2003年也強於歐洲和日本(見圖表6軟件的銷售統計為美國)。全行業的軟件銷售預計將相當強勁,2004年也是如此。雖然索尼,微軟和任天堂生產的軟件用於他們自己的平台,第三方開發者負責的大部分份額標題和收入。領先的第三方發行商和整體市場的領導者是美國藝電。其他主要的第三方出版商Activision公司,Take-Two公司互動,和THQ。總之,這些出版商帶來了上百款遊戲市場每年。然而,標題只有一小部分所產生的大部分的收入。例如,在美國,2003年,超過80場比賽產生的銷量超過25萬台,銷量超過50萬台,39台遊戲,銷量超過100萬台39控制台遊戲。


開發EyeToy 為EyeToy的發展過程中採取了四年。博士理查德·馬克斯,總部設在美國的索尼研發集團的工程師,開創了基本技術,這涉及到尋找一種方法來相機連接至PS2和解釋輸入的視頻信號。 2000年11月,哈里森曾邀請標誌證明他的技術在企業內部產品開發會議上,他主持在倫敦。一位與會者的是羅恩Festejo,誰最終成為一款叫做遊戲的製作人。他回憶說: 這次會議是全面的程序員,設計師和藝術家,最難業內人士討好的。你給他們一個遊戲,他們立刻會去“哦,看,你可以看到質感是不完全正確”,或者“看看他們正在做圖形的方式。”。 。但隨後理查德·馬克斯起身那兒,開始向我們展示了這款相機,他已經連接到一台PlayStation2,他向我們展示了在屏幕上簡單的星號的第一件事。然後,我永遠不會忘記這一點,他站在鏡頭前,提出他的手,並在屏幕上,你可以看到他的手移動的星號的出路。我永遠不會忘記在觀眾的喘息。我有我的首席程序員坐在我旁邊,他看著我,他只是在震動。有女性觀眾,秘書,誰沒有真正進入遊戲,甚至他們被震驚了。每個人都倒吸一口冷氣。


EyeToy的遊戲 EyeToy的遊戲是軟件捆綁(實際遊戲)和硬件(玩遊戲所需要的相機),(圖表1如圖)一起銷售在一個盒子。與大多數傳統遊戲,軟件包括了三個不同的“模塊”:(1)12小遊戲(見圖表7A獲取更多信息),(2)遊戲室,和(3)視頻消息。 * 迷你遊戲,從“Wishi Washi,”中玩家需要通過一系列的窗口洗自己的方式,以“保持UPS,”這需要用戶通過保持它在停止脫落屏幕底部的球範圍使用他們的頭在空氣中。 * 目標,以nongamers和年幼的孩子,遊戲室提供了一個選擇的“神奇”的視覺效果,如“泡沫”,用戶可以彈出氣泡源源不絕,而“水下”裡的魚的風景,讓在場用戶的印象,他們都在海平面以下。 * 視頻,郵件選項允許用戶錄製視頻信息到存儲卡(標準配件的的PlayStation2)。他們可以回放,或與其他EyeToy的遊戲玩家交換卡,查看他們的信息。

EyeToy Groove EyeToy的的Groove是基於相同的核心技術作為播放,也需要使用相機。然而,與玩的,的Groove的軟件沒有捆綁了一個攝像頭。通過“打怪物”的EyeToy的玩的迷你遊戲1靈感,EyeToy的的Groove測試玩家的跳舞音樂的Groovy的舞蹈,得分越高能力。在基本的遊戲模式下,用戶看到顯示在屏幕上的圖像,不得不模仿某些舞蹈動作。特別自由泳部分允許他們自由地跳舞,而本場比賽記錄了他們的運動,可以在以後回放短片。本場比賽帶著授權的音樂流行藝術家,如麥當娜和傑克遜五兄弟,以及一些音樂錄影帶。其它特點包括卡路里計數器模式,特殊的視覺效果,以及單和多種播放模式(見圖表7B了解更多詳情)。

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...Sony's fall from the top. As other young competitors such as Samsung learned the mistakes of excessive and unrelated diversification and channeled their resources around one or two dominant businesses, Sony still seems to have stuck up in multiple businesses: consumer electronics, music label, online music store, semiconductors, a motion picture company and financial units to name the dominant few. This diversification not only drains the brand's resources to a great extent but also diverts the brand focus from the core of the brand. Additionally, Sony had years of complacency and lack of focus has opened the market in many sectors to younger, much agile players such as Samsung, LG, Apple, Nokia and others that are attacking Sony on multiple fronts. This combined blow from other brands that have become market leaders in businesses that Sony was once a leader is turning out to be very lethal. What should Sony do to regain its lost brand supremacy? It seems ironic that for a solution Sony may want to look at a brand that prides itself on structuring its brand plan based on Sony's - Samsung Electronics. Sony should first regain its lost focus and the best way to do this is to come out of businesses that do not contribute to the overall brand standing in the market place. Secondly Sony should revamp its departments that have a direct impact on creating strong customer perception for the brand - R&D, design, and...

Words: 355 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...Sony's fall from the top. As other young competitors such as Samsung learned the mistakes of excessive and unrelated diversification and channeled their resources around one or two dominant businesses, Sony still seems to have stuck up in multiple businesses: consumer electronics, music label, online music store, semiconductors, a motion picture company and financial units to name the dominant few. This diversification not only drains the brand's resources to a great extent but also diverts the brand focus from the core of the brand. Additionally, Sony had years of complacency and lack of focus has opened the market in many sectors to younger, much agile players such as Samsung, LG, Apple, Nokia and others that are attacking Sony on multiple fronts. This combined blow from other brands that have become market leaders in businesses that Sony was once a leader is turning out to be very lethal. What should Sony do to regain its lost brand supremacy? It seems ironic that for a solution Sony may want to look at a brand that prides itself on structuring its brand plan based on Sony's - Samsung Electronics. Sony should first regain its lost focus and the best way to do this is to come out of businesses that do not contribute to the overall brand standing in the market place. Secondly Sony should revamp its departments that have a direct impact on creating strong customer perception for the brand - R&D, design, and...

Words: 355 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...contraction of US economy resulted in a sharp drop in exports from Japan. The decline in exports was primarily due to a lower demand for consumer electronic products in US due to the slowing US economy, as well as the strong rise in the value of Yen relative to US dollars or Euros making the exports more expensive or less affordable for foreign countries. As exporters saw their sales and profits declining, they started cutting operating costs and slashing orders from their suppliers thus creating a ripple effect in the Japanese economy affecting both production and employment. These events and deflation caused a sharp contraction in the Japanese economy where consumers were delaying purchases in hopes that prices would continue to fall. Sony as well as other local companies were hesitant to invest more in technology and or R&D due to these uncertain conditions thus making their exports less competitive relative to competiton. 2. In what other ways has the strong yen affected Sony's bottom line ? What would be effect of a weak Yen? Exchange rate fluctuations affect Sony’s operating profitability because many of Sony’s products are sold in countries other than the ones in which they were manufactured. The strong appreciation of Yen created a negative impact on Sony's financial results as exports were invoiced in dollars to customers worldwide and production activities such as manufacturing, administrative functions and R&D was mainly concentrated in Japan which resulted in...

Words: 859 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Sony Sony Corporation - SWOT Analysis Description: The Sony Corporation - SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. Sony Corporation - SWOT Analysis examines the company’s key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy. Sony Corporation (Sony or ‘the group’) is one of the largest consumer electronics manufacturers in the world. Its operations are spread across electronics, games, entertainment, and financial services categories. The group is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan and employs about 167,900 people. The group recorded revenues of JPY7,213,998 million ($77,911.2 million) during the financial year ended March 2010 (FY2010), a decrease of 6.7% compared to 2009. The operating profit of the group was JPY31,772 million ($343.1 million) in FY2010, as compared to the operating loss of JPY227,783 million ($2,460 million) in 2009. The net loss was JPY40,802 million ($440.7 million) in FY2010, as compared to the net loss of JPY98,938 million ($1,068.5 million) in 2009. Scope of the Report - Provides all the crucial information on Sony Corporation required for business and competitor intelligence needs - Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Sony Corporation in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination of leading product revenue streams of Sony Corporation -Data is supplemented...

Words: 763 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay


...Sony began in the wake of World War II. In 1946, Masaru Ibuka started an electronics shop in a department store building in Tokyo. The company had $530 in capital and a total of eight employees.[11] In the following year he was joined by his colleague,[clarification needed] Akio Morita, and they founded a company called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo[12][13] (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation). The company built Japan's first tape recorder, called the Type-G.[12] In 1958 the company changed its name to "Sony". Name[edit] When Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo was looking for a romanized name to use to market themselves, they strongly considered using their initials, TTK. The primary reason they did not is that the railway company Tokyo Kyuko was known as TTK.[12] The company occasionally used the acronym "Totsuko" in Japan, but during his visit to the United States, Morita discovered that Americans had trouble pronouncing that name. Another early name that was tried out for a while was "Tokyo Teletech" until Akio Morita discovered that there was an American company already using Teletech as a brand name.[14] The name "Sony" was chosen for the brand as a mix of two words. One was the Latin word "Sonus", which is the root of sonic and sound, and the other was "Sonny", a common slang term used in 1950s America to call a boy.[5] In the 1950s Japan "sonny boys", was a loan word into Japanese which connoted smart and presentable young men, which Sony founders Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka considered...

Words: 1001 - Pages: 5

Premium Essay

Sony : is Sony turning around? The company founded in 1955 by Masaru ibuka and Akio morito in the name of Tokyo telecommunication Engineering. Later in 1990’s the company was in losses this lead to restructuring to slash the cost and reorganize the structure and diversify the various electronics business profiles. In Sony they introduced a “company within a company” system. Thus Sony’s operations were divided into a number of mini companies like playstation, walkman, Sony mobiles, Bravia tv etc…… They have appointed Nobuyuki Idei as the COO and group president of the company in 1995 Record sale of US $45 billion Majority of money coming from play station He restructured 3 networks and 2 business units. The Sony company decentralized and each of the companies has its own Research and development. Ide started value creation management has a way to manage sony’s operation and maximize share holder value. Profit margins of Sony declined. Sony walkman and Trinitron CRT Television lagged behind its competitors. Sony saw a decline in music business It also saw a decline of revenue in hardware sales and saw increase in sales of game software sales. Convergent process within the electronic and entertainment and financial divisions. Internal rivals and Sony’s policy: Conflict between Japanese and US divisions. Lack of clear vision. Pride and silo mentality. Lack of Coordination. Insider system and hierarchical cu Stringer was appointed as the new CEO STRINGER: ...

Words: 427 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...SONY BRAVIA 3D LED TV WITH DTS Executive Summary Sony Bravia 3D LED DTS TV is a hypothetical product. Though the current 3d led tv’s offer a full high definition pictures with 3D technology, to experience a theatre like sound people have to spend extra money to buy a home theatre system. To provide the tv viewers an excellent sound experience along with full high definition picture sony is introducing this all new 3D LED DTS TV. Demand for 3D LED TVs is on an upswing with 15% contribution to total flat panel sales till April 2011 (As per latest GFK reports) and Sony is fuelling this growth by providing the best quality 3D LED TVs in the Indian market. Delivering the entertainment you want, when you want, the 2011 BRAVIA line-up delivers instant access to online entertainment. Providing internet feature right from 22(56 cms) to 65(165 cms) screen size, customer can Watch, Communicate & Search the internet right in the comfort of their home. Not only this, Sony also has some exclusive internet content such as Sony Entertainment Television video clips, Music Search enabling customers to search artist, album and song information while listening to music tracks and upcoming applications such as Friday Moviez. This line-up also marks the re-birth of 3D HD TVs that delivers outstanding performance in terms of better than ever 3D picture quality. Sony has made an investment of Rs.150 crore towards 360 degree multi-media campaign “The Rebirth. LED TV”. This...

Words: 1841 - Pages: 8

Premium Essay

Sony Corporation

...Sony Corporation Introduction In an economy that thrives thoroughly on technology and progression itself, there are many companies that have taken advantage of the opportunities that have been offered to them through science. Due to continuous development in technology, companies are being able to find their path in success through competitive products and service. And one of the Company that would strike on peoples mind in no time while talking about information technological products or be it digital equipments, it would be none other than Sony. Known for the best quality around the world and technological leadership, with its music, pictures, game and online businesses, the company is uniquely positioned to be one of the world’s leading digital entertainment brands, offering an outstanding portfolio of exciting multimedia content. History Established in the wake of Second World War 1946, May 7, as an electronic shop in a bomb damaged electronic department store by Masaru Ibuka. The company had an initial capital of $530 and 8 employees. The following year, he was accompanied by his colleague, Akio Morita and together, they founded a company called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation), and the main objective of the company, was to design and create innovative products which would benefit the people” .The founders were looking for Romanized name, and previously recommended using the initials, TKK as their company’s name...

Words: 1973 - Pages: 8

Premium Essay

Sony Corporation

...The Sony Corporation: A Case Study in Transnational Media Management by Richard A. Gershon, Western Michigan University, U.S.A. and Tsutomu Kanayama, Sophia University, Japan The transnational corporation is a nationally based company with overseas operations in two or more countries. What distinguishes the transnational media corporation (TNMC) from other types of TNCs, is that the principle product being sold is information and entertainment. The following paper is a case study analysis of the Sony Corporation; a leading TNMC in the production and sale of consumer electronics, music and film entertainment and videogame technology. There are two main parts to this study. Part I. examines the history and development of the Sony Corporation. It builds on the theoretical work of Schein, (1984, 1983), Morley, Shockley-Zalabak (1991) and Gershon (2002, 1997) who argue that the business strategies and corporate culture of a company are often a direct reflection of the person (or persons) who were responsible for developing the organization and its business mission. Second Part examines the Sony Corporation from the standpoint of business strategy. Special attention is given to the subject of organizational culture and strategic decision-making. A second argu- ment of this paper is that while Sony is a TNMC, the organization is decidedly Japanese in its business values. This is beginning to change in the face of global competition and the need to improve business performance. This...

Words: 9965 - Pages: 40

Premium Essay

Sony History

...History of Sony The Sony Corporation started in Tokyo, Japan in 1946 by Masuru Ibuka and Akio Morita. From the small capital of 190,000 yens in the early day and only 20 employees. Sony has continuously developed, grown and become one of the leading manufacturers in electronics and entertainment products for consumers and professional markets. Sony is ranked as the 69th world largest corporation by the Fortune 500 with revenue of 78 billion dollars for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010. With the worldwide basement in Japan, the United State, Europe and other area, Sony's business operations vary from Sony Electronics, Sony Picture Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony Ericsson and Sony Financial Holdings. Audio, video, television, information and communications, semiconductors and electronic components are its major products. As a semiconductor maker, it is among the Worldwide Top 20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders. The company's previous slogan is "". Its current slogan is "Make.believe", which is the Sony's commitment to inspire and empower their consumers. For over 60 years, Sony has created a lot of products and technologies that help our lives more convenient, enjoyable and productive without a doubt. With these achievements, Sony has gained a solid reputation for quality, reliability, innovation and stylish design). As the leading worldwide supplier in electronic and entertainment contents, with the vision is to create...

Words: 421 - Pages: 2