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Speech On The Outsiders

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"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." Good Morning boys and staff. I am here on behalf of Penguin publishing to sell you The Outsiders. The outsiders is a 50 year old book, written by S.E Hinton and first published by Viking publishers. Some say it is out dated and some say it is too old for a 14 year old school boy. But this is incorrect. I believe that the outsiders is tremendously relevant to 14 year old boy’s daily lives and so will you. The characters in the novel are very easy to relate to as they experience in some cases the same sort of things that a boy of your age would, such as drinking, drug use, smoking and violence. Ponyboy is the main character in the novel he is haunted by the death of his parents and during the novel he faces some very tough situations and issues. Dally Winston is another character in the novel he is from the tough streets of New York City. Dally is a rough mean greaser who doesn’t mind a rumble or two. Johnny is Ponyboy’s best mate. He has problems with his mother and father. Johnny also experiences some very tough issues and situations with Ponyboy alongside him. “Stay golden Ponyboy stay gold,” When Johnny says this he means that Ponyboy is a …show more content…
It is because of the issues that surface during the novel. These issues involve drug use, drinking, violence and smoking. These issues are very prominent is today’s society and I strongly believe that by selling you this book you will have a better understanding of these issues and what could happen to you if you were placed in a situation like Ponyboy and Johnny were. This novel will teach young adults such as yourself the dos and the don’ts of drinking, doing drugs and

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