Premium Essay

That Eye, the Sky


Submitted By OakTreee
Words 772
Pages 4
The novel That Eye, The Sky thoroughly explores many different aspects of hope and faith through religious beliefs and symbolism and on how it can impact people’s lives, however faith is what is really trying to be expressed through this novel. Ort’s father, Sam, went into a come as a result of a car accident. Ort looked up to his father as some kind of God like figure and now that he’s gone, Ort has looked to the sky for help. The sky and the light play an important role in understanding and what is happening. The light above Ort’s house that only Ort can see is representing religion. Ort perceives the sky to be the eye of God, creator of all things and the source of light in human beings. This same light is also represented in the sheep seen over his house which further enhances the fact that he is being watched day and night.
Winton is trying to emphasise faith in God in this novel by sending his message using the story of an innocent boy’s life to further support the fact that faith is around us all the time in the simplest forms. The simplest, yet most powerful message is shown in how Ort looks up to the bright sky as if it is God. The light that the sky gives off is also portrayed in the sheep, as if they were some kind of fluffy white cloud, that are above Ort’s house, which develops the idea of the fact that Ort is being watched over by God day and night. This also leads to a religious symbolism as this small light could be equivalent to the Star of Bethlehem shining over the birth of Jesus in stables. The cloud is some kind of protective halo which represents a potential new beginning, rebirth or even a baptizing. This same cloud is what possibly led Henry Warburton to the Flacks. Throughout the book, Ort is seen by others as a simple boy. Ort, in fact sees more things that others can’t, but just doesn’t say much after the others told him that there was no

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