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Symphony Orchestra Concert Review Essay

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I had a great opportunity to experience a symphony orchestra concert with my music class on October 5th, 2017. On this certain day, we went downtown to listen to a symphony at the Hilbert Circle Theatre. The star of the show, was Joshua Bell with being the violin soloist in this performance. This was an experience for me to understand other types of music with different sound and meaning. My expectations of this experience where that it was a lot more crowded than I thought it was going to be that day. The audience was surrounding the musicians on the stage while they were performing. In this certain building, they had an outstanding set-up on where the audience was going to sit. The seating arrangements went smoothly, with knowing your number to sit at during the performance. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra has two floors of seating when you first arrive in the room. The higher you sat, the tickets were less expensive at any symphony you attend. They also had higher prices for higher seating above the stage. The audience was respectful while considering the music …show more content…
Conductor stands in front of the stage, facing the musicians. The musicians were seated in a “U” shape all facing the conductor to see what the next step was in the music. The different varieties of instruments made in the symphony was sitting with their percussion family. On the side view starting with the 1st violins, harp, percussion, horns, trumpets, basses was place on the first level. Overlapping these percussion families, the second level on the stage was 2nd violins, violas, clarinets, and cellos. The music director of this certain symphony was Krzysztof Urbanski with helping make sure the music went smoothly. Microphones were set up everywhere on the stage, so everyone would be able to hear the music anywhere they were located in the seating area. The conductor would never face the audience, when they did it was only to

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