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Swot Inbev


Submitted By jadechen92
Words 3344
Pages 14
Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV
SWOT Analysis



SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis overview
AB InBev is one of the world's largest brewers based in Belgium. The company's extensive brand portfolio consisting of globally-recognized flagship brands, several multi-country brands and local brands enhances brand recall and results in increased brand loyalty. However, the slowing growth rate of beer sales, especially in the developed markets will potentially hinder the company's revenue growth in the region. Strengths Weaknesses  Extensive brand portfolio including three global flagship brands enhances brand recall and recognition among global consumers Diversified and balanced exposure across multiple geographies helps in business risk mitigation Product innovation contributes to growing sales Threats  Rising disposable income and cultural shift towards alcoholic beverages make Asia an attractive target market Association with Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) would enhance the company's brand recognition Shifting consumer preferences towards lowalcohol beers Growing demand for craft beer in the US  Slow growth rate of the global beer market and falling demand for beer in the developed markets can adversely impact the company's future revenues Stringent advertising regulations to control irresponsible portrayal of alcoholic drinks Booming trade of counterfeit alcohol  Unfunded employee post-retirement benefits affect the company's liquidity


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SWOT analysis details

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