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Strategic Decisions


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Pages 8
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Words: 341 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Evaluate the Appropriateness of Business Information Used to Make Strategic Decisions

...Evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions In this task I will be evaluating the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions. The organisation I will be relating to when giving examples is Apple. When a business produces a strategy they are producing a large scale plan with plans to achieve one or more goals set by the business by using strategic decisions. The factors that affect the plan in both negative and positive ways are uncertain. When making a strategic plan a business will have to take into account all factors and plan for them. Strategy is crucial for a business as not only does it give them a sense of direction and a set of goals to achieve, but also resources are usually limited so using a strategy will help to guide the business and make the best use of the resources that they have. Strategy allows a business to see where they are going with the business; it gives them an indication of how well or bad they are doing as well as if they’re meeting their targets they set out for themselves. If a business is doing better than they expected from their plan, then the business could modify the plan again so that the targets are realistic for them which will mean that they could aim for something higher. Strategy will have a very strong financial implication on a business because money is commonly what permits a business to grow and expand. Additionally, most businesses have plans from the minute they...

Words: 446 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Strategic Decision Making

...Table of Contents Part B 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Introduction .........................................................................................3 Leader-Member Exchange Theory .....................................................3 The leader-follow dynamic ..................................................................4 Types of Followers .............................................................................5 Goals ..................................................................................................6 Delegation, empowerment and development .....................................6 Ethical decisions and ethical dilemmas ..............................................7 Organizing Groups and Teams...........................................................8 1.8.1 1.8.2 Fundamental Team Configurations .......................................8 Team Structure and Top Performance ..................................9 1.9 Organizational Culture ........................................................................9 1.9.1 1.9.2 Primary Embedding Mechanisms........................................10 Secondary Mechanisms ......................................................11 1.10 Summary ..........................................................................................11 References Word count: 2,445 words (excludes Table of Contents, Footnotes and References) Page 1 Part B 1.1 Introduction Yukl (2010) argues...

Words: 3573 - Pages: 15

Premium Essay

D1: Evaluate the Appropriateness of Business Information Used to Make Strategic Decisions

...When a business forms a strategy they are producing a large scale plan with plans to achieve one or more goals set by the business. The factors that affect the plan, in both negative and positive ways, are uncertain. So when making a strategic plan a business will have to take into account all factors and plan for them. Strategy is imperative for a business as not only does it give them a sense of direction and some goals to achieve, but also resources are usually limited so you have to a strategy will help to guide the business and make the best use of the resources that they have. Strategy give the business direction, it helps them to see whether they are over achieving/under achieving and meeting the goals they have set themselves. If a business is doing well and surpassing the expectations of their plan, then they can alter it accordingly and set themselves new targets, aiming higher. It will also have very strong financial implications, as money is generally what allows a business to do research, grow and expand. Plans will be put in place by most businesses governing what they spend their money on, what they need for expenses and what they can use in order to develop. The Human Resource (HR) sector of a business has various roles and responsibilities within a business. They are largely involved with the recruitment process within a business. This means that they will also be responsible for spotting talent internally and externally from the business. They also have to...

Words: 962 - Pages: 4