Premium Essay

Stakeholder vs Shareholder


Submitted By gmltjdia
Words 3493
Pages 14
1.0 Introduction
Managers often have to endure intense pressure from their employers with regard to the management of the business. Similarly, more pressure often comes from the surrounding people such as the employees, suppliers, competitors or even the surrounding community. Stakeholder and shareholder theories have been discussed intensely with each being viewed and exhibited as having both its merits and demerits. While some argue that the stakeholder theory is crucial in management, others fiercely content the notion. The supporters of shareholder theory argue that a business’ primary objective is to gain profits. Conversely, the proponents of the stakeholder approach contest that there are other things a business ought to be in consideration of besides profits. This never-ending debate often leaves business executives in a dilemma for the appropriate management style. Thus, this paper compares and contrasts the merits of the two theories in relation to the company executives’ responsibilities.
2.0 Theories at work
2.1 Decision-making in the stakeholders and shareholders theories.
A stakeholder approach to management will help a business executive make the right decision quickly. One thing the stakeholder theory advocates is the inclusion of crucial stakeholders such as employees in a decision-making process. By utilizing this method, a business executive is likely to end up making the right decision because varied opinions are allowed. Employees and suppliers are vital stakeholders in any business, and their input is essential to the enterprise (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen, and Andersen, 2015). In fact, ignoring these groups could be a detriment to not only the executive, but also the business as a whole. Typically, the stakeholder’s theory does not necessarily demand that their opinions be implemented to the letter; only that their opinion is important.

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