Premium Essay

Teacher Code of Ethics


Submitted By msmarabell
Words 392
Pages 2
Mission Statement
For a teacher there needs to be a list of rules to help them succeed. For example, be caring, fair, a good citizen, respectful, responsible, and trustworthy makes it easier to teach and get along with your children that you teach and your peers.
Code of Ethics
Being trustworthy means that your honest, loyal and reliable towards all of your students and peers. It’s important in the program I am in because you are being trusted with caring for the children and to teach them new things each day.
Being respectful means that your treating others like you want to be treated, you are being considerate of others feelings, and dealing with anger, insults, and disagreements respectfully. It’s important in the program because your being trusted to treat your children and your peers with respect
Being responsible means that you plan ahead, you try as hard as you can, and you always set a good example. It’s important in the field because your expected to do what you’re supposed to do with the children and your peers.
Being fair means that you play by the rules, you take turns and open minded; listen to others fairly. It’s important in the program because you all ways haft to treat all peers and children fairly.
Being caring means that you be kind, compassionate, and show you care. It’s important in the program because you need to help people and express your gratitude towards your peers and our children.
Being a good citizen means that you stay informed, get involved in the community, and do your share to make your school and community. It is important in the program because it’s easier to teach the kids to obey rules easier.
Having a positive attitude means that no matter what happens at home or school that you need to keep a upbeat and positive attitude. It’s important in the program because when you have a positive attitude towards kids its easier

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