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Submitted By wf28
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Imagine getting everything you desire by just thinking about it, going shopping without caring how much you spend. Unfortunately, that is not how the world works. Everyone achieves success by working for it. Success is a relative term that varies for everyone. Some might view success as fame and wealth, while others would say it’s all about happiness and love. However, whether it is being wealthy, famous, or happy nothing comes in packages; they have to be worked for. Education is the first pillar in being successful. It helps a person to think critically and analyse situation from different point of views. The second pillar to success is a successful career; this allows meeting new people and network with some of the brightest people. The last pillar of success is to be financially strong. Being financially strong helps a person be independent. In my opinion success is taking the right measures and working hard to achieve a high-level of education, a successful career, and being financially strong.

Education is known as the key to success. The educated the person the more likely it is to be successful. Learning is power that at a different level than others. Education is not always about studying and reading books; it is taking your experience and applying what you have learned to live a more prosperous life. An article from Bloomberg called “Obama Tells Students That Hard Work in School Pays Off for Future Success” quotes Obama saying “Excelling, whether it’s in school or in life, isn’t mainly about being smarter than everybody else, that’s not really the secret to success. It’s about working harder than everybody else.” (Bloomberg, 2010) President Obama’s words emphasize about the success of America lies in its student being smarter than everyone else. Two examples of nations that are growing because of its intellectual students and high education level are China and India. Even though America is stronger and more powerful, China and India’s education system has allowed them to grow at faster rate than America’s. There are many ways one can succeed in education. One of the most important ways to be successful in education is to be organised, keeping everything up to date. Being organized saves a lot of time, especially during a test or assignment. Secondly, the success to education is smart planning. Planning is the art of time management and accommodating for the future. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, some will make great use of it and reach their success point while others will waste it, it all depends on how well you plan and make a use of every second. Some people unlike others get more stressed when it comes to succeeding; a way to overcome this is to take part in physical activities such as soccer, or even do yoga, and eating healthy. Lastly, going back to what President Obama said, excelling in education is not by being smart, it is by working hard. (Bloomberg, 2010) Therefore, it is important to study hard, review notes, and apply what you have studied into your daily routine. If a student is having a hard time understanding a lesson, he or she should not hesitate, instead they should find a tutor, or clarify the problem with the instructor. Education is truly important in my life; I believe a person’s true success lies in his education. To be successful in my education I intent to take everything I learn in the next four years and making the most of it. For example, I plan on using the time management skills that were taught in the Business lecture to plan my every week. Furthermore I plan on working hard to get the marks I need, and making sure I am up to date with all my learning materials, by using the Agenda. Another way I plan on succeeding in education is to join a mentorship program that will associate me with an older student. This is will help me learn from not just my experiences but the experience of another student as well. Applying all of these strategies will help me, grow into a well-educated individual.

Along with prestigious education, it is also important to have a valued career. Career building is probably the second most important step of success in anyone’s life. A respected career uplifts a person’s image in society. While many may believe success is love and happiness, unfortunately love and happiness cannot always pay for our need and want. To survive and fulfill our wants and needs we all need money. Career just does not provide a person with money, it also offers a person to explore the world, think from different perspective, along with the feeling of accomplishment and success. An honourable career is a position that everyone dreams to be successful at. My vision for success is to pursue a career as an accountant. Oprah Winfrey is an astonishing model who has built one of the most successful careers by working hard. Winfrey is not just viewed as one of the richest figures of the world, but also one of the most respected leaders. Winfrey vision on career building is creating a visualization of her success, and getting that visualization across. (Forbes, 2010) Like other successful individuals, Winfrey was not just handed success. Winfrey says “The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work.” (, 2010) This does not just imply for success in career but it can go for anything. Like Winfrey I also believe to be successful; you have to have a vision of what you want to succeed in, and work hard for it. No one can just succeed in one day; it takes planning and knowing exactly what your wants are. Similar to Winfrey I believe you have to have the will and the aspiration for reaching success, and then you can succeed in anything in the world. For example, if I want to be an accountant, I cannot just get up one day and go to KPMG and expect them to hire me. I have to work hard get a high level of education as an accountant and then get the job. There are many measures that you have go through in order to receive a prestigious career. The first approach to success in career is to have a dynamic and positive attitude. A dynamic behaviour allows one to be on top of everything. It is really important to always keep up with one’s surroundings. For instance IT professional needs to stay updated with the new technology or he or she will not be a valued employee. Dynamic behaviour likewise leads one to having a strong network. People like networking with knowledgeable people who are always updated with the latest information. Employers want to employ someone who can impress their clients, not someone who will bore them with unnecessary information. Lastly, and most significantly you should always pursue a career in what you are interested in. In order for me to succeed in my goal of building a strong career, I will attend workshops organized by the Accounting Society. These workshops will allow me to meet the some of the top student and the most high-ranking employers, who will all be a help to building a powerful network. Furthermore, I also intend on volunteering at an accounting firm which will give me an advantage of having hands on experience. Lastly, I plan on visiting the career centre which can help me with basic skills for interview and resume writing. Through all of these hard working strategies I will be able to succeed in building a strong career.

Often people initiate financial success with being rich. However, financial success in my opinion is to plan your assets so you are prepared for the worst. Financial success does not mean inheriting money from your family. It is the mechanism of working hard succeeding in education and career, to building a financial empire. Donald Trump is one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world. He is known to be the most financially successful individuals; he has worked hard, to build this image. When a magazine titled “Equities Magazine” asked Trump’s advice to his reader Trump words were “Be thorough. Don't take undue chances. But realize that there are always opportunities out there. You may have to be more diligent, but they're there. It's important to have a positive mind-set.” (Trump Trumps, 2008) He also talked about his experiences starting real estate in Manhattan when the market was horrible. However, he went through with it and now he is one of the richest and known individual in real estate. This advice can be used for financial success as well, because to financially successful, sometimes one has to take the risk. If Trump had not invested in Manhattan he would not be where he is today. Money does not produce itself on trees you have to have a strategic plan in order to make money. Some of the strategies that I find helpful are discussed in the book “Becoming a Master Student” are tactics such as working while getting an education. This plan is very smart because if you work and saves up while studying, once you graduate you will already have enough money that can go towards investments. Secondly, making a budget; this helps one narrow their transaction and deposits. Lastly, like Trump said to have a positive behaviour and believe in yourself. In order to achieve my financial success, I anticipate on working part time while I am in school and full time during the summer, somewhere close by to my home to save transportation cost. Once I have a good amount of money, my short-term plan is to invest some of my earning into buying 100 gram gold biscuit bars. This will give me a return during inflation. Another way I am going to save money is to put certain percent of earnings into a saving account. As a student going to Ryerson University, and having Eaton Centre right next door, I really have to track where I spend my money. One of the methods I have intended is to take a certain amount of money that I need to University. This way I would not spend it impulsively. Through taking these strong actions, I will be able to be successful financially.

My success is working hard to achieve a high-level of education, a successful career, and being financially strong. President Obama views education as a vital point in the success of America. Education broadens a person’s mind, for example; when a person gets an intellectual education, they learn stuff from different point of views. They learn analytical and critical thinking approaches which makes them successful leaders. Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful when it comes to career; she has used her career to change the world. I view career as being successful, because the successful you are in your career the more power you have to change the world. Lastly it is really important to be financially successful; no one knows what is going to happened in the near future. Being financially successful prepares a person for the future. A combination of education, career and strong finance forms a person’s success.

Barack Obama. (2010). Retrieved Monday October 25 from

Benard, J. (2008). Trump Trumps [Electronic version]. Equities Magazine, 57, 8, 48-51.

Brower, K. A., & Johnston, N. (2010, September 14). Obama Tells Students That Hard Work in School Pays Off for Future Success. In Bloomberg. Retrieved October 27, 2010, from Decision Making Skills and Techniques (2002). In Time Retrieved October 30, 2010, from

Ellis, D. (2006). Becoming a Master Student (Fourth ed. , pp. 95-98). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Goudreau, J. (2010, October 22). How to Lead Like Oprah . In Forbes . Retrieved October 28, 2010, from

"Personal Time Management Guide." Time Management-Guide . N.p., 2002. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. .

Lewis, Jone J. "Women History: Oprah Winfrey's Quotes ." N.p., 2010. Web. 29 Oct. 2010. .

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